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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. How can Christmas compete in challenges going forward after surgery? Surely in endurance comps, she has to sit it out. And if they have that slippery challenge which involves going back and forth and filling a jug with a cup filled with liquid, she has to not play. I may be the only one, but I am disappointed Cody is going this week. Shows are more interesting with strong sides and dramatic emotional conflict and with him gone and Jessica a loner, it reduces the histrionics which make the show more of a watchable and addictive train wreck. Production should interfere and get them to keep him around at least until August. He serves a purpose which is to keep things hopping. Ramses should go. He adds nothing interesting.
  2. How can it be 3 random weeks? It makes no sense. It is contradictory. He cannot stall it waiting to be nominated so he can use it. That would almost take him to the end if he is not nominated because when he eventually is, he will use it. He won HOH and that invalidated his second week's safety. He has one more time to use it... unless him winning this week's HOH gives him two more in a consecutive progression. Or it indicates that if he does not win HOH after the next HOH for which he cannot play, it gives him safety and safety again after that if he again does not win HOH. That would carry him almost to August.
  3. They are there to carry Paul to the win. They are tools. I cannot stand how Paul presents himself as a mastermind. And they kiss his ass. He manipulates them and can they be so stupid? Look at him talking now on BBAD. They act like he is a guru.
  4. Since BB began, I have really found this show to be rage inducing... going all the way back to the season Maggie won and escalating the year Evel Dick won. Paul is poised to go all the way. And once again my blood pressure will be pushed to the limit. You would think that those HGs who do watch the show would know that it is necessary to get out the returning threats early in the game. I know Paul has safety for 3 weeks (do they include his HOH win as a week?) If not, then get gets an extension. All these fools are doing is rallying around him and riding his coat tails as they push him to the end and then vote for him to win. Production has a much too heavy hand in the direction of the game. They brought him back to win, gave him immunity for many weeks, and now we have to sit back and watch the obvious play out. With Cody gone, he has no strong opponent and much of the game conflict will disappear. Ugh, yeah ugh.
  5. I would say Paul is there to be on TV. It was a mistake to throw in ONE HG from a previous season. They are all not on an equal playing field and Paul has the edge for multiple reasons. The fact that he was brought back indicates he is a producer favorite. If they do not get rid of him at the first opportunity, they all deserve to lose.
  6. And I think Elena is a dead ringer for Megan Hilty.
  7. What's SM? Oh, social media. Josh is a total loose cannon. He could go ballistic if anybody referenced his family. He seems like a caricature to me, a parody of a typical low level quick tempered guy with no impulse control. He also appears to be quite dim witted. I would love to see his elementary school report card with the comments his teachers made. He acts like he is still in the 6th grade. And why do I have some weird premonition that Josh is going to win? He will fly under the radar till the end like Adam J. and take it all.
  8. I thought Mark was in a showmance with Dominique. Now he is with Elena... what's up with that?
  9. 1. Is Kevin married? He is being very flirty with Christmas, massaging her forehead pressure points. 2. Did Cody just take a swig of the Scope mouthwash straight from the bottle that they all must use?
  10. I said he had the "mentality" of a 12 year old, and 12 year olds can have a range of intelligence levels but they behave in defnitive ways and interact in conversations and in monologues just as Josh does. So we agree.
  11. OMG I think Josh is one of the few things breathing new life into this show. I don't like HIM, but I totally LOVE watching his unintentional comedy routine when he talks. He is a riot and a parody in a sort of SNL style.
  12. Well, I caved and watched BBAD and I am glad I did because this season is actually funny as hell. Josh is like a fifth grader and is unintentionally making me laugh. He has the mentality of a 12 year old. And Jessica with Cody is amusing to watch as well. IMO he sits there not like a serial killer but like Frankenstein. I do not understand why TPTB allow the HGs to talk into the cams like they were doing. They were sending out messages to their families all during BBAD. Maybe because it was the first night? I cannot see that being allowed for 3 months.
