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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. He was on YouNow discussing what happened: https://www.younow.com/Beastmodecowboy/92938376/11521960/f4e8dc/b If you watch the video you will see him very healthy and happy.
  2. I think Olivia will win actually. But, I think La'Porsha will have great success not so much in LP sales but on Broadway and other venues.
  3. Brittany Fogarty is the daughter of Andrea Giovino: from The Guardian There is some interesting history there.
  4. Her pumped up lips are also absurd at this point. She looks like she belongs in s House of Wax.
  5. I agree with pivot. There are so many shows on TV, and if a new show does not grab me within the first hour, I am done. This show offered nothing worthy of two hours of my time. I felt the same way about Billions. I felt like I was forcing myself to watch Vinyl. Is that any way to watch TV?
  6. How many nose jobs has Kim had? She is really starting to look like The Joker.
  7. Kim: "They only have Calcutta and I want Calcutta Gold." Oh, shut up. Khloe is writing a book? Now she is an author? She has writing skills? Kourtney in her monotone talking into the cam is comic relief. Kylie playing with her dogs while a mansion is built around her. It's good to be part of the lucky sperm club. ETA: And oh that toilet contraption looked weird to me.....
  8. There was one scene where Kim was all red huge lips. It looked comical. I don't like Jonathan. He's a huge nothing. Kylie was a cute girl, but her plastic surgery made her gorgeous I think.
  9. I didn't like this at all. The writing seemed amateurish and the characters seemed to be stereotypical. The whole episode was too smug and full of itself.
  10. The NY Post really hated this season and the last episode of this season was ripped apart! http://nypost.com/2015/12/23/why-im-done-with-the-affair-and-you-should-be-too/ http://nypost.com/2015/12/23/how-the-affair-sacrificed-its-dramatic-integrity/ Wow!
  11. Isn't this the second time he left a "witness" alone and then returned to find the witness dead by suicide? Aileen killed herself with Saul's glasses. Once again, these cliffhangers wear me out. Next year, I am waiting for the season to end and will binge watch. It's the only way to beat the frustration.
  12. But, does he have brain damage? How many episodes will end with these same type of "is Quinn alive or dead" cliffhangers?
  13. I am so fed up with every episode of this show ending with a cliffhanger: some huge news is ushered in and we have to wait a week to find out what is going on. I think these sort of endings are a huge reason to binge watch the entire seasons of so many shows: The Affair and Homeland are good examples. The Sopranos and Mad Men were great shows and I cannot recall each episode ending with a cliffhanger. The plots moved along and each episode was a great story.
  14. So: Carrie and Saul believe Allison was working for the Russians for a decade and when Allison is "played" and caught Allison turns it by saying she was not working for the Russians, she used that Russian guy to get intell for the USA. This is really convoluted but... I think the writers want the audience to think Allison's story could be a possibility. However, Allison's shaking panic attack makes no sense and her behavior makes no sense. It looks like Dar might believe Allison which would keep Carrie and Saul against Dar and Allison in this layered game of spies. I don't think there is anyway Quinn can be alive after that. We saw him die in this episode. What a sad way for that guy to go. He really did die for his country.
  15. OK.... Carrie sees Nazir in that screen saver with Banana Joe's setting and recalls Alison telling her she loved Banana Joe's in St. Lucia. Woudln't the connection more likely be that Alison and Nazir took a vacation together as lovers? Carrie knows Nazir is working for them and Carrie herself slept with informants. Why would she conclude Alison turned and is working for the Russians when at the end she said all shocked "Alison?"
  16. I am not sure how that "steal" was supposed to work logistically: 1. if Stephen was supposed to announce he was stealing a vote and whose vote before the vote began, or 2. if he was supposed to go up to cast his own vote and then announce to the cam he was using the steal and say whose vote he was stealing... and then just have Jeff announce he wasn't counting the vote Fishbach was stealing. Complicated? Yes. However having said that, how stupid can Fishbach be? He is a real moron. Why not cast two votes for the SAME person to try to save yourself if others voted for YOU? By not doing that, his vote for Joe was a wasted vote anyway and wound up getting him voted off. If he used that vote to vote for Abi, it would have at least been a tie. What a jerk.
  17. Well, I think Helen knows who did it and that is the reason she hired a lawyer for Noah. I just hope this season does not end with some cliffhanger where the door opens to reveal the killer from the perspective of another character and then a fade to credits. I am so tired of these season cliffhangers on so many shows where you have to wait a year for the story plot to continue..
  18. "Crazy" volatile Whitney is being given a lot of screen time. First she appears at Cold Spring and screams to Noah about Alison and then she appears in Montauk in the last episode looking for Scotty. I think she just may be the one who killed Scotty. Maybe Noah even knows Whitney killed Scotty and he is not talking to protect his daughter.
  19. With so many shows running over an hour (Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, Fargo, American Horror Story and others), I am getting sick and tired of Homeland clocking in at 45 minutes. The writers are so determined to end each episode with a "cliffhanger" that each episode is short and ends at what they believe is a moment of suspense. The editors should take footage from the next episode and tack it onto the end of each episode to make it longer and at least reach the end of the hour. And if they come in a few episodes shorter each season, it just makes better sense. This is the best example of a show that is best viewed in a binge watch.
  20. I tried to find a post about this, but couldn't. When Henry (when he was "firing" her) said to Alison, "I think you know why" what was he talking about? Was it because Yvonne read Noah's book and made some connection that she didn't like? Yvonne is a book publisher. What was the big shocker?
  21. I was discussing this show today with a friend and she described Alison as "weird." She is weird. Why was she riding the bike with her hands off the handlebars? Why did she shove all the books off Yvonne's book shelf? Then she runs to Helen's home and then to Cole's bed. She is a hot mess. And by the way, the shady character to watch here is Oscar.... From 2014, this is interesting: http://www.longislandpress.com/2014/10/17/the-affair-sex-montauk-seriously-bad-writing/
  22. Here's the main problem for me. Alison is such a sour puss, so miserable, so unhappy, so filled with issues and problems..... I have a hard time believing that Noah would leave his family for her even if he did think he loved her. It was just sex at the beginning and as her personality was revealed to Noah I think he would have distanced himself from falling in love with her rather than get so involved with her. And why would she leave her husband for Noah? Why would she take on all that baggage? I don't know, I think this season we will see the Alison/Noah relationship unravel.
  23. As I watched Helen unravel, Maura Tierney's performance seemed built on false notes. It just seemed so fake to me. It was all too much drama for the character and I didn't believe it. I kept thinking that the writers overwrote those scenes to give Maura Tierney a chance at winning an award. Plus, if that highlight bleach was left in her hair for such a long time, her hair would be worse than fried. The show goes back and forth from past to present and from different perspectives... and we still have not seen the accident. Each week to me seems like a remake of the previous week with just a few extra character elements thrown in that really don't drive the plot forward.
  24. This show makes me question my abilities to stay focused. I do not understand this. The dark haired hacker gave the reporter the hacked CIA files, but when she opened it she got the finger. Was he aware those files were erased in what he gave her? Did the blond haired hacker erase it because he wanted to sell the files to the Russians?
  25. The scenes with Yvonne and Henry play out like some banter on a sophisticated NY Broadway theater piece. I don't really like their interactions because they both seem too impressed with their own acting. And Joanna Gleason's facelift is too tight for her neck. I actually find Alison more annoying than Noah. And Whitney is such a brat. The way she talks to her father is horrendous. Joan Crawford would have slapped her face. Veda much?
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