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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Gina's eyebrows and lashes! Lmao what is she doing?? She should ride into her scenes juggling on a unicycle
  2. We need to get Dateline or 20/20 on this one, find out what we’re missing.
  3. Anyone watching this? Last night’s The Strange Case is Karlie Guse was odd. I missed the first 15 minutes. What was with that recording the stepmom made? Karlie said “I’m eating the devils lettuce?” Which isn’t that a nickname for weed? And the stepmom said “no, you’re eating the lettuce I bought you at the store?” So weird.
  4. I'm liking everyone except Jessel. She is definitely used to everyone bending to her whims,so spoiled and self-centered beyond belief. I'd have a hard time being in a friend group with her. I also love that Jenna dresses for comfort with a quieter style. Other than the open chest on her shirts, that's how I'd dress. Not a flashy gown and skin tight belly shirt gal lol although,the others look gorgeous in their own styles as well. Super jealous of Erin's figure-that flat, tight tummy!!! I hate to tout stereotypes, but as soon as I saw Brynn was the big flirt, overly affectionate with men I wondered if she was abused as a child. Of course, you can Be fun and flirty without it being an issue, not judging, just something about her demeanor with the little girl voice made me wonder. She can be a lot but I like her. She has a good sense of humor. I'm loving that so far their disagreements are dealt with maturely and with humor. No screeching and throwing things then running down the street crying and yelling. Nice change!
  5. I thought Anna was saying she’d been divorcéd for two days, and I was like, Woah! Then, in her talking head said, “I always love my husband.” She’s so odd to me, nonoffense to her, but she’s an odd one.
  6. The constant emphasis on ‘parties’ made me think-they probably have an open relationship. They mentioned a wedding ceremony at the house. Hope Sugar Baby was just amping it up for tv, and won’t leave that man when he finds richer.
  7. I thought the same thing about Vickie. Their faces look so different in talking heads vs in person and sometimes scene to scene. So weird. Guess the work didn't settle yet. I also notice when the lighting changes, Tamra ages up or down a decade depending on the lighting.
  8. There’s some jealousy with the Ozempic accusations (myself included) since most can’t afford and insurance usually won’t cover it. So, it’s yet another rich person advantage and then they Lie about it which really steams everyone.
  9. Exactly. She wants Jenn to breakdown, so Tamra can be the one to soothe her and say, I love you…she gets a sick thrill out of doing that routine. And when she can’t get Jenn to cry, She starts crying to force it, but she sees Jenn still composed-not screaming and yelling, throwing things, and then sobbing. So, you see that look in her eye….definitely not ‘moving on’ til she gets her money shot. And I love Jenn for keeping it together every time.
  10. I agree. I don’t doubt Sondra’s story at all, and wish her & her daughter the best, but this was really drawn out and didn’t need an entire episode. How many ways can you say, “I didn’t know the whole story so enjoyed drugs and booze and parties and now that I know, Im conflicted but love and support my Mom.’ ? There, done. Her daughter had an odd vibe. She wrapped it up being supportive, but that sparkly, pink eye shadow was still holding an edgy tone.
  11. Heather "...and we paid." God she's a snob. I'd watch Emily's 'shit talking channel.' They look like Elaine from Seinfeld drew them on with a marker. And these fake !ashes theyre all wearing now are out of control. Definitely. He's one of these fathers that won't proactively deal with their kids. Instead, they wait for Mom to make a move and then 'correct' her. He was an ass at the pumpkin patch.
  12. I don’t blame Jenna for dipping out for her own bed and bathroom. After a certain age, the idea of a sleepover is cringey as hell because who wants to be so exposed-no makeup, hair a mess, saggy nightclothes-let alone in front of Cameras! Which I agree is the reason the others were mad, not because they wanted to ‘wake up together’ but because they felt why should we be uncomfortable and you’re off the hook? Still, I’d have left too haha
  13. Erin must keep her thin figure by never having food around. Those women were starving by the time they got to that restaurant. She probably doesn’t have carbs in the house to even offer. I knew that truths and a lie game would end up being all about sex. Producers think that’s how women show they’re fun-talking about sex and flashing boobs. It’s not fun and it’s not Shocking. It’s Boring!! These shows have turned into sex talk and stupid fights. Is it really that hard to find interesting women of substance who can also be rich, sexy, and fun? Apparently. Jenna intrigues me. Hope she doesn’t go the way of the others to keep her apple.
  14. Tamra's no friend to anyone which is why they all ghosted her when she was booted off the show. Now, she's back and they know she gets alot of camera time. So, they're playing along. I guarantee if she got fired again, they'd all drop her again immediately. She's toxic as hell, will spill all your secrets after getting you drunk and love bombing you to death. The pressure to start fights is ruining these shows.
  15. Cone boob dress was so ugly! The boobs didn’t fit and the model could barely walk in it. Yet, they made the ‘Cant walk’ critique to Anna? I’ll never understand this judging.
  16. Tamra to Jenn, "I feel so bad about how I treated you at dinner, I've been crying all day" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  17. Me too! That was hilarious!! how they didn’t just bust out laughing is beyond me. you can go into any group of children and they’ll make that noise at you for free for hours
  18. Vickie’s face in her talking head! Who dis??? Heathers starting to look like the most natural.
  19. Just because someone is over 50, doesn't mean they can't dress or be sexy. However, there has to be a better way to appear attractive and alluring than telling everyone you're wearing crotchless underwear or waxing your ass on tv cuz your husband loves butt or having your boobs on full display. I've never met up with a friend and immediately started telling them how cute or hot they look or talked about sex with my husband. But maybe I'm just out of touch. Shane did make me laugh when he told Emily she'd be the fastest on the slip & slide 'no friction'
  20. Tamra is So concerned for Jenn that she repeatedly humiliates & beats her over the head about how much her boyfriend sucks and she’s a big, fat liar/then, invites all the other women to do the same. But it’s because she Loves her and wants better for her. Talk about an abusive relationship. And Heather swans in to take a few swings as well. What is she supposed to do? Dump him and cry her eyes out while clutching Tamras ankles, thanking her? She’s obviously staying with him, Move the F on! Then, Shannon acts like her relationship is off limits?! But Tamra Loves you, Shannon. She just wants better for you….
  21. A bedroom in the living room separated by a curtain will be such a pain when one or more want company that stays too late and you're tired. Plus, no privacy for yourself or your belongings. But it's temporary, and they're so young. I'm an old fart,so there's no way that would work for me.
  22. Leah is such a whiney, boring killjoy. No wonder everyone's trying to get her to drink again.
  23. Wow, their girls are gorgeous. Shannon looks great, as well.
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