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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. My bad, didn't see where they said it was shutdown.
  2. That website must be getting slammed with traffic from all this free advertisement.
  3. Jen was heinous, but all this trauma talk is ridiculous. They're grown women. No one forced them to do anything. And Heather blaming production for the eye-wow! That's Low.And can't be blamed on Jen. She chose to say those things Long after it happened. And if it was innocent and they both don't remember-why all the DRAMA?! Heather's no innocent lamb here. She's way shadier than I thought and threw Jen under the bus to save her ass from a lawsuit from production or from getting dropped from the show. Now her commandeering the Bermuda reveal makes sense. Her trump card to make up for her lies.
  4. Heather’s not making any sense. Scared of what?
  5. THIS. She didn't care about Vanderpumps kids when she went after their mother, right after their uncle died. She didn't care about Denise's kids when she and her gang berated her over and over about an alleged hookup with Brandy. She didn't care about Sutton's kids when she repeatedly didn't have her 'friend's' back anytime the newest mean girl went after her. Etc etc etc. I would never force anyone to expose the pain in their marriage in real life, but its long overdue for Kyle to get a taste of her own 'Just be Honest!' medicine. And they barely mentioned the husband in one or two episodes anyway vs the season-long attacks she joins in. Hope AM realizes how she's been used and turns that foul behavior on its source.
  6. AM's title or misrepresentation of, isn't why she's not getting any respect from the other ladies (or viewers.) Of course, she grabbed onto that to play victim and distract from the real issue-her shitty personality. Even if she Were a Doctor, and were somehow right about Sutton's diagnosis, she'd still be a sour, conceited know-it-all buzzkill.
  7. It really was the most bizarre kidnapping story I’ve ever heard. And I can see how her behavior afterwards would raise suspicions. I also don’t remember hearing much about it Not being a hoax after all. So, I’m glad they did this special to hear her full side of the story. Especially because her boyfriend’s behavior and her proof of life phone call were both so calm and flat, matter-of-fact. He didn’t appear panicked or anxious at all when interviewed before she was found. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to pretend to be into your rapist, plus, knowing it was being filmed. But she did the right thing because he apparently grew an affection for her. If he hadn’t become offended that she wasn’t believed and basically told on himself, she’d still be doubted. I wanted to know more about ‘this wasn’t intended for you’ it was his ex that was supposed to be kidnapped. Why her specifically? Did they ever say? She must be thanking her guardian angel every day, although feeling some survivors guilt for what Denise went through. So bizarre.
  8. I wish Sutton would've given Annaphylaxis the 'Name 'em.' treatment. I'd love to see her reaction to that.
  9. Seriously! I commented after her Easter episode that I'd hate going in or out of her house because there were a lot of stairs and no hand railings outside. Apparently, not inside either. Forget clumsy kids or older folks with bad knees, just with those ridiculous shoes they wear, that's just stupid.
  10. I wonder if Kyle's disappointed her costars aren't That interested in her love triangle anymore. At first, they took the bait, giving her a chance to play her favorite role: victim. Afterwards, they seem to have moved on. So, she's having to keep bringing it up herself. But no one really cares that much. "Sutton, I'm not going to let you continue with that narrative" ugh tell me you watched Every season of Every Housewives show without telling me....She can save a baby from a burning building and it won't be enough of a redemption story to get me to like this person. Bravo is shoving these try-hards on us and they're Not fun or interesting. Loved the color of Garcelle's purple dress! And Erika also looked stunning.
  11. Dorit is such a poseur. Every career she pretends to have is basically her coming in at the end of everyone else’s labor and shitting all over it. She reminds me of those people who will Never take the initiative and plan anything from the beginning stages, but will Always swan in after the work is done and criticize everything and say how she’d have done it all differently. Cant stand her. Although, disclaimer, I did agree the flowers were too bright and Springy for the linens, but still…I Knew before they even walked in the room, it would be All Wrong for the Designer. Ooh wait, I’m forgetting her fake yellow flower room she re-designed aka took all the personality out of at that restaurant Del Boca Vista or whatever it was called.
  12. Can Monica from Salt Lake come pick up Annamarie and go Thelma and Louis off a cliff somewhere? (Metaphorically, relax) Why do these newbies always have to come in hot with made up beef to try to make a name for themselves? It’s so obvious and thirsty. And her attempt to burn Crystal in the preview doesn’t even make sense-“I want to thank you for giving you something to talk about to make yourself relevant?” I don’t think those words mean what you think they do. Reminded me of drunk Denise saying “you’re welcome” to Erika. Lmao so embarrassed for her. Love Kyle acting all ‘who me?’ Like she didn’t start all this nonsense. Dont care about her and Maurice and Morgan. Nice fake ‘golly gee these are Morgan’s shoes!’ Also, have to join in on the chuckles about the announcement of “Fashion Designer, Dorit”
  13. Heather's black eye story better not be some stupid 'she elbowed me by accident' after milking that cow for two seasons and insinuating the worst. But No doubt, she'll 'cry' and pause and make soap opera worthy proclamations about Riding & Dying, and it'll be a big nothing burger.
