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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Jessica and Cody will be on the Amazing Race. They leave from NYC on October 1.
  2. My eyes are terrible and I was unable to see how each and every character voted. Can somebody just post a list please of how the characters' votes went down? Thanks.
  3. I am getting really bored with this show. They recycle plots. How many times did Ray do underhanded things to bust his relatives out of jail: first Mickey and last night Bunchy. And how many murders has that family committed? The story is all over the place and sometimes hard to follow. I can't stand the actress who plays Natalie. She seems so generic and dull. But, at least this week gave us a break from Abby. And now Terry admits to helping Abby with assisted suicide? I watch this show now with one eye as I do other things, so maybe that is why I am sort of lost. ETA: the plot storylines are ridiculous
  4. I tried to see if this was being discussed, but have not found it: 1. A few fans set up a GoFundMe to give Paul the $450,000 they feel he deserved. Paul, on twitter, told them to take it down. 2. I really am shocked at how ridiculously awful Jessica looked on finale night. Her dress was too tight in the back and too short and bunched in the front and what was that multi colored tail she attached to the side of her head? It looked part skunk and part horse's tail. And the next night, at the cast party, she chose another very ugly cheap looking dress that was too long and totally not flattering. She looked horrendous both nights.
  5. Please help, I can't recall this. What was the word Josh used to describe a few HGs to their face and he used it over and over? It is sort of a new word that now became mainstream. It means boring. "You're very -----" what?
  6. Even though I bitch and moan every season how crappy and moronic BB is, every year when it ends I get depressed. These meatballs are in my life for three months and then they are gone. I feel empty.
  7. This was a really idiotic series. The last episode was so dull and silly. And what was the whole thing with that medical place at the beginning where the guy was shot dead? I think I fell asleep and was lost during that.
  8. Why is CBS afraid of Will talking about Paul slapping Josh? They are so paranoid and still trying to control and protect their precious show.
  9. Was Paul interviewed yet by Will? Josh?
  10. Are the backyard interviews going to be on YouTube? Or only on CBS All Access?
  11. "Graf: It’s looking like Josh and Paul are going to be final two. I would give Paul my vote. Paul played the best game, but I don’t think his strategy would have worked if he was in a house with any different cast. If he wasn’t surrounded by people who were star-struck by him, he wouldn’t have been as great as he was. He got really lucky." Jessica hates Josh more than she hates Paul. Paul wil get Cody's vote.... they will all vote for Paul, no big surprises in store for us tomorrow.
  12. The whole series really makes no sense at all. It is poorly written. It is almost impossible to connect the dots. I am unable to understand how they will tie this whole thing up in tomorrow's episode because they took 7 episodes to drag out the whole thing and provided no substantial clues until now. I mean really. To end episode 6 with the silly cliffhanger: "I remember now" tells you that this is a real amateurish production. And contrary to popular belief, Jessica Biel will get no nominations for this crap in the style of "Flowers in the Attic." The female detective was totally obnoxious every time she said "Frankie" and Maddie." She licked her chops way too much and seemed inept.
  13. Cody will vote for Paul because he will not vote for Josh, who banged pans in his and Jessica's faces and sang the circus tune.
  14. Let me tell you why they will all vote for Paul to win. They are lemmings and have very weak minds. Plus, they want to be perceived in a good light. They have mentally internalized that CBS wants Paul to win. That message was subliminally sent in many ways and overtly sent when he was given (at the start of the show) several weeks immunity. Plus, they have "show biz" aspirations. They will do nothing to jeopardize that and want to remain on the good side of CBS. So they will give CBS what they think CBS wants and deliver the goods on Wednesday night. They will do what they think TPTB want them to do and carry out what has been furtively planted in their collective brains. They want to be good boys and girls. If they vote for the other person, they think they will be shooting themselves in the foot and will get a show biz "cold shoulder." After all, they want to go on Survivor and Amazing Race. They have to show they can "play ball." Watch and see if I am not right. Paul will win in a landslide. Production is happy.
  15. I don't care about her one way or the other. She added nothing, didn't really ruin anything, and in my opinion she was innocuous.
  16. Paul was saying that the first thing he asked his mother last season was how much he was hated. Wait till he discusses this season with her.
  17. They walk in and two ask for Kool-Aide and the other asks for a SnakeBite and the bartender says: "You are all right now depriving three villages of idiots."
  18. Sometimes "bitter juries" put aside their emotions and go with who they think played a "great game." Let's hope this does not happen. If they fully realize the extent to which they were played, they might not vote for Paul. It all depends how much they know.
  19. Last year Paul lost by one vote. He blames himself for making the wrong choice. He picked Nicole not James, right? I think this year he will not pick a woman, he will go with Josh. I actually think Josh might win and Paul will have a repeat of last year. That will be last laugh #1. Last laugh #2 will be when Cody wins AFP. It is going to be great.
  20. a thought: Paul might throw the final HOH thinking it is a lock for Josh to take him to f2. Paul will not want to pick and if he picks Josh he will lose Christmas's vote. Josh is going to make Paul think he will pick him for f2 and at the last minute when he wins the last comp (if Paul throws it) Josh will pick Christmas and Paul, the player, will get played in the greatest move in BB history.
  21. How does she even know Raven will be ridiculed? She has not had the opportunity to read social media yet.
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