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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. I didn't see any tears. He seemed to keep doing the Kyle RHOBH move-fake, gravely crying voice while dabbing at your eyes. Then, he'd look up and be dry and talk normal. He was super smooth with all those lines, tho. Straight out of the Love Bomber 101 handbook. Soon as he said he'd sign a prenup, I'd have pulled one out of my purse and handed him a pen. Chris looked great. Amys an emotional mess. Post partum?
  2. This show keeps ruining the original characters with totally out of character behavior. Dan would Never have demanded money from Jackie. Original Dan was too proud to take Jackie’s check. Roseanne accepted it, Dan got mad because it meant “Jackie was taking care of his family, instead of him” and tore up the check. Later after Jackie talked to him at the Lobo, explaining that Dan always helps her out and it would just be a loan, he begrudgingly agreed to take it. Once episode, Bev bought DJ the game he wanted for his bday without asking, got Darlene aVCR I think and Becky her car, Dan flipped out. She explained that with her husband always being the fun one and cheating on her, she just wanted to treat the kids and they worked it out. Dan was Never the kind of man that would ask for money from family, let alone demand it. Ridiculous
  3. It was too much of them talking, re-hashing things we already saw.
  4. I tried to watch this, but kept falling asleep. I just remember Tina talking and Zzzzz
  5. He needs to shave and grow his hair in, he'll be nice looking
  6. His face looks so different. Not thinner, but like a different face
  7. I'm so used to epic Failure, I don't know how to feel right now.
  8. I don't know why, but I'm never as interested in men's weight loss stories. Maybe because they tend to have an easier time with it due to muscle mass, and they rarely have any responsibilities like kids or a house to run.
  9. I swear, I saw her put about 4 or 5 sweetener packets in it. For all those chemicals, just put 1\2 tsp of sugar in it already.
  10. Caleb was nauseating with all the ‘smooth’ love bomb lines he was throwing at Tammy, who is so desperate for love, she lapped it up like ice cream. I did enjoy how scared he looked before the family walked in.
  11. Is this show done now? Last season was so depressing for obvious and understandable reasons. I’d like the cast to come back after the pain has subsided a bit and have fun again. The only fat people you see on tv anymore are depressing or trying to lose weight. Would be nice to see one where the fat people actually have a good time that’s genuine and not shaming.
  12. And the way that Vanessa’s plastic surgeon said “my results” instead of “your results” just felt like she was more concerned about perfection for her reputation vs what would improve Vanessa's quality of life.
  13. That Mom was oddly eager to over feed the hell out of Stephanie... You ok? You sure? There's the ice cream and your pizza is over there..is that all you want? Are you sure?...Jesus woman, it was two carts full of junk and she can barely walk...Stop!!! So disappointing because Stephanie's kids seemed sweet, and were obviously eager to go on a walk..to do Anything physical with her. She had the chance to stop this cycle, which is, in my opinion, a form of neglect. I'd never want to leave my kids with a woman who Was happy to feed me to death. She'll do the same to those kids. And for Gods sake-Clean that Filthy house!
  14. I'm guessing next weeks cliffhanger will be her panicking on the gurney, but ultimately getting the surgery.
  15. Jonathan read his vows with the enthusiasm of someone reading off a shopping list.
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