  14. Monica can’t keep her lies straight, and is practicing the age old ‘if you cant win the argument, yell over everyone until they give up and stop talking.’ Andy would’ve screamed at her to let the other women talk if she was anyone else. He’s really kissing her ass. LOVING this Lisa, not caving to Monica or Mary’s tactics, with Angie on the assist. Well done, ladies. “how is she racist?” “Her religion is racist” ”but she’s not Mormon anymore” ”l didn’t say I had anything against the Mormon religion” WhAt!?! Mary’s a loon. All of their dresses are ugly.
  15. Corey was very matter of fact about her dog being shot. Maybe it was enough time had passed that she was able to talk about without breaking down, but she seemed so removed from it. Again, could be a coping mechanism. I shouldn’t judge but her story seemed suspicious to me.
  16. The son seemed so robotic, like he was saying what he was supposed to say or told to say. You don’t usually hear someone say, ‘Father’ instead of ‘my Dad’ or ‘my Father,’ at least not outside of religious cults. And he didn’t move his mouth much when he spoke. A lot like the male friend they interviewed. Like ventriloquists. Bad time to be an orphan from Ukraine. Agree with all that was said about the wife. That sentence was ridiculous. We’ll be seeing her again on this show, I’ll bet.
  17. Jealous!!! Big Change Northern Beaches, Australia. Cute couple. Wife's hair color was wild. Beautiful beaches. Bet the neighbors love that a drummer moved in lol
  18. When I find Crystal more interesting, you know you made a bad casting choice.
  19. Seriously, hope they showed that song out of order because, Wow. Read the room, Morgan!
  20. Negging is exactly what it looks like. Kyle is a smitten kitten and Morgan is kind of mean to her. When she’s not insulting her, she’s looking at her with a perplexed expression on her face. I don’t see any heat or even interest from Morgan’s side. Dorit-shocker-was a bit of a bitch in her talking head about how Morgan stood out like a sore thumb and didn’t quite fit in. Guess she should’ve gotten designer labels tattooed on her neck to impress that crowd.
  21. Looks like PK lost a lot of weight in his talking head. Look out, Dorit, he’s fed up with your high maintenance ways and glowing up for a younger model who’s less work. Kyle throws around alot of wink wink nod behavior for someone who doesn’t want anyone prying into her marriage or jumping to conclusions. I’d feel bad for her if she didn’t spend every season tearing someone apart with her ‘just tell the Truth!’ harassment. Her daughters are gorgeous tho! Funny how not one inherited her original nose? Wish a wider nose wasn’t always something that needed to be ‘fixed’ the beauty standard keeps making them thinner. Hell, even brows were allowed to get thick for a while. Annamarie is the new gnat.
  22. that's the first thing I thought. As soon as he saw how much work it was going to be, he ran home to the money. But it'll be played off as 'Jacks soul searching and reconsidering his future as a Mormon' or 'Jack realized college was the path he should be taking and is so eager to accomplish his goals, he didn't want to wait.' Waiting to hear the spin.
  23. This. Seen it so many times. The uninvolved Dad says he wants full custody (to get support from the Mom & just to punish her) and/or asks for 50/50. All so he doesn't get stuck with child support payments. Then, he moves in with his parents and Grandma ends up raising the kid(s.) And yes-enough with the fart jokes. Never seen someone outside of Middle School be so obsessed with bodily functions.
  24. I was hoping they’d press Meredith harder about her victim card playing. She tried to deflect by comparing it to Whitney’s friend dying, nice try, but not the same thing. Whitney told everyone about her friend. She did weaponize her grief against Lisa & her awkward attempts at sympathy, but that’s not the same as crying “there are dying children in pain!” Every time someone calls you out on your crap. And lmao at her basically calling Angie’s husband a cheating closet homosexual, but taking zero responsibility for it because it wasn’t about Angie’s ‘marriage.’ ??? She really does some impressive bends and leaps to justify herself. I will say one thing for Bravo, they’re masters at finding the most self-involved, un-self-aware narcissists in any city they film in. Whomever pointed out Monica’s annoying hand-grabbing the air mannerism, it was in Full effect last night. Drove me crazy!
  25. George was really odd. He had a hard time just answering yes or no to simple questions like-did you have anything to do with disposing of Caylee’s body? He yammered alot and said “I didn’t know where she was.” He paused for a long time before each answer. I wonder if they’re instructed to do that, or was it an attempt to calm his breathing? He also wouldnt stop tapping his feet, and this was After the questioner said, before he even took the test, that tapping your feet would affect the results. I felt he was doing it on purpose to get an ‘inconclusive’ result. I was surprised he passed. I came away more suspicious of his involvement after this show. I don’t know what to believe about the sexual abuse, but the way he talked about Caylee made my skin crawl. The smelling her wet skin, how they had a ‘different way of showing love’ he kept wanting to isolate their relationship as more special than the one she had with anyone else. Ok but it sounded romantic, not grandfatherly. He kept saying he wanted to be with her not ‘I wish she was with Us.’ It was just Really weird. The dynamic in their marriage was strange, as well. I truly think Cindy doubted him. She was quick to say “I always believed you.” after he passed, but her face said different. She looked like she knew he failed. They seemed to hate each other and she seemed very resentful toward him. Then, at the end it’s all love and we’ll always be there for each other. I can’t imagine the pressure and stress this whole thing has put on them, so perhaps I’m being unfair. But they both were just very odd people. Hope someday we hear from the brother.
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