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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. The finale seems to be getting pretty good reviews from the TV critics. I said in a few posts above that for me the finale was the wilted cherry dumped on top of the miserable season. But there is one outstanding element that remains with me and it was said to me years ago during the airing of LOST. My friend said to me: "not even the writers have any idea how all of this comes together and even they have no answers as they write each episode. The answers are not in the minds of the writers as they write each episode." I think the problem for me with WESTWORLD is that the writers became more excited about creating surprises and shockers and twists than they did with connecting the dots. They built in layered mixed up crap that served to weigh the show down. This episode was really preposterous: Charlotte becomes Dolores and who is the MIB now? And I definitely recall that in one episode Dolores shoots Teddy. But somebody above said that never happened. So the season was so convoluted that I created false memories of events? What happened to how the show started: guests going to a park to have themed experiences with hosts? I was criticized above for saying I expected that because it is a version of FANTASY ISLAND, but this season deteriorated into total bullsh*t. When you invest so much time in weeks of watching a series, I think there should be some satisfaction that most of the puzzles are solved in a coherent way. I get angry when I am played for a fool, it just feels so manipulative to me to be lured to watch week after week with cliffhangers and to have a finale that really did resemble the sets of LOST. The show lost it's way.
  2. You are correct. There were many puzzling and thoughtful themes within the show, but the problem is that the dots were not coherently connected. It made no sense, even if you view it within a context of the nature of reality. I loved The Twilight Zone. I loved many shows and films since then with esoteric plots. But this show is just is ridiculous. Charlotte was Dolores? The MIB was a host? Well, I said it all above and do not want to be redundant but the pieces of a puzzle in some shows cannot be put together because they just don't fit. Lost proved that point.
  3. Lisa Joy knows how to double talk and speak gibberish quite well. Her "temporal realm" should tell her the season sucked and she should get back to the place of writing a coherent script.
  4. On IMDb some people spent years discussing Mulholland Drive. They spent years discussing Lost. But some shows do not deserve so much analysis. Because you can't connect the dots of total gibberish. Charlotte was Dolores? Huh? MIB was a host? Huh? Teddy was shot by Dolores and then he commited suicide? The whole thing makes no sense. If MIB was a host, was he a host since a baby because he aged. When he married, did his wife not investigate his past? Did he appear as young William and he never attended school and never had parents or a history of a life? Beyond stupid. Give me a break. I call bullshit. Season 3 will probably arrive in January 2020. There are too many other shows to spend time on. Westworld is just a convoluted mess, a real dud. I think because there are so many respected actors in it, it evokes a certain level of critical awe. But it really is a mess.
  5. OMG I was going to post something exactly like that about Big Brother! I hated this season of Westworld. I am glad The Affair is back and I look forward to the new season of Ray Donovan. I loved season 1 of Westworld but this season just went too far off the beaten path and became a sci fi verson of Mulholland Drive. The finale went down the rabbit hole and was laughable with all the guests (or hosts?) fighting with each other. And so much gun violence. It was just sickening.
  6. I hated that. It was just a mess of nonsense. The timelines were still garbled and none of it made any sense. But, I sort of hoped Bernard would walk through the door and find Charlie alive. Oh, did I say I hated this season and the finale?
  7. This show is so confusing it gets me nuts. At the end of this episode, Teddy shoots himself and the episode ends with the silent scream of Dolores. But, didn't Dolores shoot Teddy in a previous episode? (can't recall which episode) With the timelines so jumbled up it is really hard to follow which shooting came first and why or how he recovered to be around for the second shooting. I just can't follow this mess.
  8. I watched this episode again and Vic's mother is seriously demented. She talks to Helen like Helen is her enemy and she is trying so hard to create a fight or conflict. She is sarcastic, unfriendly, and filled with hate. The way that woman is scripted, she should be in a horror film because she is sinister and seems to be foreshadowing something very evil. Run Helen run. Or hide all those knives.
  9. I think this is the full cast. Maybe some "returns" will make guest appearances for comps, but this is it I think. It is fine with me, I don't like players in the game from past seasons, it is just like watching reruns to me. I did not like celebrity BB either.
  10. This season, this season.... almost every episode has been filled with scenes of mass murders in various forms. And the subplot of using the guests' consciousnesses for some bizarre purpose of immortality is way too ridiculous. This season strayed way too far off the beaten path. The only episode I even liked was episode 8. In this episode, William kills his own daughter because he believes it is part of Ford's game. Maybe it was, after all Ford did say he still had one last game up his sleeve. But as Macbeth said above, Ford morphed into Hannibal Lechter in this episode. This season was like a big ad for the NRA.
  11. Vic's mother looks his age. I am glad this show is back. I am glad the French lady is gone and Noah's prison guard is off the show. I think this was a great first episode and I think this is going to be a great season.
  12. Well said! Last week showed great promise of beauty. But this week's episode went back to total nonsense. Westworld became total gibberish and confusion about who is real and who is a host. This detour has ruined the show. They should have stayed in the theme parks with elaborate narratives and stories, a mix of guests interacting with hosts within intriguing stories in the parks and how their experiences changed their lives in the real world. This season of massive carnage and slaughter, immortality, and host/real life confusion is a jumbled mess of stupidity.
