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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Josh has said Elena is his target. So why did he nominate Jessica? Putting Jessica on the block ruined his chances to get out his target. I cannot believe the downright idiotic moves some of these HGs have made. That was just as moronic as Jessica not using the veto to take off Ramses and replacing him with Paul. Then, Josh would not have even been in that house to win HOH and nominate her. In a way, she is responsible if she gets evicted by Josh's HOH on Thurday. She put that scenario in place for herself.
  2. Yes, Jessica will go and they will not put up Raven because how do you evict the star of the telethon? Paul is most loyal to Paul.
  3. At the beginning, Cora jumped when she heard a loud noise in the workplace. And later, before Cora went for her "swim," she told her husband she wanted "quiet." Then, she was triggered by the loud music. Could she have either of these conditions? misophonia, "also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, starts with a trigger. It’s often an oral sound -- the noise someone makes when they eat, breathe, chew, yawn, or whistle. Sometimes a small repetitive motion is the cause -- someone fidgets, jostles you, or wiggles their foot. If your response is more severe, the sound in question might cause: rage, anger, hatred, panic, fear, emotional distress or a desire to kill or stop whatever is making the noise." hyperacusis "is a condition that arises from a problem in the way the brain's central auditory processing center perceives noise. It can often lead to pain and discomfort. There are a variety of neurologic conditions that may be associated with hyperacusis, including: post-traumatic stress disorder." Could Cora have ptsd from childhood abuse? more information on these conditions the suicide of Dr. Michelle Lamarche Marrese from the NYTimes "(sounds) can send them into an instantaneous, blood-boiling rage, (a fight or flight)"
  4. In that DR, production plants subliminal seeds through their questions. Mrs. Moonves has said she is #teamJessica... and there must be something in the fine print of their releases that allows production to manipulate the game for ratings. They know the Jessica/Cody showmance is good for ratings and gives the show the conflict it needs to not be boring. I am hoping Elena is voted out and Jessica/Cody continue to live in that house at least another week, and go week by week. What I do not understand at all is this: the first time Cody was voted out he told Julie that Paul has his groupies inside the house and he holds court as they sit and listen to his directions. So why why why hasn't he told that to them over and over so they get it? I realize they are dense, but he could drive the point home that they have to step up and play their own game, not Paul's game. So why isn't Cody ranting about that all day every day? He should be laughing in their faces about that, telling them they are escorting Paul to f2 to the detriment of their own game.
  5. I cannot wait until after the finale when they all go to social media and see what the viewers thought of them. Most of all, I cannot wait until Paul sees how much he was despised this season because he was shoe horned in and behaved in ways like a cult guru to control so many of them. And I cannot wait until they see what fools we think they are to behave like lemmings and carry Paul to f2. Matt, Kevin, Alex, do they even want to win? I said it before: Paul and Raven will be the last two standing. And Raven will win. Ugh.
  6. I love this show! I think the "why" is connected to her religious upbringing and she may have been abused. Maybe she had a flashback at the beach and was triggered by that song which was in her memory from another time. What interested me was at the beach when Cora's husband tells the little baby (and I paraphrase) to toughen up. He could be a real nut. Who says that to a baby?
  7. I think production wants Jessica and Cody in that house. They generate ratings because they keep the conflict between the two sides going and make the episodes less "bland." Also, their showmance makes for ratings. Josh can be easily manipulated. They may have planted some subliminal seeds in his head in the DR and he may want to please TPTB. I am hoping this is the week that Paul is dethroned. I hope but realize it is a fever dream. Why does Josh want Elena out? He has a crush on her.
  8. OK so Cody and Jessica go and then Mark and then? I can't wait to see if they grow brains after they vote out these targets. They have to turn on each other or do they plan on carrying Paul to f2?
  9. What I don't get is that they now know America gave Jessica a temptation and that translates to America liking Jessica. Can they not conclude tht America does not like Paul and by the way, is this Paul's last week of safety? Why can these fools play their own game instead of carrying Paul to the finish line? Seriously, it is so infuriating that to save my own blood pressure I should just tune skip this predictable season that Grodner sho tin the foot on day 1.
