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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Wow, Michael won’t let her leave alone. She always has to have both kids. Won’t let her shop without him. Won’t let her have her bank card. And threatens to take 1 of the kids if she kicks him out? No wonder she’s depressed. He’s a controlling emotional and mental abuser. He’s one of those guys that will shoot the whole family if they leave. And does he sleep with chew in his mouth? He’s never without it. All these shows are talk about dicks and sex. I’m old I guess because it’s super gross to me.
  2. Very anti-climatic. Once Bill died, so did this show. Oh well.
  3. “We’re only allowed to buy my niece neutrals.” 🤣
  4. I didn’t think the final challenge advantage was much of an advantage. But at least it didn’t unfairly hurt one of the bakers. Loved the macaron wreaths. Thoa’s colors were great! Not every Christmas decoration needs to be neon red and green. Nancy likes ‘em loud and tacky. I keep saying, but, wow- $25,000 is a chump change prize for the work and stress. Inflation, people! At least give them $100,000! You can’t even buy a van with $25,000. Too many open mouthed WOWs! Omg shut your mouths. It’s only 25 grand. Not worth it!! I appreciate when the bakers explain techniques, or how a batter is supposed to look. Dont know how they answer questions so calmly when stressed. I’d be a monster on this show. Yelling-Not Now!! With sweat running down my face and alot of F bombs dropping. The other bakers talked more to Sharrod than Jesse did. I appreciated his laid back vibe. Hope he comes back for Spring. I was good with Ashley winning. We loved to have tried her lemon meringue cake.
  5. Since its Beverly Hills, I’m sure some of the mocking of Sutton’s disorder is jealousy because Kyle probably believes it keeps Sutton skinny without having to workout for hours or use Ozempic. I don’t enjoy when the Wives gang up on someone like they did to Denise, but if it’s Kyle’s turn-let’s go!🍿
  6. Messed up quoting you, but yes-it’s obvious Kyle’s marriage is rocky. She’s even said so. But everyone’s supposed to act like it isn’t happening and that’s bullshit when you look back at how Kyle always insisted everyone Just Be Honest!! Now, she knows how it feels to be pressured to discuss something, on camera, no less, when you’re not emotionally ready to do so. It’s horrible how she lost her friend, that poor woman’s family, but she didn’t show compassion for Lisa when she lost her brother, or for Denise’s marriage, but she expects to be treated with kid gloves. Uhoh, a Teddy sighting. Wonder how she feels about Kyle’s new bestie being much younger. Get in line behind Dorit, Teddy! Thank you, next!
  7. Seriously. And her Mom was perfectly supportive. Ugh no more toxic Mom & Daughter relationships in these shows! Thdhre buzz killers and to quote Crystal, "Ugh I'm bored!" Dorit caught saying that stuff and now trying to yammer her way out of it lol
  8. Kind of a filler episode so far. Wow, Morgan's a fascinating conversationalist
  9. I was waiting on that, as well. How can you block off the entire side of the staircase? And a shower with a full window ? How odd. Just imagine showering, turn around and some dude casually standing there, eating some fried pratai, watching. Loved Cork, more of that location, please!! But wasn’t impressed with any of the options. Especially, the one across the street from the pub. What happened there!? Everything was cracked and trashed. Too much pub access.
  10. I think Michael Wants to be shown the door. During that photo shoot, he just stood there, watching the chaos. He's totally checked out. I fell asleep a few times, how did Amy's sister insult her? Amy might have a bit of post partum plus being overwhelmed. Two little boys with all that energy is Alot. Imagine if Tammy And her boyfriend moved in?!
  11. This. In no way should your children have to provide that kind of emotional support. You could tell her daughter was well versed in how to respond to Mom's victim behavior. She had those 'build Mom up' responses down pat. She might be an 'old soul,' but she's your daughter, not your therapist or adult friend you vent to. And 'sex shamed?' Thirsty Bitch, please.
  12. I like Justine, too. Sure, her facial reactions are way over the top, but most of them are acting fake now and then. Producer encouraged, most likely. I also don’t mind Ashley, but I think her bakes are often missing the mark. The right one went home. Underbaked can’t be ignored. And he faltered on the dome last week. Nice guy, but it’s down to the wire and I think all that are left are worthy of the win. Jesse, “so, how did it feel Not to get picked?” Ugh stop it. The worst reality tv questioning. I expected this show to be above that crap.