  13. I remember when I could not wait for this show to return every summer. But for the past three years, I just can't with this show anymore. All the HGs are clones of previous seasons and seem so boring. It's like a tedious reality tv version of Groundhog Day. I will be back at the end of August to see who is left. All the weeks prior to that are just excruciating and not very entertaining filler.
  14. It's all technicolor gorgeous dazzling eye candy. There is no plot or character development. I think episode 8 is a hot mess in terms of the story. It's all too confusing about what is even going on. There were 8 episodes and what is this even all about?
  15. Well, the episode was gorgeous to watch and magnificently executed... but for me, that's it. I cannot see past the art direction. It's all allegory inside breathtaking cotton candy and fluff. I have not read the books so for me the story seems totally undeveloped. I know of The House on the Rock... so I was disappointed they ended where they did. I am curious to see how it is used inside the next season. But, I will not go past episode 1 if they continue with the cotton candy approach.
  16. OK... so I have not read the books and really wanted to give this show a fair chance. The graphics are gorgeous and it seems to be filled with allegory but, from where I sit the bottom line is that this show is awful. It's a hodgepodge of seemingly many unrelated plots and most of it is totally preposterous. I am an old time fan of fantasy and science fiction but this show goes nowhere. It seems that only devoted fans of the book could even enjoy this bungled mess. I would be very surprised if it makes it past one more season.
  17. I never watched the original series and want to know if viewing that original series is necessary to understand the plot of these first two episodes.
  18. Yes, the ending was very sad. I think it was so depressing because it validated what we know already: that you can have a life filled with accomplishments and recognition and as you age you have only memories. In the end, you are either cremated or buried and the death thing is always there for us all, sooner or later. I was crying at the end because I thought of the end to that marvelous film: The Dead. It is on YouTube and really is very moving. It says so much about the life experience. The end scene of THE DEAD
  19. Don't get me wrong, I 100% think what Varner did was terrible. He did a very bad thing. And I do think he was honestly sorry for how it would impact Zeke, not just sorry for the fact that it would get him (Varner) sent home. But, I think the hate directed toward him and the vilification of him is overkill. What's the point of an apology if there is no forgiveness? Varner did not "out" Zeke to millions of people, CBS did when they chose not to edit that out and Zeke has some responsibility by allowing it to air. I really cannot stand stubborn righteous people (like those on twitter) who are acting like Varner did one of the worst things since the beginning of time. If Zeke is really proud of who he is he should be able to move past it and just be happy with who he is and forget Varner.
  20. CBS could have easily edited that all out, if Zeke was not ready to share it with the Survivor viewers. I think they exploited the incident and while Varner was totally wrong to do it CBS was worse. CBS could have edited what Varner said out and they all could have gone straight to a vote and voted Varner out. The viewing audience would never have known. CBS was despicable. That's great, but it never had to even get to that point if Zeke just said: I am not ready to share this so please edit it out. CBS did the right thing to contact GLAAD but I believe they wanted this publicity and saw it as a chance to milk ratings.
  21. I am not sure how the writers manage to do this in some series: a character gets inside me and when he dies I get really depressed, as if the character was real. Quinn died and today Rupert Friend had a live show on facebook and he discussed Quinn's death. And I still feel bad. I also think having to wait so long with many of these shows for a new season does not help. At the end of the episode, Keane looked like a traitor. It will be interesting to see where they take her. I doubt they will make her another Allison. But Keane will be out for revenge because of how they tried to destroy her son's memory. It did not like the final episode. It was dark, depressing, confusing, and sickening. Can any show these days have a happy ending?
  22. Maybe that is "the student" Dar told Saul to visit.
  23. I am very sad to see Peter Quinn gone... but that is not my issue with this season's finale. It was convoluted and layered with confusing intrigue. Who is this mysterious student Dar wants Saul to visit? Peter Quinn's long lost twin brother? Good way to bring back Rupert Friend. Who were the traitors dressed in camo who orchestrated a hit on the PEOTUS? Who was the kid in the photos that Carrie was looking at? Plus, the President's expression at the end makes me feel she may be a spy who won the election. Homeland probably will not be back until November 2018. So on to other shows that have more satisfying closure.
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