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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Tamra spent the whole season being endlessly vile, and they're letting her off with some weak 'I'm sorry's shrug. But Heather says some not that bad things, and they want Blood. They just can't stand that she won't kiss their asses or grovel for their friendship.
  2. Long Island Serial Killer- I appreciated the indepth reporting they did on Shannon Gilbert’s case. The other shows about this one never mentioned any of this information. How long the 911 call was, the driver trying to pull her out of the john’s house, that weird Dr who called her Mom saying he ran a safe house for female runaways (& faked a heart attack on tv!? Crazy!!). I believe she was murdered, but not by the one who killed the other girls. That shady doctor did it. Shannon was an episode all on her own. Dave (with Amanda) is telling a different story in this one. Last one I watched/maybe Dateline, he said they had a scam where Amber would bring the guys to the house. She’d have Dave come in yelling “who are you? Get out of here!” After she took his money. Rex Heuermann was one of these guys who wouldn’t leave and Dave had to force him out. Later, Rex called Amber and sweet talked her into another date which is when she was murdered. In this one, he leaves all of that out.
  3. In the previews, they show Hunter saying he needs the empty vodka bottle for work, that he fills it with water? Does that mean he waters down the drinks when bartending? Sorry if this was already addressed. That was weird.
  4. What are they expecting Deep South? Banjos and barefoot people in overalls, eating bbq squirrel on a stick? Like WTH?!
  5. Even Todd said, visiting her when they were kids was like seeing the Princess, so not buying this neglected storyline. She's already setting up the 'woe is me, always left out' angle. Hunter's crack 'don't feel so bad, Angie didn't get anything' was savage. Im sure her step family went back and watched every season of this show when they found out, as anyone else would. So, they know what to expect.
  6. Also, Lisa “I’m not materialistic. My hobbies are just more expensive than yours.” Lol Mary, “just don’t eat your life away.” What a miserable cow she is. She just shows up to look down her nose at everyone, which would be funny if she was even a little clever instead of outright insulting.
  7. I love Lisa’s constant “I work hard!” As she swans around in a fur & sunglasses, watching everyone else work, declaring “Looks great, guys!”
  8. You can't even have a conversation with Monica. You can see her not listening, just waiting to turn it up and suck all the attention out of the room. Pace yourself, woman! I can see why she worked with Jenn.
  9. But, did you guys know that Angie was Greek? Whitney was basically like, 'so, you're still going to be doing all the cookin,cleaning and childcare tho right?'
  10. I think Bryan likes to appear to love old books and chess, but only dips a toe in to make it seem legit. I just got an, 'ooh Fancy books I can display' vs a genuine love for the actual writing in them, but I could be wrong. Its just that comment about quoting the Economist...we've yet to see her get intellectual in any conversations we've seen, but could be editing.
  11. That first challenge, the Mary one, was a hot mess. I was distracted watching, did they send home the one that’s trying too hard to be John with his jokes & such?
  12. I can't believe Jenna told that woman her teeth were fake. But I can empathize. I'm socially awkward myself, and have blurted out embarrassing info in a fit of insecurity that later made me want to never meet new people again. There’s no way Erin would be ok with her husband having sex with Anyone else no matter their gender. She acted like she was game to gain ‘cool’ points, but she’ll make him pay for what he said at that dinner. Sai, ugh, shuddap about your poor childhood. No one cares. You’re stuck up and bitchy Now, so it didn’t teach you anything.
  13. I’m also not a fan of the social media amateur detectives. They don’t add anything to the story except free publicity for their podcasts.
  14. It does hurt Heathers.credibility that she keeps changing her ‘losers’ story. But I still side with her over Tamra (this time) who was just hateful toward her ‘friend’ Jenn this whole season. What’s worse-knowing someone called you a loser vs having your friend shame & belittle you for weeks while doling out tidbits of hurtful accusations the minute you’d let your guard down in front of the entire group for maximum cruelty?
  15. Whomever does the makeup & lighting for the interviews on this show should be fired.
  16. Dateline: Unforgettable S2 EP34-Internal Affairs… this Shannon is a terrible actress. She obviously staged those phone calls. It was like a Lifetime Movie lol
  17. The surest way to know if someone said something about you, is when you ask “Did you say this about me?” and their first response is: “Do you really think I’d say that about you?” yep, you said that.
  18. I feel like they’re told if they were really this person’s friend, they would start a fight with them, giving them a storyline and tv time. So, they all accept it’s not real at all. And that would explain all the ‘I love you’s, ‘I care about your friendships’ they’re constantly throwing around, as a reminder “I’m being this mean to you because it’s getting you camera time. So, remember it’s not real.” Otherwise, these friendships make No sense. Even for money, most people would not put up with their ‘friends’ treating them like this at all, or acting in ways that would humiliate their children, let alone on tv.
  19. Shannon was so weird in that dinner with John. Was she trying to act sober? Her reaction faces to everything he said were so strange-wide eyed stares…I don’t see any chemistry between them. And she always looks in distress or confused. Odd.
  20. Yes, the sink outside the door is so gross. Sometimes, it gets messy in there. That door handle has seen some stuff in its time.🤢
  21. Tamra is like Regina George on the telephone. “They’re all a bunch of losers!” Heather laughs ”OMG I can’t believe Heather said you’re all losers!” (obviously, I know this isn’t how it went down, before someone jumps to correct me, just using as an example of how Tamara operates) I had blocked the enema scene from my mind. Why is this franchise Obsessed with Housewives losing control of their bowels!? Gina looked gorgeous at the party. I wish she’d stop with the crazy big eyelashes because she doesn’t need them. And as much as I can’t stand her, Tamra’s makeup at the party was great, too. But Shane wins for his butter t-shirt.
  22. Heather’s imitation of Taylor was so good lmao. Loving how she’s got Tamra on the defensive. It’s about time Someone did.
  23. When Emily said “she called us all losers!” why didn’t Gina say-no, she didn’t. ??
  24. I was shocked Whitney was under 300. Guess it’s true what they say about tv adding pounds. Is she really short? I don’t mean to sound Iike I’m picking on her, not at all, just comparing her to myself and others, I’d guess 350. Good for Glenn for trying the indoor skydiving. It looked really Awkward, but fun.
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