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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. I think she looks the same size, and actually looks good in the commercial. The plus sized clothes out there are awful-too loud, too thin, made for women who are short with big boobs, or have odd colors. These looked better than most I’ve seen.
  2. She also used a much higher-pitched voice when talking to the Uber driver and her new boyfriend. She didn’t see what she did as lying, at all. It was just a persona she put on, and when that version lost everything, she just slipped it off like it wasn’t actually her. So bizarre.
  3. Yes. Those men were basically in their employ for that tour. Their behavior was sexual harassment. Imagine if the genders were reversed. Gina's a mean drunk. Well, she's mean sober, too. But she shows her jealousy more when she's loaded. Shannon might be a bit self-centered, but she's way more fun on the trips.
  4. Heather loves to jump in on a gang up against Shannon, but can’t handle it when she’s put on the hot seat. She runs away, and then corners people individually. She gets right in their faces and basically demands they agree with her. Emily and Gina try to act like they’re Lucille and Ethel with their ‘hilarious’ hijinks, but they’re just mean girls. They start drama and then act all ‘who, me??’ when it hits. Although, I did laugh at Gina laughing on the ride home. That’s so something I do, if it gets tense and quiet at an awkward time, I get the giggles. And the more I try to stop, the harder I laugh. That shot of them all screaming at each other, cut away and back and it’s silent and Noella is just looking right at the camera was so weird and funny.
  5. Catch Heather’s dig at Shannon “you need sleep.” Heather loves making women look like they’re crazy or not in control of themselves. She’s totally the person who pushes drinks, but stays sober, just so she can film and post online all the embarrassing stuff everyone else does-while pretending she’s just part of the ‘fun.’ Hate women like her. She pretends to be your friend just to get dirt on you. Gina and that suck & blow lady LMAO. What is it with these housewives and their charlatan healers/psychics!? Dr. Jen-if you have to beg your husband for a kiss and he can barely stand to make lip contact with you? Move on.
  6. Emily is wearing someone else’s face. Shannon dodged a bullet, she looks great. Gina as well. The rest-eh. so much spray tanner. Hope the couches aren’t white.
  7. I agree. Didn’t she still lose around 25lbs? It’s still a loss. It’s just a fact that it gets harder and harder to lose weight the longer you’re cutting calories. Your body & mind rebels, surgery or not. She’s already dropped a lot of weight. And she’s very tough on herself. A little encouragement would’ve been more helpful. It was comical how long they dragged out the weigh-ins. So many commercials! It’s like Pimple Popper-patient goes on about how affliction sucks. Doctor says how she’s not sure she can help. Commercial. Patient retells same story. Doctor says again, not sure I can help. Begins and Commercial break. Ugh. Tv is annoying why do I watch?! Lol
  8. I’d like to think I’d have intervened or called for help if I saw someone being ‘brutalized.’ But I guess I shouldn’t judge. I have regrets in my life, but wow, I can’t imagine living with myself knowing I let so many young girls be destroyed while I covered for the perpetrator. Let alone, knowing I was helping to lure them in. Again, it’s not my place to judge, but it’s kind of hard not to.
  9. Ryan to Jen - Show Me the Money! He’s totally waiting for her to be the one to leave—but, like Emily said—after she signs those papers. I love how Emily and Gina will say something nasty about Shannon. Then, when she sticks up for herself, they get all huffy and offended. As if they played no hand in it. They did it with whats-her-name with the lawsuit and now with this stupid ‘Shannon is jealous’ storyline, and it works every time because Shannon doesn’t have enough self esteem to just ice them out and not care. Ive never been bored with my friends and decided getting naked together was the answer. So weird.
  10. Also, caught Jen saying “I need a drink!” And Heather replied “you need a lot of drinks!” When they first got there. Not saying she was trying to get her naked wasted, but oops lol its funny how the deleted scenes can easily change your opinion of someone. Ryan was definitely capable of being sociable and was with Terry. Shows how often we’re manipulated by editing.
  11. I can overlook the néw host’s super bubbly personality-although, I prefer John or Jesse- but the intrusive interviews while the contestants are trying to concentrate are super annoying. Kudos to them because I’d have snapped at her if under that kind of pressure. It’s like the kids when you’re busy with the bills/please go find something to do until Mommy’s done lol. As has been said, I’m sure the producers told her to do that. Why???? I like the new judge. Sick of Nancy’s ‘more alcohol!’ shtick. eh, not much to add, too many bakers to keep track of this early.