  13. Exactly! It is evidence in a murder case, it would be impounded..... this is the fault of the writers who went in the direction of letting Pope clean that jeep and then discard it. Also, Lena's mom "disappeared" and her Dad was killed and her grandmother is in jail. Pope was not given formal custody of Lena. Again, the writers seem a bit clueless.
  14. What was the line? "Sometimes intentions are misunderstood?" Wow, Maeve thought Akecheta was there for a bad purpose (because he looked scary) and he was there to help them. The line was delivered so well.
  15. Westworld is a show that is trying so hard to be phenomenal, profound, and heartbreaking. Tonight's episode hit the mark. But, it was a stand alone piece because it needed to be presented sooner. I think the main problem with this season is the editing. Maybe it would be so much better if the timelines were presented in a logical linear way. The episodes just seem to beg for more clarity. Well if viewed as a little short movie, Ioved it.
  16. Why would it have to be a "Love Boat" version? It could be a Desperate Housewives version, a Sopranos version, a Mad Men version, a Six Feet Under version, a True Blood version, a The Shield version, or a version of any TV show where guests are placed into that world and have to struggle to live and survive. The possibilities are endless... anything but this relentless shooting and gun violence would be relief. We get it: the hosts have engaged in a revolution. But I think it would have been so much better to step away from that revolution and show guests living in an experience that would be interesting and filled with adventure as we see how they manage the roadblocks the hosts create. Living in any one of those parks, meeting people, developing relationships, and struggling to survive is to me better than watching some Twilight Zone version of Gunsmoke where guns and gun violence is predominantly the content of each and every episode so far. I see enough of that on the news every day. I never suggested that.
  17. I am saying I am sick and tired of every single episode being all about gun violence and slaughter and carnage. And I agree with you 100%. There has been no character development, very little stories involving the characters, and no storylines about guests in the parks because it was impossible to do that because the hosts all went rogue. The writers could have introduced some interesting guests with backstories. I think this season was a total waste of time. For me, it is really awful and makes no sense and the writers are waiting until the final episode to give us some big "reveal." But who cares.... it's all too little, too late. The writers were obsessed with the hosts' revolution but along the way the show got lost and became ABC's LOST.
  18. This show could have been great with a focus on guests experiences in the Westworld, Shogun, or Ghost Nation theme parks but instead it morphed into hosts gone wild within constant blood baths, which was the plot of the film. Tonight's episode was the usual confusing slaughter and carnage mixed with moments of allegory and philosophical enlightenment. And add to that, the jumbled timelines and just where is all this going? I would say it is headed to a final episode that is a huge cliffhanger and we will have to wait until the fall of 2019 to hope for answers and get more questions than answers in season 3. This is LOST 2.0.
  19. Right out of the gate, I think Clay Harbor is the best of the bunch. Becca would be wise to pursue him.
  20. That's just my point. Why does the show have to be a guessing game? If the writers created more clarity as the plot unfolds, it would be more enjoyable. The writers are so invested in creating these mysteries and puzzles for the viewers, the story becomes lost and confusing to the viewers. Instead of building to "big surprises," the season would have been so much better and more engaging if it was heavier on character development and storylines. All the carnage and slaughter doesn't even make sense because it has gone on for so long in such a broad way and all it does is provide more reasons to have gun control and to create narratives where guests can participate in the park experience where guns and killing are not the part of any theme. How about guests who go to the park and fall in love with hosts, or guests who go to the parks and become major motion picture stars, or guests who go to the parks and live during Biblical times? Why is violence and these violent delights such a part of the WESTWORLD experience? it seems to have been built for closet sadists. I for one would not enjoy going there and shooting up people for fun and sport.
  21. WALNUT QUEEN, well said! I am more LOST than you are. I do not understand the writers' intent. There is something to be said by building mysteries to a big surprise reveal, but this is just way too convoluted to justify that style. I honestly think this season would have been so much better if the writers presented the unfolding story in a linear way so we understood what was going on. It would have been so much more interesting and engaging. If we could view events in sequence, the themes might make much more sense. As it is unfolding, it is nothing more than a shtik or a gimmick, designed to give the show a quirky appeal. It makes no sense to string these scenes together so out of order and in such a random way. We are confused and all of the main plot points are lost in redundant and gruesome carnage. WESTWORLD wants to be a riddle, but it is a jigsaw puzzle and none of the pieces even fit.
  22. I totally agree 100%. I am totally lost within the timelines and have no idea WHY any of it is even going on. It is supposed to be a mystery that will unfold with some huge surprise ending in the last episode? Why is that considered good writing? If I have no idea what is even going on as the episodes unfold, how can I even enjoy the season? A viewer is supposed to understand the plot. A viewer is supposed to follow along with the writers, not be playing some absurd guessing game. I do not understand why the writers think keeping secrets makes the series better. it makes it a convoluted mess. In tonight's episode, where was Teddy in this timeline? Who was Maeve's daughter's mother? Where was the half train that split going to? And also... why so much carnage and killing in every episode? In a country that now is trying to make a statement about gun control, this series uses guns like toys and people (or hosts) are killed over and over and over (in other gruesome ways) in every episode and it is all handled for so many episodes like it is all meaningless. And to see Dolores wearing those bullets like it is a costume is sickening to me. She fights back saying: two wrongs make a right?
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