  13. Was Monica producing any tears or just doing the patented Housewives ‘pat at the corner of your eyes and gravel your voice’ move? She’s too focus pulling for me. I’m sure her Mom is a narcissistic nightmare, and that sucks, but….. I honestly Don’t Care. No more childhood trauma and parents on these shows, please. It’s BORING. Bermuda was gorgeous. And loved Lisa calling Meredith on the carpet. That’s all I got because it’s turned into the Monica and her Trauma show.
  14. I watched, but don’t have anything to say, really. The characters are falling flat for me. They’re supposed to be really impressive people, but I’m not really that interested in them. I keep forgetting who is who. The only one that intrigued me was killed off first. Bill’s character is the only one that felt like a real person. And it’s weird to me that Darby keeps getting spared. If this murderer wants her to stop meddling, why not just kill her? I’m not even invested in her many, many near misses because you know she won’t die. She’ll get another headache, grimace a bunch, then smoke some weed that makes her impervious to cold, truck accidents, and no doubt, this week, drowning. Shame, because I really like Clive Owen.
  15. What’s again, we ask the eternal reunion question—Did they even try to sit down in front of a mirror in these dresses!?
  16. Yep, she's definitely on downers (or booze.) She was always a little mush mouthed, but now she's slurry all the time, and could barely keep her eyes open at and after dinner. No one who's that sick slams wine unless the alcohol is to rally from withdrawal.
  17. Kim didn’t seem straight to me, but maybe she’s normally wacky. She seemed to be avoiding standing still for a minute and flitted all over the place. Was really weird.
  18. Although, she’s overdue for the same nasty treatment she dishes out every season, I Am surprised that it’s Sutton who’s coming so hard for Kyle. Her comment “you already lost two sisters” sounded like Kathy coming out of her mouth. And if Kathy is pumping her up to come after Kyle, that’s some low as hell behavior. Kathy showed her true colors & she’s out for payback. Holding your entire family back from a relative because You’re mad at them is next level emotional abuse. Big Kathy really damaged those girls for life. But I feel like we’re missing a step that explains Sutton’s new hatred for Kyle. So, Sutton’s turned mean, Erika is calm and reasonable. And Crystal was actually funny. It’s like I’m watching Bizarro RHBH.
  19. Here we go again, Meredith using someone else to give life to rumors that started with her, but acting like she's clueless.
  20. They all looked like they just got their eyes dilated. I give him credit for not asking Whitney, 'how soon are you leaving?' With a huge smile on his face. He's loving this break from her, no doubt.
  21. This season has finally convinced me that Whitney is in on the joke. She undoubtedly watches every season that airs, and reads all the feedback. This show hasn’t shown her in a positive light since season 1. In fact, they seem to go extra out of their way to make her look bad. No one would endure that year after year after year, unless they knowingly accept the bad edit to keep ratings.
  22. I can’t believe her teacher just brushed that off! That poor girl was trapped with that psycho. She deserved to be believed even if she took it back. They mentioned the dad was asked about it and said ‘she confuses kissing with sex’, but of course he’d deny it. It should’ve been escalated to child protection services for follow-ups. Her siblings seemed odd, too. Older brother who just believed their dad and didn’t help her had an odd smirk through most of his interview. Got a weird vibe from him. and podcast Sarah-I’m sorry, but she came off like an opportunist to me. I didn’t hear sympathy for her sister in her voice at all. Just excitement to tell her listeners ‘the whole story.’ Not blaming them, of no course, they grew up with that creepy man, too. But I felt they knew a lot more than they’re admitting, but were relieved they weren’t the target so just blocked it out and got on with their lives. I pray they find her body and it’s surrounded by enough evidence to connect that scum bag to the crime. He definitely killed her. Probably when she said she was leaving for good. “she wanted me to film her at work because I always filmed the other kids.” Yeah, that clip of her mortified face waving you away sure looks like she loved you filming her.
  23. I also wonder if Sutton Does explain herself better, but then the producers say "lets re-shoot that, but this time say it differently" & that's when she trips over her own words. I don't know, but there's a lot of times when they all seem to talk around something that should be simple to state outright.
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