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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Geez, she tortured that poor girl-just say ‘it wasn’t spinal fluid!’ so much time wasted on this show, repeating the same things over and over and over....
  2. Heather definitely doesn’t want to be her surrogate. She only said she would, knowing she’s high risk and won’t get approved. And she knows Whitney will wait so long, she’ll age out. I also don’t ‘hear’ any chemistry with the faux French guy, but I never did with any of her partners. They ALL talked with that halting, hesitant way of speaking. None of them seemed relaxed around her. They all looked tense, bracing themselves against her hands, face, mouth....there was never that easy banter between them like you see in real couples. Maybe it was the cameras and crew always hovering around, but I don’t know... I think what she saw as a date, was just a tutor/teacher keeping their student’s attention by showing them a place they showed interest in. She leads everything he says to romantic place when I don’t see him ever doing the same. I can almost see thought bubbles over his head saying ‘wait...what did I get myself into?’
  3. Honestly. The women all have enviable bodies, and good for them, but I’ve never thought of showing my boobs to my friends, or wanting to see theirs, let alone touch them. Did Ramona actually lick Sonja’s boob? Maybe I’m a prude, but that whole scene felt forced. They didn’t seem to really want to do what they were doing. It was like a desperate one-upping contest. So uncomfortable to watch. There has to be other ways to be interesting, entertaining, and fun to watch without endless dick talk and getting screechy naked. This whole franchise has turned into the female “Ouch, My Balls!”
  4. Yes! Someone asks her a question and...long pause...deep breath...eyes closed....open eyes slowly.....reply like a robot giving a painful sermon. It’s hilarious.
  5. Trying to figure out why I’m spending my free time watching a show filled with people who give me a headache. Ramona and Sonja’s rapid fire way of spewing narcissistic ‘what about me!’ world salad all over Any conversation is not entertaining at all. If they’re not getting their asses kissed, they self-destruct. I’ve never seen anything like it. Why am I watching this!?! Lol It’s not fun, funny, informative, or even escapist. And to hell with all this ‘she acts that way cuz she’s in pain’ Im in pain watching them.
  6. Between this show and New York, I’m shocked at how dumb some white people still are about race. I knew saying ‘I don’t see color.’ And ‘I/etc Have black friends.’ were ignorant things to say decades ago. How did so many of these women miss that message?! Garcelle is a blunt question-asker, but she shouldn’t feel bad about questioning Erika. It’s their jobs. And Erika should know the drill by now.
  7. “I cry at night because I wasn’t born Jewish!” 🤣dead.
  8. Laughed out loud at the one guest’s reaction to Sonja’s comment “let’s just leave it to the Jews and the Blacks” Its like these women have been living in isolation all their lives and never learned how to act around other people, or have even Seen other people. It’s so bizarre. Has to be scripted, right? No one acts like this in real life! Ramona needed to be shot with a tranquilizer gun.
  9. I believe Tom cheated and talked to her like she’s an employee for years after the bloom fell from their relationship. I also think she put up with it because she was getting what she wanted-her ‘career.’ When she saw what was coming for him legally, she kicked into self-preservation and bailed. At first, using this ‘cheating/he’s mean’ stuff to make herself the victim. However, someone must have gotten in her ear and said-support this dementia narrative and we’ll make it worth your while/protect you financially. She agreed, not realizing it would now make her look like a cold, heartless bitch who dumped her husband the minute he needed her the most. And she’s not capable of carrying that weight under scrutiny, regrets it, and is starting to crack. I don’t know. So many lies. But the first time her tears seemed real was last night.
  10. I thought I heard Sonja say ‘he gave me a check for $2,000! That’s not enough! It’s insulting!’ Something like that, so she didn’t cash it. Either way, that guy and his backup were both shady and on the defensive as soon as Ramona mentioned her business credentials. He’s definitely ripping her off. I don’t feel bad for her though. If she didn’t learn her lesson from the movie fiasco, it’s her own fault. Bored with the DNA results stuff. The long pauses, the ‘journey’ talk Zzzzzzz
  11. Leah has obviously seen every previous season of this show and knows Luann is Totally the type to say “All the money is going to charity.” Then, pocketing any proceeds that exceed a certain dollar amount. So bored with all the sex talk, bawdy cakes, etc. what a snooze. Are there no original, fun ideas left? Eboni is so threatened by Bershan outshining her.
  12. Sonja hides behind this ‘kooky’ act, but she’s really nasty. It comes out every now and then, like that snap at Ramona. Her self-pitying crap is long played out, too. And that accent she put on when mocking Berhsan?...wow. Am I the only one who thought that sounded really racist? The psychic stuff was ridiculous, as always. Hire some new script writers already!! So bored.
  13. Past trauma might explain current behavior, but it doesn’t excuse it. She liked to throw down that rape card whenever she got called out for being an abusive manipulator, and it worked! That’s ridiculous. I don’t care what you went through, the instant you get violent with your own mom, your butt should be thrown out the door. She’ll never recover because they put up with it.
