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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Agree 100%! The flavor twists don’t add suspense for me. They just make me tense and aggravated… Especially, since we can’t Actually taste anything! So, it’s way more fun to see how they decorate.
  2. And not even in a fun to watch way. She’s exhausting and annoying. I don’t care about her or her family, sorry.
  3. Added to my list of things I never want to see on the Housewives again: Past abuse storylines (my deepest sympathies to Anyone who suffered abuse, but these trash shows are my escape from reality.) Twerking. God, I’m old, cuz Ew. Stop. Just, STOP.
  4. Thank you TooMuchRealityTv for posting that info! I thought there had to be more to the story. They really glossed over the story of Tiffany calling her mom to come home from the party. The Mom was like “shrug Ok I’ll come home” Then, quick mentioning of the theft and it was dropped. Seemed strange that she’d drop her phone and walk all that way, when she was actually sober. Committing suicide in such a violent way is usually done when a person is drunk or high. Very odd. Felt awful for the family members gathering up her scattered remains. I can’t imagine.
  5. Whitney is constantly making sexual comments, innuendos, etc. Then, the minute someone, usually a man, plays along, she feigns shock and outrage, like that’s not what she meant at all!…. She did this with Buddy, now Lenny-she flirts and if they say anything remotely flirty back, she instantly starts cutting them down and acting like They’re the ones coming after her, and how unworthy they are compared to her!! Why? Only reason I can think of, is she knows they’re being paid to pretend and she resents it, and resents them for it. Her insecurity makes her mean. It’s the whole ‘reject you before you can reject me’ defense mechanism, but with an added layer of ‘we’re being paid to be here.’ It’s a shame because there are times she seems like she might be fun, but then—here comes the sex talk, and reminders she sooo desirable to bait attention..attention is given…onto publicly embarrassing anyone who’s nice to her. She needs mad therapy.
  6. I didn’t mind Crystal being put on the hot seat about the ‘dark comments.’ She deserved that for implying Sutton said awful, racist things. You can’t just throw accusations like that around and then play the ‘that’s how I felt. It’s my truth!’ And think that absolves you of having to explain what you’re saying. However, Kyle did a similar thing when she went in about the timing of the ‘14 friends.’ Kyle implied she knew the real reason they dumped Crystal. But, of course, she then backed off saying “I don’t talk about stuff like that.” And I was waiting for someone to jump on that, but they didn’t. New band name ‘The 14 Friends’
  7. Heather’s snooty imitation of Meredith was great. That’s all I got. Yawned through this one. Oh wait, I did laugh when Jen realized it stopped being about her, so she started screeching “My husband! my kids!” Lmao
  8. I got so excited when I read Jiya and rematch. Darnit.
  9. Lisa’s look of panic when talking to her son: ‘this is Not what we rehearsed! He’s going off script!’
  10. Also, really tired of these conversations where things are hinted at and implied, but no one really says anything. I think I'm getting over the housewives franchise altogether. Every episode is like deja vu, regardless of location or cast.
  11. Meredith & Whitney's conversation about Lisa was badly acted and so obviously out of the 'throw the rumor out there, then pretend you don't believe it." housewives playbook. Whitney's demon bathrooms scene with her husband, she looked like she was drunk or going to start laughing. Of course, I feel bad for her if she was abused but this is all feeling like bad improv. This cast is just not good at making the storylines appear organic.
  12. Whit looked very pretty at the wedding. I loved all of the bridal party's dresses, but Hated that dark green jacket. It stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all those soft colors. Seeing Bab's so fragile was tough. Its great she got to be there, of course. But this whole storyline is hard for me to watch. Its too real, I guess.
  13. Meredith got her boobs fixed, and will show them off any chance she gets. She's also going to milk her outrage over Lisa's rant for the entire season which is going to get boring fast. These housewives don't want sincere apologies. They want groveling at their feet and blood sacrifices (& a storyline, obviously) Jen's victim act and fake tears will be hard to get through all season, as well. Gotta love when rich people get called out for their scams. They act like someone did Them arong, and all their friends rally around them with sympathy. Gross.
  14. Being so obnoxious about making sure everyone knew She was paying for the suit was just tacky. However, Lenny is always making "are you going to buy me that?" comments. So, he's pretty tacky himself. I guess he figures, may as well get what I can before the show is canceled. It'll be interesting to see who sticks around after the money is gone. Whitney's very condescending, and downright insulting, to her friends. I'd love a show like this about an obese woman who wasn't so narcissitic. Someone you can picture yourself hanging out with.
  15. That made me so tense just watching. I’d have probably snapped “shut it! I’m trying to concentrate!”
  16. I like that there doesn’t seem to be manufactured-for-drama incidents on this show. The times they’ve over baked or broken things seem genuine vs Halloween Wars, which I had to stop watching a few seasons ago because The Fake took over. Granted, they still have them doing stupid over-the-top reaction shots to every twist, etc but if it stays at this level… It won’t ruin the show for me. The decorating is pretty bad this season, so far. I know the time constraints are part of the challenge, but I’d rather they get more time to finish the look of their bakes. That’s way more interesting to me than ‘oh no! It’s not baked through!’
  17. Ericka keeps saying she’s ‘fighting for her life.’ No, people in plane crashes and fires fight for their lives. She’s fighting for her Money.
  18. I liked Garcelle’s taking head, “we’re not under contract to drink this tequila, right?”
  19. She (Dorit) is such a poseur snob, really thinks her shit’s ice cream. Sometimes, it’s funny to watch her try hard antics, like a character in an SNL skit. Her whole, “you know when my friend is hurting, I’m going to be there to support them” with all her hard pauses and over-emphasizing of certain words, working so hard to keep that accent coming out. Lmao
  20. Here we go again…something we’ll only hear about from the world’s most unreliable narrator. So annoying.
  21. The women she’s always trying to embarrass in front of men. She’s so competitive with any female that might get attention. The men she embarrasses by hanging all over them and flirting then instant they meet.
  22. Ericka was slobbering all over Diana, hinting hardcore for an offer to go home in her private jet. And Diana, the first time I liked her, just sat there smiling, silent.
  23. Also, the dog trainer scene was disappointing because Whit mentioned recall-that she could let her dog off leash, but couldn't be sure that she'd return. I was interested to see how they train for that, but he just tested how willing the dog is lead while leashed, which wasn't a concern she had.
  24. Jessica Hated Pat's leprechaun coat, right? Cuz her reaction looked like a recoil in horror. Thought the carwash scene was an ad, but maybe not.
  25. So glad they didn’t ruin this show like they did Spring and Halloween Wars. Yay for John being back!!
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