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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. I felt for Amy between the hormones making her emotional and insecure, being overwhelmed with two crying babies, everyone watching and Then she makes the 'forklift' crack and I'm like-Sigh. Amanda has a good heart. I was glad Someone got up to help. In my family , we let the new Mom and Dad eat their food while it's still hot and take care of the kids. So, was weird to me to see them keep eating and not help, but could've been editing.
  2. Whenever they ask if the furniture stays, especially if it’s brand new, it’s so obvious that’s already their house lol These two were like sisters from another mister. They really jelled. The bachelor pad was a hoot. Astroturf in the bathroom? That’s a first. I love the episodes that don’t include the fake “Person A wants charm/projects/city center, but Person B wants modern/move-in ready/country” Drop that nonsense already. It’s so annoying.
  3. Did Michael have chew in during the delivery? Lol maybe it’s just his mouth shape, but it looked like it on his hospital video
  4. I’m glad Tammy continued therapy privately. I don’t think any therapy should be televised. You’re not going to be 100% honest when you know you’ll be judged by the public.
  5. I felt for Amy’s anxiety about having two babies to care for without her husband’s help. She was so overwhelmed and scared. Happy for Tammy making her weight goal, but her coquettish grinning about it made me cringe. I know, I’m a horrible person, but it was just uncomfortable. Good for her though. Hope she’s able to continue losing. Did I see panic on the eyes of the siblings when she told them? Like-uh oh-that means they’ll release her soon? Lol Never had gator, but, as always, Chris’ enthusiasm was infectious.
  6. I feel like the episode description doesn't match what we saw?
  7. I watched the peacock one too. That off campus apartment wasn’t even his. He asked to stay on a friends couch for a short while. The friend Traveled a lot so didn’t mind. Then, Larry kept bringing more and more kids in, took over and did crappy renovations, etc. took the guy 6 years to get him out. 3 to get an eviction and 2-3 more to get someone to uphold the eviction. Just crazy!
  8. There’s an article in the Feb 20 People Magazine on Felicia that mentions things not shown on the series-unless I missed them….that Larry would beat her until she was black and blue, forced them to sleep with strangers and make sex tapes which he would use to blackmail money out of their parents (I wondered why they’d give so much money to him. That makes more sense than they ‘damaged his property’) He would make her sleep on the porch while working for weeks planting sod…she tried to kill herself with pills in the apartment and he caught her and dragged her out by her hair and told Isabella-“Don’t let this bitch kill herself again” It was even worse than the Stolen Youth series presented. Crazy to me how anyone can fall for this. As soon as he started with his Marines stuff, I’d have known he was bullshit because no one I know who served brags about it like that. He sounded on the tapes like a typical mansplaining douchebag to me But I guess we all think it could never happen to us. Still, every time one of these guys are exposed, Im always left confused, like “Him!?! Really???”
  9. They needed to hire older writers who were familiar with the original run because these changes are awful. Would it really have been so hard to write funny, poignant storylines that were accurate? Of course, I’d have acted like anything including the lottery win never happened, but changing Bev into a complete monster is such Lazy writing. Part of the authenticity of original Roseanne was accepting how family members could be flawed, yet there’s still love and good sides to them, too. Everyone’s so one dimensional on the Connors and it really wasn’t necessary after they spent years fleshing out whole multi-dimensional human beings. Drives me nuts. They’d have been better off creating a separate series with new actors because there’s nothing here that’s from the original anymore. Plus, I want to kidnap Ben and Mark and put them on a better show.
  10. Low impact is all they should be doing for now. That kind of weight slamming down on their ankles and knees is a recipe for disaster. They did do some low impact stuff, the walking, bike, pulley weights. It was just too much all at once. The point is to make exercise something you can motivate yourself to do even if you hate it. Not make it so painful and humiliating that you despise every second of it. But this is tv. They always have to 'Biggest Loser' the hell out of all the obese people just for daring to exist.
  11. Vanessa has such thin legs, what a relief it’ll be for her to get that stomach cut off! And I nearly missed her say someone pushed her off a balance beam and she was in a hip to ankle cast, in hospital for a year? Damn! Her attitude is 180 from the first time we saw her. She’s really motivated. I can see how her digs can sting different now that she’s the thinnest, but Megan is too resentful of her success.
  12. Nothing would motivate me less than someone busting into my room uninvited with a bullhorn, yelling Wake Up! Wake Up! I’d have left that farm day one. I hate that ‘break you down to build you up’ crap. I wouldn’t have screamed at everyone, but I wouldn’t have been all rah rah we walked on the boards! woohoo! high-fiving everyone. I hate that crap. Lol
  13. Too bad, I liked her in the beginning. She’s a hardcore food addict. Needs at least 6 months inpatient help.
  14. She's not as whiney as the others and drove herself -on her tippy toes tho. Yikes.
  15. I don't know how these 600 pounders can afford all this food! That's like a $50 breakfast.
  16. After this ‘beat up the fatties for kicks’ getaway is over, I’d really love to see the ladies go on an actual retreat. They could use some pampering and ego-boosting after this humiliation. Even the horrible Housewives get to go on real vacations. These poor women have only had a muddy camp night and a windy overnight at the beach. You can only break people down so much before it gets really hard to watch. Let them go to a healthy spa where they can eat great food and get massages! They’ve earned it.
  17. I feel for Tammy in some ways, but I grew up with someone who you never knew what mood you’d get. Either they were super fun & happy, or really angry and mean. And you never knew what you were getting. It’s exhausting and frustrating, and just really sucks. I’d avoid her like the plague in real life. Chris is doing great and his enthusiasm is contagious. More happy people, please lol
  18. I don't know why, maybe too many years watching 600lb Life, but originally, I felt like the therapist knew Tammy was molested in the past and Tammy didn't want to admit it on tv, and maybe was angry that the therapist kept trying to get her to say it, but as others said, the questions weren't that intrusive and I was probably jumping to conclusions because molestation is often a catalyst for people to start gaining these massive amounts of weight.
  19. I forgot about the cameras! What an awful invasion of privacy. I hope he’s in on it because that move would damage my relationship with my mom forever.
  20. I don't think any reality shows can last now because everyone's too media savvy. Most of the top Housewives shows were a mess these last seasons because everyone's being super careful about what they say. Even when they have moments of true honesty-usually when drunk- they quickly backpedal or doublespeak their way out of it. Throw in real life crimes, and the viewers are constantly having to guess and fill in the blanks. It all makes for a frustrating watch. If they could stop trying to manufacture the drama and cast actual friends who have fun together & have interesting lives, they might save the franchise, but every season it gets more negative and fake.
  21. The music and lingering on the robot surgery made me think someone was going to die. I HATE the relentless background music on this show. It's sad piano that goes on and on and on. Mom seemed a bit rough, drug or drink history maybe, but nice... Nice family overall. Hope they succeed.
  22. Lol@ “lock the doors!” When GI Jane walked up. Ugh again with the extreme exercising for people who never did it before. No technique was being taught. Those sit-ups were a waste of time. They were just shoving their heads toward their stomachs. It’d have been much better to slowly show them how to clench their lower stomachs while bringing their shoulders up. Same for the push ups, no technique, just force. Waste of time and risk of injury.
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