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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I have zero interest in justice for the actors. I hope the resolution makes me and other viewers feel less sad for all the characters involved. Just when Alison was getting her act together as a counselor..... and Cole was right. She never would have done that to Joanie. I never saw it coming and I gasped. It is all just so sad..... and most sad for Cole. He really loved her. Noah was just not as devastated. I never saw that coming......
  2. This comment is not based on what was in the previews but what was in this episode. it seems the opening song had real significance.
  3. Oh this episode is just shocking. I am going to wait to discuss the content of the episode because I am not even sure how I want to approach having a conversation about itl it just got to me. On a side note because my brain is fried. Why WAS Alison flying to California after she realized Ben was married and after her father asked for her kidney? And after her talk with Helen, she went back to Montauk? I am just so... sad. Even though I know it is just a "movie," it was heartbreaking.
  4. I was thinking that the husband and wife were going up there to do some terrorist act. Maybe the kid grew up in a cult like the compound belonging to the Branch Davidians in Waco. Maybe the kid killed the couple to prevent something very bad from happening. Maybe he was programmed to keep it all very secret. I don't think he killed them because he was being abused, that is too trite and predictable a reason.
  5. Julie is NOT gorgeous or iconic. She is just average looking and she dresses terribly. So Hayleigh is just blowing transparent smoke up Julie's ass. It's ridiculous.
  6. I am so totally lost. What is Sam's plan and what the hell is going on? What is this "Hacker" thing?
  7. Hmmmmm it seems to me that Angela's HOH this week is useless. Bayleigh can overthrow her nominations, right? Was Bayleigh's family house in Missouri?
  8. There is no discussion yet about this new season? I am disappointed because it is terrific. I just said the exact same thing! Where were they taking Julian? And.... did Julian kill them because he knew they had plans to do something evil when they reached their destination?
  9. I am confused. Noah and Anton were on a flight from LA and then they disembarked and tried to get a connecting flight. Then, Cole picked them up in his Jeep. Where was the location where they were picked up? I was lost and cannot understand how Cole was contacted and inserted into all of that. Maybe it was because I could not read the text messages which I now gather was Cole calling Noah (about Alison?) and Noah replying and asking Cole to pick him and Anton up. But if Anton and Noah were on a flight I still am all mixed up just where Cole picked them up but I get that Cole had his Jeep because he drove cross country. The logistics of it all are as mixed up as this post.
  10. Hello, Julie Chen! Hello? Les Moonves Is Accused of Sexual Misconduct
  11. Was Sam allowed to have told them in advance that the evicted HG would have a chance to return? It seemed to me that after the eviction was announced, and the electronic voice announced the app reward on that big screen it was supposed to be a surprise. Also, the puzzle was 6 pieces but Kaitlyn got mixed up because the pieces had graphics on both sides and all the pieces had to fit together and face in the correct direction.
  12. I forget Angela is there. She is totally invisible.
  13. Who would have thought Sam would turn out to be such a pompous ass and so obnoxious. A taste of power sure went to her head. I can see why Kaitlyn and Hayleigh fell for Fessy. The man is damn hot, and he has a real quiet way about him. This was a good episode.
  14. Billy being OK with his son's homosexuality for me did not have any ring of truth. He was just way too "OK" with it for who he is and his character seems to be more of a hater. I am not saying his "type" all are of a certain mindset, but it just seems to me like Billy would not be so at ease with it and making glib remarks like "what are your intentions?" Is THAT who Billy is? It's who the writers are. I think the writers infused their own feelings into his reaction about it and scripted it to please the audience so we could come away from it feeling not triggered by how offensive it could have been.
  15. Really? Seriously? Does Becca actually believe that either of these two guys will even be with her a year from now? Garrett is a total nightmare. He seems like an insincere fool. And the other one (Blake?) doesn't seem ready to settle down forever with one woman. The whole batch were like frat boys. What a joke. Whoever she picks, I think it will be the shortest relationship (after the final episode) in the show's history.
  16. JC was making AN ANALOGY and WITHIN the analogy he SAID the word instead of referencing the word with a letter from the alphabet. He did not call Bayleigh that word. Bayleigh says her intelligence was insulted, but honestly within that conversation she displayed little understanding of what JC was even trying to quite intelligently explain.
  17. I still can't tell Haleigh and Angela apart, and if Rachel did not have dark hair I would get all three of them mixed up. I am just not on the love train for Sam. I think this is Kaycee's game to win. Kaycee is keeping a nice low profile and they will pick each other off before they even get to consider her. She could make it to the very end. She should throw comps so as not to have to nominate anybody and as a result be in the spotlight for a revenge nomination. Kaycee is likable and plays a good social game and if she manages to fly under the radar, she could take it all.
  18. So Tyler was the swing vote to evict Winston and Brett knew that and his speech was to make it seem like it was Rockstar who was going to vote to evict Winston?
  19. I am so lost.... I watch the feeds but I suppose not enough to be able to follow what happened and coordinate it with last night's episode and Brett's speech right before Winston was evicted. Was Rickstar furious at Brett because he said the truth about her during his speech and betrayed her or did he just make all of that up? I just have not been really watching the feeds this summer as much as I usually do and I am sort of lost.
  20. Colton is well rid of Becca. She did not appreciate his honesty or his integrity. She wanted a more sexually experienced man? Well, guess what? In a while, each of the three left will be motivated by his sexual needs to find another woman.
  21. This has to be a joke for some comic relief. Becca does not give Colton a rose and is left with three guys who are so not serious and I predict in a year she will be single again. Becca seems to really not be playing with a full deck. I am not sure what it is actually but if she believes any of these three guys even want to settle down she is delusional.
  22. Yes! Amy Irving from the film "Carrie!" She played "Nan!"
  23. I find the opinions posted here so interesting. I love them all. I love this show. I love the way it unfolds. And I suppose I love it because it sort of is presented in a linear way, with very little mystery (except where is Alison?) and with all the shows that have been endless mysteries in different confusing ways (The Sinner, Westworld, True Detective and now Sharp Objects) this show seems like a breath of fresh air. I loved the Cole segment. But I do agree that his sex with Delphina just did not fit.
  24. I think they are moving towards having Cole going back with Alison and Noah reconciling with Helen. I think that is how the series will end.
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