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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Couldn’t finish the episode. Too many sob stories, and they make exercising look like total misery. Made me remember why I stopped watching the original version.
  2. Why don’t they ever give the heights of the contestants?
  3. This show has become too unrealistically scripted. There’s no way someone would say ‘I have texts that prove your best friend is saying bad stuff about you, but I’m not going to show them.’ First off, talked about friend would Demand you give them the texts, which they’d take back to their friend and ask ‘what’s up? Here’s your texts!’ Also, if this person was being called crazy, they’d say “I’m not crazy-here are her texts talking crap about you!” And if I asked a friend if they said these things and their reply was “Not that I recall.” ?? No one is accepting that as a response in real life. Too fake.
  4. When your spouse sees you’re feeling vulnerable, basically begs you to speak/act kinder to them and you not only refuse to do so-you amp up the hostility-that’s not some ‘personality quirk’ or sarcasm, that’s emotional abuse. Shane is like every insecure boy who wants to break up, but doesn’t want to take any blame. So, they just treat the girl worse and worse, trying to force her to leave first. Then, they can always have their trump card “You broke up with me!” He may have always been a little twirp with his comments, but in a marriage you can fake being nice for a little while when you see your spouse hurting. It’s not that hard. For someone supposedly so pious, he’s very selfish.
  5. Ugh. So much faked, forced ‘fun’ All of Gina’s scenes with Emily come across like she’s acting out a pre-planned script she forgot to send Emily. The silent treatment was ridiculous—like a child sulking in a group, waiting for everyone to ask what’s wrong just so they can say “Nothing. I’m fine.....Why are you so obsessed with me?!” She’s exhausting. Why does Emily want her friendship anyway? I don’t see a single thing she brings to the table. Gina’s just ‘What about Me-Me-Me!?” Constantly. Emily’s a big vortex of “please love me!” Gina knows it and uses it against her.
  6. Gina talking about Shannon & Tamara ‘They take me out...They take me places. They don’t just call and say ‘checking in.’ Notice how she didn’t say ‘they spend time with me’ No-she meant-they spend money on me— and Emily doesn’t.
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