  10. Why does CBS allow Josh to sing that taunting chant song over and over while banging pots and pans without warning: "Please stop singing?" It has to be copyright violation because it is the circus theme song: Circus Theme Song Well, it was written in 1899 by Julius Fucik so maybe the copyright expired. (Entry of the Gladiators, Thunder and Blazes, The Classic Circus)
  11. That is just horrible. He may think it looks great now but as he ages I think he will have regrets. A few tattoos may be enhancing, but to cover so much skin to me is actually a defilement. I can recall "James" many seasons back had so many tattoos that CBS actually covered them because they may have been copyright infringement. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. It looks like wall to wall dark carpet that needs to be steam cleaned.
  13. I am in! Cody will get all of my votes. Paul will have a meltdown on live TV!
  14. Why would he take Jessica down and put Alex up? He should hedge his bets and have them all vote for Jessica. If she doesn't use it she is evicted. If she does use it, the hex is gone, and they can repeat the noms next week to get one of them out.
  15. Well, it can go very very wrong if she does not use it thinking Cody will go and they gave her the votes to be evicted. Then, she is gone and the hex is gone and they can get rid of Cody the next week. That would be the smart way to vote if you are a gambler: vote for Jessica to be evicted. If she uses it, the hex is gone and next week it will be the same scenario but with no safety net unless either of them wins HOH.
  16. Jessica is going to be Marcellus 2. She will use the hex to save Cody and after the votes are read she will be out the door. Cody had said he was going to behave in ways to get her mad so she does not use the hex on him. He sees how it will go if she does. Jessica wasted her HOH and POV last week and this week she will seal her own fate. Or am I wrong? How does this hex even work? She stops the entire eviction for that week? Or is it a crap shoot and she stops only the eviction of a person she names and the votes are read and the person who she does not name can be evicted if that person got the votes to be evicted?
  17. Many of the HGs in this season act like they are brain dead. They do absolutely nothing to further their own game: Matt, Kevin, Raven (ugh), Jason. And I cannot wait for Paul to be evicted. It is almost August and is he still safe? Nobody will convince me that his temptation was not created for him by production. Why do I have a sick feeling that f2 will be Raven and Paul?
  18. Oh ffs, Paul gets veto? I am sick to death of him. Grodner fucked up what would have been a great season where HGs were give the space and room to be HGs and not lemmings. Let these assholes escort Paul all the way to f2 and give him the prize money. And in October when the Kool-Aid wears off, they will have reality TV remorse. I so wish they would play their own fucking game instead of being there to help Paul win this game. I am sick to death of Paul. Did I say that already?
  19. The hex is used BEFORE they vote? I thought it is used after they vote and right before Julie announces who is evicted. It make sense to use it before because it is to stop an eviction.
  20. Was the hex from Jessica's temptation the Temptation Challenge? What is Jessica's hex?
  21. OMG that was so idiotic. Why Why Why did Jessica not use that POV on Ramses and put up somebody they would NEVER have voted out to make sure Josh went home? Alex is a Paul groupie so if Jessica put her up they never would have voted HER put and Josh would be evicted.
  22. I think CBS does not feature more of Raven's condition for many reasons. First, I think they allowed her to explain the condition which is all they could do without crossing a line to appear as if they are helping her to raise money which may be contrary to the protocol of the content of the show. Second, if they show how excessive she is with regard to discussing her condition they could be seen in a light of holding her up for ridicule which could motivate her mother to initiate a lawsuit. So they walk a thin line and err on the side of caution.
  23. As I watch BBAD and listen to the plotting, it is evident to me that the last man standing will be Kevin. Kevin is so off their radar. They will pick each other off one by one by one... and Kevin will remain with the last person who manages to stay safe during the elimination process. I really think Kevin is poised to win this game.
  24. She was threatening to sue viewers? There is freedom of speech in this country and as long as threats are not being posted, all is fair. It is not slander to discuss the validity of medical conditions. And just as a side note for the purposes of analogy and not to make this political, people call the POTUS "unstable" and question his mental condition, so why is Raven off limits to her mother?
  25. Every year, production seems to increase their level of interference with the show. They script the DR sessions and determine how much air time HGs will get. Paul is their favorite, but their love for him backfired. I am one of the few that likes Josh. He is a real doofus and is good for comic relief.
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