  12. Countless people saw these abuses, and still went back to work for Hefner!?! I can maybe accept their silence out of fear because he was so powerful/rich, but to keep taking his money, knowing what you knew? Disgusting.
  13. I get confronting Lisa more than Jen because they don’t have first hand knowledge of Jen’s of alleged criminal behavior (other than the stolen purse which was already talked about) However, they’ve all experienced Lisa’s endless lies and starting rumors about someone, then running straight to that person & saying ‘they’re all talking about you! But not me! I’m your friend!’ Shes also the worst fake crier I’ve ever seen. Even worse than Kyle Richards.
  14. Another reunion where you can’t get a straight answer because everyone has to talk over the person answering the damn question. Andy, ask the question, then immediately mute everyone else’s mics!! So annoying.
  15. I have a feeling Vanessa’s sister’s anger is about her money moving out.
  16. I can see how Ryan made a living playing cards. He’s really hard to read. He makes these odd, flat statements and his facial expression never changes far from befuddled, uncomfortable, or just blank. I think Jen drinks out of severe insecurity. Ryan’s aloofness was probably a good match for her when they first got together. She probably figured he wasnt capable of the lovey-dovey affectionate stuff and accepted it, But now she sees he is capable of being that way with the dog and the kids, just not her. And he probably denies it every time she asks him about it. So, she keeps trying to get the same from him, but she never will and it makes her question herself and lash out at him to get Some reaction, anything other than this blank indifference......or maybe I’m projecting & she’s just a big ball of need and he’s half out the door. lol
  17. Well, as frustrated as I got with the last few seasons, I’m going to miss this show so much! The writers still managed to surprise me, even when I was rolling my eyes. Loved the cast. Hope we see these actors more in America! Some looked so familiar, probably were in American movies etc. but without their accents. Shout out to the actress who played Joan. The writers turned her into some superhero/horror film bogey-woman at times, but she played the hell out of it. Loved the credits with everyone breaking character and being silly.
  18. Apparently, in the second half of season 8, they started lighting the prison using candles. Everything’s so dark! Even when they searching a room, no one turns a light on. This season is ridiculous.
  19. I didn’t watch much of this episode because scenes in sex toy stores are not my thing. I’m definitely an ‘old’ now because I couldn’t believe it was shown on regular tv lol. No offense to anyone who enjoys that sort of thing, I just feel it’s private and I was cringing at what little I did see. Meghan doesn’t have a sexual problem. She has a self esteem one. Her body is changing, skin is starting to sag and her coping mechanism-junk food-can’t be her comfort anymore. It’s a lot to process and buying sex toys isn’t the answer. It’ll take time to build her confidence back, and the libido will follow. The extreme gym was dumb and irresponsible. Super large bodies should do gentle exercise that doesn’t strain joints. You won’t stick with an exercise plan that feels punishing. Duh.
  20. That was bizarre, Heather saying she respects Mary more after seeing the episodes!?! I really like Heather on the show, but she always comes off bad on the reunions. That comment was so stupid. And they had to remind her that Mary called her bestie a whore.
  21. Yes! I always laugh when I see that. No one thought “geez, maybe we should take the swivel off the cameras....?”🤣
  22. Ugh... I can already tell season 8 is going to annoy me with all these false scares and threats to the baby. Might not make it through this one because I hate that stuff. It goes from suspenseful to frustrating fast.
  23. They really need to mute the other housewives when someone is talking. No one gets to finish a sentence. It’s not only annoying, but as soon as someone seems to be spilling actual dirt, another will interrupt and hijack the conversation.
  24. That mom was creepy. Daughter, too, but she seemed at least capable of pantomiming real human emotions. They all seemed to have that dead eyed look with the flat tone of voice. I kept waiting for her to say the husband abused her and the kids, anything, but it was basically ‘he annoyed me.’ And the murder sister said of her sister ‘she wouldn’t get a job’ So bizarre.
  25. I loved Orange is the New Black, and I’m loving this series as well. Of course, just like all good shows, after season 3, the implausibility of most plot lines gets way out of hand, and you have to suspend a lot of belief to just enjoy the show because you’re not ready to leave the characters or their world. I’m only on season 6. One thing this show has over OITNB is they let their female leads have actual lines on their faces. I love how they mostly look like women you’d know in real life. No ones all Botox’d & filler’d to death with perfect makeup. I was long over Ferguson before this season and see she’ll be back (SIGH) but I’ve invested too much time to not see it through. This prison’s cameras are like cell phones in horror films-never working when stuff goes down. Lol
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