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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Processed food is cheaper than fresh vegetables in that they have a longer shelf life, so you can make bigger, more filing meals out of it-Plus, you can find that in dollar stores....However, none of that junk is sitting on the shelf for long in that house and he's buying name brand junk food which is Really expensive now.
  2. So, he can use his legs, hes not paralyzed anymore? You'd think that would be the ultimate motivation to get out of that bed.
  3. I Hate team challenges-all that forced rah-rah camaraderie & high-fiving makes me cringe. Felt bad for Sabrina, but was impressed at how Katelyn handled it. Kept a cool head, and didn’t blow up on her. Id never be able to keep my emotions in check under that kind of pressure. (Until I remembered the prize was only $25,000. Haha I keep harping on that, I can’t help myself) The shaped cakes look cool, but when you see how much handling they require, it turns you off wanting to eat any, I’d keep seeing all those hands smushing and poking into the cake lol The donuts did look burnt, and most of their colors weren’t very bright. I was waiting for Nancy to complain about the lack of bright colors, but she didn’t seem too concerned with it.
  4. Loved the simple, clean lines of the houses they saw. Everything looked modern & uncluttered. So nice there. This couple seemed like brother & sister tho.
  5. What sick tickets those women were-Ruby will now blame it all on Jodie, but that doesn’t fly with me. She was a fame whore manipulator from the start. Those were your Children! And no excuse for that Dad to not see his kids for a year!! No way would I allow you to keep my kids from me regardless of your threats. Those poor kids. So many of these abusers use religion to excuse their actions. Ruby reminded me of Lori Vallow-calling her inconvenient children demons while making sure her hair waves were on point for court.
  6. I believe she was told to push that storyline, too. But all the rest of it was her personality which was so negative and sour, she brought down the mood in any room she was in. Bye, Kyle’s minion!
  7. After hearing how she treated her daughter, I have a hard time being nice about her, but her Mom messed her up. So, I’ll give her that much. Art and shooting pool? Stop making me like you!
  8. Art gallery! New one. Pretty cool.
  9. We’re all watching, unphased and waiting for Dr Now to hold up the stomach and smile, like it’s a big fish he just caught.
  10. “I’m going to transition to robot.” Yes! omg this has to go on one of those refrigerator magnets.
  11. It’s no surprise her birth mom backed out, and that sucks. But I’m always surprised at the emotional manipulation they employ to get relatives to drive them to Houston and often times stay to nurse them. I wouldn’t do it. Which makes me a cold person, I suppose, but you can’t expect people to just drop their lives after you ate your way to 600lbs over many years.
  12. "We're taking her to Disney World." Voiceover: "they would not, in fact, take her anywhere.
  13. I loved the bubble cakes! So clever! Seeing Nancy in that necklace, I flashed on “They’re thunder beads”
  14. And the Champagne flute-I was waiting for, “whomever has the most flutes at the end wins….” But nothing. So, you just get the Velcro flute?🤣
  15. The prize is Still only $25,000!? Come on, Food Network. You’re running a dozen commercials every 2 minutes, open your purses, you cheapskates!!
  16. I’ve forgotten most of season 1, but I’m more than ready for a change of scenery after Beverly Hills. also, I recently binged Ladies of London, and love her or hate her, Stansbury makes good tv.
  17. OMG yes! They are relentless. Many have suggested downloading a different browser, but I’m technology slow and haven’t worked that out yet. they’re super annoying tho. I feel your pain.
  18. I don't think Sutton was faking either, and once they left, my interest in the remaining women fell right off the Earth-However, I Love how it took all the wind out of the Richards' sails and ruined their pre-planned attack. This show needs a reshuffling next season. Keep Sutton, Garcelle, Even Dorit. Bring on more interesting women with individual points of view and senses of humor. No more sisters or super thirsty poseurs. Less manufactured fake fights and mode fun. Throw in more exotic locale vacations & quirky types.. Is that even possible??😄
  19. "I'm tired of the show being turned into some weird quasi-therapy session for the Richards sisters who will never fix their issues because then what else would they have to talk about? I mean, what other real conflicts do they suffer from in their daily lives?" THIS X1000! enough already. I fast forward through any scene with more than one Richards sister in it because it's a Boring rehash of the same Endless minutia that is their family dynamic. They obviously live for their own self-absorbed drama. Go away!
  20. How can you take a gossipy story about a handful of rich women with power and skeletons in their closets, and a brilliant writer who had a biting wit and make a total snooze fest? This was so over indulgent and boring. Agree about Jessica Lange. Did we need to be hit over the head with a mallet repeatedly that she was the source of Truman's insecurities, and his knack for shining diaogue? I want to be cremated, but I don't want my ashes doled out to lots of people!. Not that I expect to regenerate lol just don't want to end up in a dusty baggy forgotten about in the back of Someone's sock drawer lol
  21. “, so I had to stay in bed for about 10 days.” oh, to be rich! 🤣
  22. I honestly don’t care about Kyle’s marriage, and I would never pressure someone to talk about such personal painful things in public-normally. But she’s been a screeching “Just be Honest!” hypocrite harpy for many seasons while other people’s feelings were being exposed and poked at. plus, she hinted at a cheating revelation and a lesbian hookup all season for the attention and storyline while pretending to not want to talk about it. You can’t have it both ways. Either be honest or don’t bring it up at all because it’s manipulative to make an audience feel like they’re intruding when you’re the one feeding the rumors and refusing to say one way or another. I accept alot of nonsense from reality tv, but this crap is not entertaining.
  23. If Sutton had faked that with Garcelle (I know, they didnt.) to get out of that sham of a reunion, it would've been genius. and after Kathy showed up, I wouldn't have blamed her. Not because she's afraid of Kathy (oh for to laugh) but because it was obvious she was brought on to back up Kyle's non-answers. Half this part 3 was Kathy Madam-splaining excuses for Kyle not just spitting out 'he cheated and I had enough'
  24. Is there anything going on between you and Morgan? Ummm heh Ummm. Uh... Smirk What? Like how? Teeehheeeee 🙄
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