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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I hated this episode. The slaughter and carnage for the entire episode that went unchecked was unbearable to watch and did not seem congruous with the more delicate and subtle tone of the rest of the series so far. The images (of multiple hangings, guests horizontally lined up to be shot, a man on fire) were very disturbing and I viewed it in an historical context. Westworld needed an advocate for gun control in their parks. Seriously, the "hosts" lost my sympathy for their cause in this episode. It was all just too over the top and total overkill (pardon the pun).
  2. Something makes no sense to me: In season 1, episode 2... Logan and William enter Westworld. On the train ride in, Logan tells William most of the women there are "10s." Then the hostess greets them when they get off the train and William acts like he has never seen her before. She explains to him the concept behind Westworld and why there is no orientation and she asks him to choose a hat. If William was at the introduction to Westworld in that fancy city apartment, as he was in this episode, would he not know most of that and have seen many of the hosts? Why was he so clueless in episode 2 of season 1?
  3. If she stops "working" for the CIA by going rogue, there is no series. The writers have to keep her involved and connected with these scenarios. I think the writers will conveniently have Carrie lose custody so that the series can go forward with her daughter out of the show. This series has really become so melodramatic.
  4. If a male judge behaved (after a female performed) like Katy Perry does after Cade performed, what would the reaction be? Why do we have a double standard here and why is nobody else calling Katy out for her unprofessional behavior? Just imagine if a male judge on any singing competition show swooned and got so flustered and pretend fainted after a female sang how he would be called out. Katy Perry is ridiculous and Cade seemed embarrassed.
  5. Does anybody know the music played at the every end? Was it Beethoven?
  6. It makes no sense if they never told her why they wanted 100 grand. They could have grabbed her and said nothing and put the bug in her handbag. So then at the end, Carrie is all shocked that Simone said nothing to Wellington about the incident? None of this makes any sense. This season is just awful.
  7. I can't with this show. I can't follow these story plot lines. Why does Carrie want that woman to bring $100,000? Did they even give her a reason?
  8. She is heavier than she has ever been. She is at risk for major health problems: diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure etc. I think that she said that it is in her contract that at some point she has to agree to lose the weight. That translates to me that at some point the producers will have her undergo gastric bypass surgery. She certainly is a strong candidate for it. Anyway, she has a lot of confidence, excellent self esteem, and a gorgeous boyfriend who adores her. the article
  9. I am all for trying to help troubled kids. But, when the child you bring into your home is not grateful and behaves in serious ways to impact your own children and family, she has to go. You do not sacrifice the well being of your family's peace, quiet, and serenity and create chaos and think it will all be OK. She cut her own hair, well OK. She took a bat to his expensive car! THAT is not OK. Deja is a disturbed child who needs round the clock supervision, which love apparently will not cure.
  10. It was not just one serious outburst, it was a foreshadowing and she has displayed bizarre behavior before. Why else would Randall and Beth have expressed fear that she would kill them? That thought did not come from fantasyland. It was based on her prior behavior. They have two other daughters to protect and Deja is severely damaged and she is impacting this family in horrific ways. That "single incident" was criminal activity: vandalism to their own property. "Dumping her" might be the best thing for her (so she could get the proper help) and for their own family. I am sure in this show the Deja storyline will have some happy ending with Randall and Beth saving her and Deja going on to college and making something of herself. But, that scenario will be scripted by the writers and I believe in real life it would not turn out that way.
  11. And I think she needs to know that when you destroy the property of the family that has taken you in and been nothing but nice to you, you are taken away and placed elsewhere. Am I being too harsh? There have been instances where good hearted people adopted children who really showed signs of severe disorders... (I recall a child adopted from Russia who was returned to Russia because he was very destructive to the home and displayed severe bizarre behavior that the parents were unable to fix and they were afraid to live in their own home with him). There are limits that a couple has to have and they have to realize that some issues that children have cannot be fixed by a loving and understanding home environment. I think they should cut Deja loose after she took a bat to their car. It's a bad sign. She is a loose cannon and has severe issues. She needs a group home situation where she can receive 24/7 psychological attention. If they keep Deja around, they are putting their own daughters at risk.
  12. I am just not liking this new version a tall... it seems just so done.
  13. It is so easy to determine which of this group will move almost to the end. They get the most air time, while others receive absolutely no on cam time and they are fillers, there just to flesh out the numbers and to be voted out early in the game. Donathan, Stephanie, Domenick, and James seem to get the most attention from the editors. It seems hard to believe that one of the "invisible" players will quietly move to the end because the producers like to show "the journey."
  14. It seems to me like this show should have ended forever a few weeks ago. It is getting really corny. I did not enjoy tonight's episode on any level. It just strayed too far from the main characters. I would prefer to see the main characters at different stages in time instead of this side plot about Daysha (sp?), It is trite and comes across like a Lifetime movie.
  15. Ugh, this show has really taken a path that made last night's episode for me just awful. Homeland is unrecognizable. We are 4 episode sin and what exactly has happened? What a waste of celluloid... or whatever they use now.
  16. This was a great episode but.... how did Carrie know that the "ransom hacker" even lived near her? He could have lived on the other side of the world especially since he was asking to be paid in bitcoins. That was a stretch.
  17. Was this the first season that the senator and Dante appeared?
  18. I have said for years that production has the HGs compete in two dangerous competitions: the dizzy/bowling one and the slip/slide till they fill the huge jug. It is only a matter of time before somebody gets really sick or injured from that. Dizziness can trigger many complications.
  19. This show, this show. Why am I so confused? I can't keep track of who these characters are when they are brought back from so many past seasons. Can somebody please give a quick Cliff notes version referencing who in tonight's episode these key players are and a brief synopsis of their background and from which seasons they last appeared? Thanks.
  20. I only watched the last 4 episodes.... I saw no point to watching it every week and seeing it all drag out week after week. I do not know much about Ben, so I therefore cannot comment about the winner. I do not look forward to next season. The show has really become boring and redundant: same game, different players and a slow crawl to the finish line.
  21. I think it was a wonderful season... so well done. However, I do not think we will see a new season before 2019. The long waits between the seasons are a real downer for me. They should consider airing half of the season when they finish creating it and then finish the season later. If they start filming in the spring, surely some of the episodes could air sooner. I was thinking of Westworld, which I think just started filming season 2. That season will probably air in the fall of 2018... which would make it two years between seasons. It all just seems frustrating.
  22. Randall is another character who as a parent is scripted to say and do all the right things.
  23. Wow, I probably will get a lot of criticism for this post but I am getting tired of the way this show subliminally and overtly has Rebecca being the perfect mom. She says all the right things to Kate and to Randall. It sometimes seems like I am in a parenting class with an actor modeling proper parenting behavior. Rebecca says things about arms being open wide, I am the one who has to do it not you (I am paraphrasing), it goes on and on. Maybe others think Rebecca makes mistakes and is not so perfect, but when she is on her "mom" game for the most part she does not seem real. It is obvious her lines were written by a scriptwriter. And Kate does not even appreciate the mom she has. Who had a mother like Rebecca? I sure didn't.
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