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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. The judges are always confusing because the producers are in their ears. It’s usually the same contradictory critiques. ”you need to take more risks.” designer takes risk: “we don’t see any of YOU in this design.” or ”don’t lose your point of view.” designer repeats an embellishment or fabric: ”we’ve seen this before. You need to take more risks.” Anna lucked out that so many did draping.
  2. I could swear Tamra said Ryan walked into her gym and told Her he was going to sleep with Jen. Now, it’s he walked in and said he was going to sleep with Tamra? Does he just say that ever time he walks in, but picks a different blonde every time?
  3. The dick pic text conversation comes off even weirder when you factor in the Never before scene from last week where Jen was talking about the early days of her and Ryan’s relationship. She insisted they never even held hands while she was still with her husband. Tamra, being Tamra, asked if he sent her a dick pic, and Jen said No! Ew! & they both, along with Heather acted grossed out by the idea. I believe Heather said Terry only sends her cat memes, and Tamra said If she wanted to see Eddie’s, she could just roll over in bed and look. So, Definitely not buying that Ryan meant to text that pic to Jen.
  4. Heather in the jeep with Gina felt very "and...Scene!" Wish Emily could've gone. She cracked me up with her "And then shed burn the bus..."
  5. It was only a matter of time before Tamra said Ryan wanted to have sex with her because Everyone has to want Tamra. She's so young and hot and Super fuckable dontchaknow??! Its sad, in a way, how she has nothing else to offer. And she purposely pushes the alcohol so she has an excuse to gossip about everyone and then say, 'I was so drunk last night, I don't remember-what did I say?!' Seriously, these are high school moves which is where most of these women seem stuck. I loved Jenn to Gina, saying "its not my job to make you feel good about it.' Too bad she cried, but that's like a prerequisite for these woman to say, " we're closer now...." Cuz I made her cry. Again I high school crap. Heather's getting so desperate to keep Tamra (aka the camera) that she's physically tackling her lol Gina tells the truth, but they'll all side with Tamra in the end because she's Tamra the Camera. And they all want to keep that orange.
  6. Yes! His critiques were a breath of fresh air.
  7. It would’ve been interesting to see how Taylor would’ve reacted if Heather played it nonchalant and just said “sure, I’ll send them a tape, no problem.” Because although I think Heather went overboard, I do think Taylor was trying to shade her while also trying to seem “who, Me?” About it. She makes those digs under her breath like on the boat-she was pumping Tamra up while Shannon was explaining herself. She’s done it before but I can’t remember specific examples right now. But I’d like to see how she’d have kept trying to rile Heather up while acting innocent. Unfortunately, Heather’s ego made it too easy for her.
  8. Not a fan of all the running commentary from the designers during the runway.
  9. What are those ovals on the models back? Paltrow and her cupping? Very distracting from the gown.
  10. Seriously, waiting for this seasons version of, "If you can't be my friend, just Please don't be my enemy!" I was thinking Gina's hair looks the healthiest of the 'blondes' than she made that, 'Ew, Nature girl!, crack and I wanted to duck her head in mud. She's such a wannabee. Heathers seething about them asking for a tape was delicious.
  11. Theres a new one on now- circus gymnast moves to Puerto Vallarta.
  12. I can’t seem to be able to comment without quotes I didn’t copy?? Anyway, Crystal store lady looked either very hungover or on another kind of crystal. Not sure id look to her for any spiritual help.
  13. Reality competition hack-Don’t want to go home? Start a huge fight or Cry.
  14. I have Nothing against plus sized models- we need more of them -but in a competition, especially using non-conventional materials they should all be the same size. A zero stick thin no curves will always be easier to fit than anyone with padding because the curves are never in the same places. Ugh Anna and her tears are in.
  15. Why do the guest judges always looks so awful?
  16. She didn't seem to appreciate it either. And she didn't answer directly, more like re-stated what she'd already said. So, it seems we saw a bit of how they edit. And if they make her answer that way while they interrupt procedures, I'm understanding a bit more why she can seem a little annoyed yet fake-nice sometimes cuz that would really get on my nerves when I'm operating on someone.
  17. Yay! Love this challenge! That car with Christians face was hilarious
  18. That rash looked so painful! More weight loss and skin surgery would still help since rubbing will continue to happen, but glad she got some relief.
  19. She was, and I kind of Love her for it. It’s their job, pretty much. Gina saw a great opportunity to secure her spot on the show & take a shot at Jennifer, who she doesn’t seem to like at all. And we all knew Jennifer had to be messy, she wouldn’t be on the show if she wasn’t. It’s interesting to see how competitive she is with Tamara, and vice versa. Tamra is so insecure around other thin blondes. I’m guessing this won’t be the last of their ‘misunderstandings.’
  20. Are these food fight antics ever really fun for anyone over the age of 9? Anytime I see someone get cake squished in their face there's always that immediate rage in their eyes, just before they remember, 'wait, this is supposed to be hilarious. I better laugh, so I don't look like unfun' but its still there-that rage. Lol Doing that to anyone is Such a dick move.
  21. Obviously, it’s a baking competition, so things will lean toward the sweet side, but it seems the challenges & twists were super sugary this season. Cereal, strawberry milk, donuts, ice cream…I’d like to see something a bit more sophisticated or unusual for the finale. Or a ‘make your best dessert’ no parameters outside time limits.
  22. That shot of the kids in the pool, one side was just a straight drop quite a long way. That gave me such anxiety because I see our kids sitting on the edge of the pool constantly. You’d have to watch them and their friends like a hawk there.
  23. It doesnt seem like Bravo or any other website posts the runway pictures. That's a shame. Would help me remember the dresses better after the fact. I do remember Kara's having a crazy-high slit.
  24. Yes! I fast forward through most of the 'this makes me sad, anxious, hurts my social life' stuff and it gets repeated after the commercial break & Again when they meet Dr. Lee. Its so annoying!
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