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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. The last 3 episodes were pretty bad. There is just not enough going on any more. It's stagnant.
  2. Honestly, it has been two years since this show was on. I forgot much of it... but this episode was not for me.
  3. This was awful in my opinion. The final episode of last season showed them arriving at the House on the Rock, so why did this episode show them traveling to that destination? The segments seems very disconnected and it just was not all that interesting. I actually turned it off after half way in.
  4. Too funny: Cassie's gorgeous hair, her gorgeous face. Maybe Cassie can move in with Kylie Jenner and become part of The Kardashians. I think she would fit right in. Cassie's lipstick tonight was just the perfect shade of coral: CassieCoral. Maybe Cassie can hook up with Rob Kardashian. Cassie presents so many possibilities. She could even go on Big Brother this summer.
  5. Totally HILARIOUS!! This thread is epic. However, I have to say that the show gave everybody here great material. I have never seen an episode of this series so dopey. Cassie is gorgeous and she is so not into Colton. Cassie is into Cassie and that short short silver dress had one purpose: to parlay her hotness into a film career. And Cassie's redundant "I don't know" made me think she is as idiotic as this: and such as and such as Her "I don't know" was her way of telling him to take a hike. She was saying: I do not know how to tell you to go away.
  6. I found this unwatchable and shut it off. It is just over. The singers are generic and boring and the backstories are interesting but it was not enough to hold my interest. I will not be watching again until finale night. I am not interested in the journey. It is time for this show to go away. Plus, what was most annoying aspect was the filmed format. In previous seasons, it was on a taped format, so the show appeared to be broadcast live. Now it looks like a filmed movie. Is that format less expensive?
  7. You think Wayne imagined his life in the entire storyline? I was also confused by that final scene of him in combat.....
  8. Interesting final episode..... Although I am not a fan of the "sit down" technique where a character unravels the mystery in narrative. But it was OK. I loved the last shot of Wayne in combat. So the secret of what happened to Julie is never shared with Roland and gets lost inside Wayne's head? A question: How did Amelia die?
  9. I posted that. I think what I posted was that the guilty one is the person who is not necessary within the story, and that would be Roland. He is there only because at the end of the series, it is revealed he did something or is the piece which solves the mystery because he is the guilty person.
  10. I was not sure where to put this but there will not be a new episode until March 5th. Why the second two week hiatus?
  11. I rewatched this episode and I was appalled at the behavior of these two "detectives." They intimidated and verbally abused that teenager several episodes back (I forgot his name) and they have beaten suspects in that "barn." The murder of Harris James was the last straw for me. And it was all Wayne's idea. These are protagonists that should be in jail. I am certainly not rooting for them as old men to solve this crime. They do not have clean hands. They are sociopaths. I think the writer created a season 3 that is awful. I think it is interesting to watch the aging of the characters and he built in some interesting things like dementia, but this whole thing about Hoyt Foods and a "replacement child" is preposterous. I will really faint if Eliza turns out to be Julie's daughter. And I think Amelia is alive in 2015.
  12. Wow. I am probably the only person on the planet that finds this has totally deteriorated into a garbled mess of preposterous nonsense. The acting is phenomenal but for me the story is very layered and not that interesting any more. I think that too often a writer will stick in some red herring about a pedo ring, and the solution to the mystery has nothing to do with pedos. These detectives were just not very good. They were drinkers and harassers and abusive to suspects. Then, they became murderers. What's so great about season 3 other than the acting?
  13. Ricky.... OMG. You would have won against Dina. Why pick somebody to sit next to that you will lose to? Does Ricky understand the game?
  14. Well maybe only in my old neighborhood it is.... because it happens so often there we have a community facebook page that includes a "then and now" to string together families who lived in one house and we have conversations about the neighborhood and the stores that are gone and homes that have been bought and torn down and McMansions built on the land and we even discuss house renovations. I realize it is not for everybody and with home invasions on the rise it might not be a good idea to open doors so quickly... but in my hometown we have loved our discussions and looking at pictures of families through the decades that lived in the same house. I admired a street in my old neighborhood and a guy PMd me on facebook (from the group) and actually invited me to visit his house on that street. The "going back" is an acquired taste and some people don't get it and it's all good. So it may not be an "unwritten rule" but in my old neighborhood it is considered a wonderful experience.
  15. I have done it.... my friends have done it and many other people I know do it. It is very common on Long Island. So many of my high school class who have relocated went back to the old neighborhood, knocked on the door, asked to go into the houses in which they grew up, and were graciously allowed to look around and let the memories flood back. The family I visited actually bonded with me and asked me to send them on facebook photos of the neighborhood and house when I lived there. They had questions about the house too. It is a wonderful experience.
  16. I wanted to respond to the "strangers letting you in to their house" position which others have expressed the same opinion about. When you lived in a house for years as a child and you become an adult and reach a certain age, it is very common to want to "go back" and visit the house in which you grew up. Larry David and Barbra Streisand did it and their visits were segments on 60 Minutes. Every room of the house holds hundreds of memories. And because of that, the house always "mentally" belongs to their family even though other families lived in the house years after they moved. They feel an "ownership" connected to that house. It actually is an "unwritten rule" to allow people who once lived there to go in and let the memories flood back. It happens all the time and most families love having past residents visit and tell their stories. I think the reason the mother felt awkward with Kate was because Kate seemed like she was going to go into meltdown mode. it was not that the siblings were there, it was how they acted when they were there.
  17. I was sorry to see Tom go. I always root for the underdog. Lolo had a difficult time making her noms because the rest are all in her alliance. So now they all have to turn on each other. It looks like Tamar has this now. And since TPTB love Tamar, she will most likely get AFP as well.
  18. Did Wayne accidentally shoot his partner in the leg during that shoot out? The acting in this series in phenomenal, but the story is very convoluted with too many suspects. Vanity Fair posted an article with much "down the rabbit hole" speculation and it was so over the top with preposterous conclusions I said to myself that if there is truth to any of the article's narrative, this show will go down as the dopiest series ever.
  19. Kato said it had to do with his body. I am sure after the show ends, it will be revealed.
  20. What BS!!!! The next episode is Feb. 12th!
  21. I did not like this episode at all. I feel they are putting in too many suspects (even though in real cases there can be many suspects) and false leads and red herrings and so much becomes filler. They stretch what could be a 3 or 4 episode series into 8 episodes. And the fine acting and the layers of the characters gets lost in the redundancy of the story line. I don't even care any more. What was great excitement and anticipation to find out the answers to the mysteries gets lost inside me when I have to wait a whole week for the next episode which is only an hour. That is probably why so many series are now put up all at once: so viewers can binge watch. Interest for me can sometimes deteriorate to just not caring. One child is dead and another is alive. The journey for answers is not enough to fill 8 episodes.
  22. Who is Fitzgibbons the Redcoats want Jamie to hunt down?
  23. It is already starting to feel like red herrings and filler to what will be a conclusion that will be very disappointing.
  24. Sophie seems so present day to me, in her manner of speech and deportment. She does not even seem like a girl of the 1960s. I almost expect her to take out a cell phone and start texting. Ditto.
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