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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I think she just wanted more money.
  2. A question: Kaycee is the Hacker and she removed herself off the block with that power. If Tyler removes Angela with the POV, can Hayleigh put Kaycee back on the block?
  3. I was thinking.... this double perspective could also be a double perspective in terms of Cole and Noah and how the season ends, if it ends with Alison's funeral. It could be their view in some alternate universe as well. Not so much of a stretch considering tonight's episode Alison part 1. The first Alison part leaves Alison's death wide open for not having such clear closure.
  4. There is only one place to lay blame: the writers. They did this. It was their choice. I was thinking that they killed her off because they were angry at Ruth Wilson and by killing Alison they made sure Ruth Wilson could not return to the series, even at the end of the final season. It seems like the show's way of dealing with what may have been anger at her refusal to renew her contract. I am sure this is not how they wanted Alison to end, in spite of Fiona Apple's theme song.
  5. I am here for you DiabLOL. I also feel great sadness. But, this is my pattern: I "mourn" for characters in TV series who die. I did it with Quinn. I did it when The Sopranos ended and I knew Tony was dead. I still think Alison deserved better. Ruth Wilson 's departure could have had Alison go in another direction, maybe move to Milwaukee. The show could have concentrated in the final season on Cole and Luisa, Noah and Jenelle, and Helen and her new life. Alison's death is sad for Cole, horrible for Joanie, and it did not have to go this way. It seems way too sadistic on the part of the writers. Alison had such a hard sad time of it and to end up like she did is heartbreaking.
  6. Oh Alison.... Alison, I know you are really Ruth Wilson and this is just a TV series but your death moved me to tears. I am so sorry you had to go like this. I am so sorry Ruth Wilson did not stay with this show for one more season so Alison could have had a future instead of a different end. Rest in peace, Alison.... with Gabriel by your side.
  7. hidden for possible truth in my speculation:
  8. Hmmmm why does Marin look so much like Vera? I am really running with some wild theory that involves speculation. Does this show have a speculation thread?
  9. Ellen Barkin is very small, short and petite. I think she made an actor's choice to play Smurf that way to enhance Smurf's confidence and power and iron will. The stiff walk translates to: I may be diminutive but I am a force to be reckoned with. Ellen Barkin has a very active presence on twitter and she responds to fans' questions on twitter. if you ask her nicely, she just may answer. Last year. she replied to something I said about the show. She is very nice and very approachable. It was obvious to me that was the reason Lucy wanted Smurf to say it. She was recording it.
  10. I am sort of angry in terms of how the writers dealt with Ruth Wilson's departure from the series. With only one more season to go, they did not have to kill her off. They could have had her just move away and leave Joanie with Cole and Luisa. Why create so much heartbreak? And I have a feeling the sorrow is going to get a lot worse. I have seen many shows where the main character or minor characters die and this just hit me. Maybe it was the way Cole reacted. It just seemed so sad, such a loss. I think the last time I felt like this was when Quinn died in Homeland. But I did not feel this way when Baz died in Animal Kingdom. Maybe it has to do with the actor's skill and ability to really create a character that we believe actually exists in the real world.
  11. They just renewed the show for another season so I find it hard to believe that they would kill off the central character of the show who is who the entire plot revolves around. Why would the writers do that? Did Ruth Wilson not renew her contract? It makes no sense.
  12. The body was visually identified by Noah. Her death was not faked. ETA: again I am thinking that the opening song by Fiona Apple was telling us from the beginning how this all would end.
  13. I am thinking..... maybe just maybe Cole's "point of view" was all in his head and Alison did not die? Eh, wishful thinking on my part. She is dead. Noah's POV at the very end of the episode showed it as fact. RIP Alison
  14. I have zero interest in justice for the actors. I hope the resolution makes me and other viewers feel less sad for all the characters involved. Just when Alison was getting her act together as a counselor..... and Cole was right. She never would have done that to Joanie. I never saw it coming and I gasped. It is all just so sad..... and most sad for Cole. He really loved her. Noah was just not as devastated. I never saw that coming......
  15. This comment is not based on what was in the previews but what was in this episode. it seems the opening song had real significance.
  16. Oh this episode is just shocking. I am going to wait to discuss the content of the episode because I am not even sure how I want to approach having a conversation about itl it just got to me. On a side note because my brain is fried. Why WAS Alison flying to California after she realized Ben was married and after her father asked for her kidney? And after her talk with Helen, she went back to Montauk? I am just so... sad. Even though I know it is just a "movie," it was heartbreaking.
  17. I was thinking that the husband and wife were going up there to do some terrorist act. Maybe the kid grew up in a cult like the compound belonging to the Branch Davidians in Waco. Maybe the kid killed the couple to prevent something very bad from happening. Maybe he was programmed to keep it all very secret. I don't think he killed them because he was being abused, that is too trite and predictable a reason.
  18. Julie is NOT gorgeous or iconic. She is just average looking and she dresses terribly. So Hayleigh is just blowing transparent smoke up Julie's ass. It's ridiculous.
  19. I am so totally lost. What is Sam's plan and what the hell is going on? What is this "Hacker" thing?
  20. Hmmmmm it seems to me that Angela's HOH this week is useless. Bayleigh can overthrow her nominations, right? Was Bayleigh's family house in Missouri?
  21. There is no discussion yet about this new season? I am disappointed because it is terrific. I just said the exact same thing! Where were they taking Julian? And.... did Julian kill them because he knew they had plans to do something evil when they reached their destination?
  22. I am confused. Noah and Anton were on a flight from LA and then they disembarked and tried to get a connecting flight. Then, Cole picked them up in his Jeep. Where was the location where they were picked up? I was lost and cannot understand how Cole was contacted and inserted into all of that. Maybe it was because I could not read the text messages which I now gather was Cole calling Noah (about Alison?) and Noah replying and asking Cole to pick him and Anton up. But if Anton and Noah were on a flight I still am all mixed up just where Cole picked them up but I get that Cole had his Jeep because he drove cross country. The logistics of it all are as mixed up as this post.
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