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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Dateline: Unforgettable S2 EP34-Internal Affairs… this Shannon is a terrible actress. She obviously staged those phone calls. It was like a Lifetime Movie lol
  2. The surest way to know if someone said something about you, is when you ask “Did you say this about me?” and their first response is: “Do you really think I’d say that about you?” yep, you said that.
  3. I feel like they’re told if they were really this person’s friend, they would start a fight with them, giving them a storyline and tv time. So, they all accept it’s not real at all. And that would explain all the ‘I love you’s, ‘I care about your friendships’ they’re constantly throwing around, as a reminder “I’m being this mean to you because it’s getting you camera time. So, remember it’s not real.” Otherwise, these friendships make No sense. Even for money, most people would not put up with their ‘friends’ treating them like this at all, or acting in ways that would humiliate their children, let alone on tv.
  4. Shannon was so weird in that dinner with John. Was she trying to act sober? Her reaction faces to everything he said were so strange-wide eyed stares…I don’t see any chemistry between them. And she always looks in distress or confused. Odd.
  5. Yes, the sink outside the door is so gross. Sometimes, it gets messy in there. That door handle has seen some stuff in its time.🤢
  6. Tamra is like Regina George on the telephone. “They’re all a bunch of losers!” Heather laughs ”OMG I can’t believe Heather said you’re all losers!” (obviously, I know this isn’t how it went down, before someone jumps to correct me, just using as an example of how Tamara operates) I had blocked the enema scene from my mind. Why is this franchise Obsessed with Housewives losing control of their bowels!? Gina looked gorgeous at the party. I wish she’d stop with the crazy big eyelashes because she doesn’t need them. And as much as I can’t stand her, Tamra’s makeup at the party was great, too. But Shane wins for his butter t-shirt.
  7. Heather’s imitation of Taylor was so good lmao. Loving how she’s got Tamra on the defensive. It’s about time Someone did.
  8. When Emily said “she called us all losers!” why didn’t Gina say-no, she didn’t. ??
  9. I was shocked Whitney was under 300. Guess it’s true what they say about tv adding pounds. Is she really short? I don’t mean to sound Iike I’m picking on her, not at all, just comparing her to myself and others, I’d guess 350. Good for Glenn for trying the indoor skydiving. It looked really Awkward, but fun.
  10. Juu seemed stricken at times when Julie was listing negatives. Maybe they’re not used to people openly complaining so much. I don’t know. She seemed to take it personal so I was uncomfortable watching this one. Plus, the uptalk ugh. Every sentence a question lol plus, going from astronomical NYC rent to $250 a month & she still acted like that was a lot of money? Weird.
  11. They can cut any scenes of Whitney checking Glenn’s vitals. Also, most of the Angie stuff. They already addressed the situation. Just do a scene of everyone meeting, if you Have to. I don’t need to see every conversation discussing the family tree. I definitely missed Todd’s commentary. I’d be so mad at him if he were my friend, but as a viewer, he’s gold.
  12. I’m sure Glenn told Lenny to call him ‘Glenn’ at some point, but it bothered me. Maybe the sentence itself, “yes, Glenn-do you want me to give you a description?” A little too familiar and bold there, youngster. and who just plops on someone’s bed…in their shoes? ok everyone get off my lawn!
  13. Yes, she needs to explain this or stop bringing it up. Whitney is right about her. Whenever she gets called out, she plays “my problems are up here, and yours are down there.”
  14. Everyone’s yelling the most hurtful stuff they can think of to get the camera’s attention and cut to: Heather as Hungover Dolly Parton. Cracked me up.
  15. May as well swap Mary for Angie. I can’t stand her & her face scares me, but at least she participates.
  16. I’m sure you’re right. I guess I’ve just lost interest in it. Fair enough!
  17. It’s Better, but still not the show I loved and made sure to never miss. Yet another favorite ruined by over-producing. 90% of the scenes are: ”OmGosh we’re running out of time!” ”we need to hurry!” ”I don’t think we’ll finish on time” ”ooops I dropped the sugar element” when will they learn that the fun is in seeing what they’ll create NOT the ridiculous time constraints!? Then, all the judges’ critiques are basically about how they could’ve done more, should’ve made it cleaner, etc all pertaining to the 45 minutes they had to work with. I hate it. Used to be fun, and, now, just tense and annoying. I’m down to watching it on fast forward to see the creations and skip the fakeness and awful judging.
  18. I love you! you’re a liar! I love you so much! you talk shit about everyone! Listen, I love you so much! you don’t own up to anything! You’re such a liar! you’re my best friend! you lie about everything! Don’t tell me what to do! tears, hugs. More I love yous. what the hell!? Lmao I hope only olds who know better watch these shows, so the youngs don’t think this is what friendship really looks like. stupidest Housewives fight ever.
  19. I also like the diversity, except it’s somewhat superficial. They’re all the same in that they’re all thin, rich, mostly have jobs that rely on their looks as an asset. I mean, it’s TV, so ‘No Duh!’ But I hope if they get another season, we see more interesting attributes than nice clothes and stupid fights. I’d also love a cast with some fat people in it. Not just ‘tv fat’ and not always crying about being fat. Lmao but I’m dreaming now, again- it’s TV.
  20. After enduring every season of Shannon having endless anxiety and Vickie screeching, I'd be so worn out from it, I'd just let what's going to happen, happen. I'd be almost wishing they would fall through the net, so I could have at least one meal in peace. Say what you will about Heather, she handles these women better than most. No screaming and running away, hiding in bushes, sobbing about 'I'm going through So much right now! You have no idea!" She tries to talk calmly and explain things, but they all talk over her. And that ridiculous display by Vickie para-sailing! Omg who screams nonstop like that?! I'd have reached over and cut her cord. Even then, Heather just accepted that 'ok this is happening now. Shrug.' Shes definitely over these women and I don't blame her one bit. Speaking of Vile Vickie, her talking about spreading her legs for the masseuse was disgusting. Who is that hard up that they'd sexually abuse a service worker? And Her face in her talking head is a mess.
  21. I like Whitney’s house. Love her poodle. Hate her cow outfit. Hunter was right about Whitney needing to be in control. And lol @ “At this rate in 3 hours we can have a glass of milk”🤣 Glen seems tickled pink about having grandkids. Maybe he’ll move in with them and the show can go in a different direction. Sorry, but I agree, it’s too centered on Glenn now. No offense to him, but real families aren’t my cup of tea for tv viewing. Is Angie calling from Heaven?
  22. Monica said Lisa handled her outfit well as her positive comment, but Nah, she didnt. She complained on and on about how embarrassing the outfit was, when she wasn't complaining about her $60,000 ring. I don't want to hear about it anymore. Same goes for Monica's "I'm so poor!" I don't think Heather should be that mortified. Embarrassed, sure, but lot of us have been there once in our lives: over-served and unable to get to a private bathroom fast enough. It wasn't intentional unlike the usual screaming, throwing things, inappropriate sex talk, etc. I'd be more embarrassed if I were Meredith.
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