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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. But back then, if the veto holder used the veto on somebody else he was NOT safe, so Marcellus took a leap of faith and lost. Right?
  2. If veto is used to remove a HG from the block, and the veto holder is not on the block himself then he is safe right? But he is not safe if he is ON the block and uses it on the other HG on the block? Marcellus used his veto to save another HG and he was on the block himself and he was evicted right? Nevermind, too complicated for me. So if Jason wins POV and he uses the veto on Alex, he can be evicted?
  3. I went and binge watched all the episodes to date. I missed a few things and needed more clarity. But, here I sit now again not understanding what the heck is going on. Nothing is explained. WHY did Cora say Frankie was JD? Why does Frankie's girlfriend at the beach look like Maddie? JD and his new girlfriend have a baby and they are drug dealers? Who was the blonde laying on the lawn outside JD's house? How does Cora get those scars on the inside of her arms? I suppose it will all be explained in the final episode?
  4. I am thinking they are showing that because in some way the detective is involved in something shady that may impact this case. They may be trying to show that he is not wrapped too tight himself... so when we learn of his involvement we understand it.
  5. They live in different states. I think she would relocate to be with him but I do not see him wanting her around. I think he is a guy who outside of the house likes being single. She was really his SHOWmance.
  6. This is slightly absurd. The detective acts like Cora's lawyer. He talks to her on the phone in a personal way and advised her not to take the deal yet. Whose side is he on? Detectives usually work with DAs.
  7. OMG this show. If I could follow it, I might love it. I need clarification please. Cora murders Frankie at the beach. She says they called him JD? Maddie might have been the woman outside that drug dealer's house last week? But this week they find her skeleton and say Maddie was murdered and Cora did it out of jealousy? Who did Cora murder at the beach? Frankie? Who was the girl with him at the beach? Who is the drug dealer? Is that JD? I can't follow this mess.
  8. They are dragging this shit show out for 4 more weeks? They can wind it up in 10 days by doubling up in the episodes: HOH, veto, evict, HOH veto evict.... I blame A. Grodner for this fiasco. She seems smug and arrogant and I am delighted she had this season backfire when she decided to bring back Paul (and you know it was her idea).
  9. Did this just happen? Well, they have to now start turning ing on each other. Their usual targets (Cody and Mark) are now gone.
  10. Exactly. She is being who she is. She entered as a bully and kept it under wraps for a few weeks but the environment of the house allowed who she is to flourish. Outside of the house, she probably thrives on being hateful. Kevin is a liar too. He tried to say Josh took the $25,000! Imagine that!
  11. That was going to be my question. 1. Who had Baz shot? So it was Lucy? 2. She knew Baz stashed the money from the storage unit in the wall?
  12. Katesus7, I am sending you positive thoughts and hope you and your loved ones remain safe. With regard to the show, I am sure you understand that this is inherently a very stupid show and those who go on it are not of the highest intellect. Who could spend so much time in a house with totally nothing to do all summer except to "talk game?" Do they ever discuss anything of value? Do they ask for a book to read? Most seem to function on a low level and the way they interact with each other parallels who they are. The show is on CBS, not PBS... and I have said since 2003: I never know who will win but one thing I know is that on finale night I will be extremely angry. I was mad when Jun won and Maggie and Evel Dick and Rachel and Andy (the list goes on and on). At this point I don't care if Paul wins because there is nobody else left in the house I want to win instead of him. It's strange because I belong to a Big Brother facebook group and on there they all love Paul, while we here can't stand him. I am hoping he does not win "FavoritePlayer" because from reading the posts over there Paul could win it.
  13. Please tell me if Jason kept noms the same why they are all going off on Kevin. He did not force Jason to not put him up.
  14. Bravo!!! I am delighted Jason did not back door Kevin. I have new respect for him. I was not happy when he spilled the beans about Mark suggesting over a chess game that they target Paul. So this makes me happy. And I am hoping Raven is the one to go. ETA: I am all mixed up. Was Kevin put up? I thought Jason kept the noms the same.
  15. I think Raven is going to have an extremely hard time living in real life after the show. Inside the house she got attention, had friends, and had a boyfriend she adored. I think when she goes back home to her house with her parents, she will have a hard time and feel very isolated.... especially when she is not as famous (post show) as she thought she would be.
  16. I think Megan or Cameron should win AFP. Megan was smart enough to quit and Cameron never even got a full day. it would be so funny.
  17. Matt = Marcellas 2 Do it Matt and I will laugh as you walk out the door. Fool. Matt and Raven will be over on finale night.
  18. Matt is going next, then Kevin and then Raven. The last 4 standing will be Jason or Alex, Josh, Christmas, and Paul. Last 3 will be Christmas, Paul, and Josh. And both Christmas and Josh will take Paul to f2, so there is no way around Paul not winning. Any of them will gladly lose to Paul and then bow to him. There is no strategy, no roadmap, no temptations, no gimmicks, no votes to avoid this scenario. I do not think it has to be dragged out until the middle of September. They should double up on the comps and speed to an end in the next two weeks. Wrap it up. It's just so predictable. CBS should end it and start Survivor earlier.
  19. Paul is clearly moving on to f3. My only hope is that he loses the last comp and the winner realizes not to take him to f2 because Paul will definitely win. However, these HGs are such idiots I am sure any of them would consider it an honor to sit next to him in f2 and lose to him. These players are totally brain dead.
  20. Wow, nobody is even talking about this episode yet. This episode was really awful. It was all over the place with false leads and what appear to be red herrings. is this another True Detective, a slow build going nowhere? it is just so crazy and all over the place and much of it makes no sense. How can there be a new suspect when everybody saw Cora do it?
  21. That challenge is a total slip hazard by design and has been severely dangerous for years. If Kevin played and fell he could have broken a hip. Raven fell on her device. Jason thought he injured his arm. The challenge is a disaster waiting to happen and i always wondered why nobody ever fell and broke bones. The producers of this show bring stupid to a new level.
  22. Who plays Smurf's lawyer? She looks so familiar to me.
  23. Here is a very good article from The Washington Post: "why returning players are a bad idea"
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