  14. “Leah sees me as an older sister.” hahaha Leah is extremely vulgar for attention, no doubt. But Ramona with that ‘dancing’ and ‘your music is so sensual. It moves me...’ Cringe. It’s not her Catholic upbringing, Ramona just wants to be the most provocative, ‘sensual’ woman at the table. I really think she sees Leah as competition in a way. Lu was gaslighting Eboni with that ‘why are you shouting? You’re so angry!’ It’s a classic technique they use when they’re losing an argument and have no other defense. They were All getting loud. It was obvious Eboni wasn’t calling them uneducated. She was trying to demonstrate that being educated isn’t a basis for moral score keeping. As in ‘I’m the most educated, and I talk dirty sometimes too’ Luann’s insecurities caused her to latch onto that word ‘educated’ and twist it. Honestly, It felt like a fake fight, lu’s not a good actress. She seemed to fake anger until she actually believed it. Leah, siiiigh. She’s the ‘I’m so sad...crying without tears...please ask me why I’m sad...No! I Don’t Want to Talk about it!’ Girl. Just go see your grandmother!! She is humorless and more judgmental than the people she accuses of judging her. She’s like a toddler who needs their bottle and a nap.
  15. This is now the Leah Show. Zzzzzzzz. Everyone acted like they just met that night and were trying way too hard to make a ‘moment’ happen. Time to quit this one.
  16. ‘I love animals more than anything in the world.’ ...spills fentanyl all over the carpet where the dogs can eat it.
  17. My nitpick with the pacing...lots of drawn out pauses where characters just stare knowingly at each other. “Here, have some water.” Long stare between Alain and Monique. Person just sits there while they stare knowingly at each other, then says “sure! Thanks!” In real life, no way you’d drink it after seeing them making those evil eyes at each other. Also, sound editor Really loved smoking. You heard every light, sizzle, and inhale of each of those 30,000 cigarettes. Made me laugh after a while. Otherwise, great series. Never heard the story before and I binge watched it in days.
  18. Jen is a lunatic. Anytime she’s criticized, she puffs up like a mob boss ‘you’re either all in with me or against me!’ And when her victims say, ‘sorry crazy bitch, you acted insane!’ She starts the narcissistic soliloquy ‘You don’t know what I’ve been through!’ She’s exhausting and I feel abused watching her. Get her off my tv. Life is tense enough. She’s the opposite of fun or interesting.
  19. Their friendship with Whitney is so odd. She’s like the rich grandma that everyone has to tip-toe around, making sure not to upset her, or they’ll be cut out of the will (show.) And she knows it, and uses it to manipulate them. Buddy will never turn down the chance to live rent-free, but is at least insisting it be in Greensboro. The others, I’m struggling to find what they get out of this ‘friendship’ other than a paycheck because Whitney is blatantly mean to them. She called Heather to rub her face in the tattoo thing, Not to make sure she was ok with it. She actually looked disappointed that Heather didn’t remember the goose and get immediately hurt about it. Then, Heather saw she wasn’t playing her role correctly, and drummed up some outrage for Grandma’s ego stroke. How they stayed friends for decades before this show, I’ll never understand. She’s emotionally abusive to them.
  20. Whitney’s dad fully expected her to ‘rescue’ him again. You can tell how he talked about how he always had his own salons etc. and the dead face he got when he realized she wouldn’t immediately fold. He froze and then switched gears. She needs to cut ties and walk away. He’s so used to doing the bare minimum to get back in good graces aka handouts.
  21. Wow. The instant a thin, seemingly attractive man was in her peripheral, she Immediately gets overly familiar and sexual. Taking her top off and basically marking her territory with her own piss. I’ve never seen someone so simultaneously over confident in their seductive attractiveness, yet so desperately insecure. And her friends seem to reinforce her delusions. The money cannot be that good.
  22. It’s amazing how many Housewives go on and on about how ‘busy’ they are and how they take care of everyone else except themselves...yet, we never see them actually doing anything except talking about how busy they are.
  23. This is the opposite of fun. Want my guilty pleasure viewing back. One and a half episodes of crying, stalling, hyperventilating and vague accusations to say the obvious implication. I’m sorry for her. It’s awful. But with all these addicts, tears, and childhood drama, I feel like I’m watching Intervention. Too depressing. No laughs anymore, just tension and therapy-speak. Yawn.
  24. Meredith...and.....her. Husband. Speak...soo....haltingly?....like...they...forgot. Their. Lines?...or..like. They’re....high? ...and oh hi Brooksie! Hey Brooksie! Smoochie love you, genius gifted special child!......... “Ugh. Thanks for missing my show.” Painful.
  25. If the ‘incident’ everyone is fighting over wasn’t filmed, then any conversation concerning it shouldn’t air. It’s so annoying to spend week after week on an accusation that can’t be proven.
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