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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Its driving me Crazy. I want someone to do a Roseanne brushing Becky's boyfriend, Mark,'s, hair back.
  2. Sutton and, dare I say it, AM look great.
  3. I won't be able to take Dorit seriously in that outfit. Hoping this isn't another reunion of everyone screeching over everyone else as soon as they talk, like Salt Lake was. I'd like to actually hear their replies to questions. Wish someone other than Andy would moderate. Someone with a mute button.
  4. Couldn’t finish this one, felt wrong. I never watched Wendy’s show, but if she was the ‘female Howard Stern’ then that means she basically made her nut by being vile to people at their lowest points in life. But I’d never wish addiction, dementia or a cheating husband on anyone. And I probably wouldn’t have liked her or had any respect for her act, but that doesn’t mean I can keep watching her decline while her employees exploit her. The one taking her bottles away? Seemed to be doing and saying what he knew he should because cameras were on him. That guy and the girl denying Wendy’s obvious health issues should be brought up on charges. But it seems like there’s some shadiness with her family, too. So, she didn’t have anyone she can completely trust. God bless the family and caregivers of anyone suffering from dementia. I can’t imagine the endless emotional rollercoaster ride that must be.
  5. Love when they get off the beaches and go to places like Switzerland. Every view was beautiful! So jealous. Except for that bathroom with the sink that gave new meaning to ‘blue balls’ sorry to be crass, but that looked like a scrotum to me🤣
  6. Funny how they show Maurice (? I think) taking the group photo at the white party & the only one not looking at the camera is Kyle.. Why are there always people on stilts at these Housewives parties?🤣 When they showed people dancing, I thought about how when tv shows film dance scenes, there’s no music. People fake dance & they add music later so you can hear the dialogue. White party Reminded me of that-everyone fake dancing to no music lmao
  7. Im fascinated by this story, and the actors are all killing it..But I'm really not into the style of storytelling on this episode or the documentary one. Too many long, lingering scenes and dreamy sequences with foreboding music beating me over the head. It’s work to get through. I guess I prefer a simpler, more straight forward production. I also would like more time spent getting to know The Swans and not so much Truman-centered, we’ve been watching him self-destruct for a while now. I feel like we’re missing a lot of how he got to know the women, what conversations they had, what things they did together. It jumped quickly into Truman vs The Swans and stayed there for too long without much backstory except Truman’s narration.
  8. From the Today show (I think same one Chit Chat posted above) Kyle. “ got to a point in my life where I'm not getting any younger and there's certain things I didn't want in my life anymore. And because [Mauricio and I] do love each other and we did not have a toxic relationship and we get along, it made it even harder," she explains. "I had to analyze this and say, 'Would I want this for my daughters?' They're at an age now where some of them are getting engaged or have serious boyfriends. Would I accept that for them? The answer was no. And I thought, 'Why am I treating myself any differently?'" what “things”. ? “Accept” what?? she’s been spinning this word salad all season.
  9. Same. What the hell has Sutton done to deserve being the constant target of these women? Yes, she’s awkward and has said some hurtful things, but nothing so harsh she deserves the way she’s always singled out. She even forgave Crystal after she heavily implied Sutton was a racist. Kathy wasn’t even on this season and she lies through her teeth with her nose firmly stuck in the air. I don’t want to see a half hour of her and Kyle talking in circles while Kyle gravely-voice-fake cries. Enough attention has been given to the Richard’s sisters and their issues! I’d love to see Kyle go after Garcelle or Ericka the way she does Sutton and Dorit. But she never will because bullies don’t try it on people they know will fight back. I can’t believe that I initially liked Kathy, and Kyle used to be a favorite. Editing really does make a huge difference, apparently.
  10. Seriously. You know they read/watch their own press. So, Kyle must have known how bad she came off going after Lisa V like she did. Yet, she can’t help herself. She Has to take digs at someone who isn’t even on the show or in her life anymore. So petty. And I don’t think Mr Shi Shi Shi is all that impressive. Every event he does looks the same-a whole lot of crowded flowers and shiny clutter. Tastes very, but I find his style tacky. PK & Dorit will be the next marriage to implode on reality tv. He’s checked out. If I’d been held up by gunpoint in my own home with my children at risk, and had debilitating PTSD, I wouldn’t be so comfortable with my husband being gone for months and leaving us in the same house I was threatened in. Something weird there.
  11. She’ll probably yell, “OMG you’re going to die!”
  12. All of Kyle's explanations this entire season were clear as mud. Are they breaking up or not? Are they basically 'divorced' but working out the financials before it's official? Seemed unnecessary to put their kids through this for 'we're just having a bad year' A whole season of not wanting to 'JUST TELL THE TRUTH!' She ends talking about 'trust' How is that Not cheating? If anyone else did that, she'd have rode their asses nonstop. Loved Sutton's new earrings!! which cost more than my car lol White party looked like a long commercial.
  13. Some of these people being interviewed get you thinking, "you couldn't Not be high for your 20/20 interview?" Lmao
  14. The one killer said what I've long believed about most mass shooters-its not so much that they're bullied, but that the feel they deserve to be famous and popular. And when they don't get it, they rage against the world for not giving them the life they feel entitled to. As he said, he was keen to do a school shooting to feel important, because he felt like a loser. I dont think his comment about feeling like he was being watched by an audience was just a way to deny responsibility by making it seem he was detached from reality so much as he was the star of a movie, and all attention was on him. Our society feeds on likes and attention. No one is content to just be an ordinary person. You have to be famous or infamous or the world is against you and you deserve revenge. I think if they hadn't murdered that poor girl, a school shooting was inevitable.
  15. The girlfriend didn’t seem anguished to me at all. She was saying what she was supposed to say, but her eyes were giving her away. I think she just wanted to be pretty on tv. Her poor kids. Remy & Michael from the Ukrainian orphan Natalia documentary should be locked in a cell together.
  16. Every episode has this intense pacing where you are always on the edge expecting the worst to happen and then everyone just kind of gets on with their lives. Like the Mom of the male protestor, she goes out in the wicked storm and she’s followed with lightning crashing etc. I half expected her to get hit by a bus or something, but she just ends up back at her apartment. The lonely woman with the ceiling leak, the mood was as if someone would break in or the roof would collapse on her, but she just gets through the night and is business as usual in the morning. I suppose the idea is to keep us feeling constantly tense to translate the mood of a family with a missing child-not knowing, always wondering, always waiting for the worst outcome….so well done if that’s the intention. However, it’s becoming exhausting. All wind up and no release. Also, quite predictable-I knew as soon as Hilary got drunk and chatty, Puri (?) wouldn’t make her auditon and Hilary would treat her like the help and not a friend as soon she sobered up. And you can see Mercy being pregnant a mile away. Always a plot point when a woman is unable to get pregnant on a tv show or movie. They set this series up like a mystery’s and they follow each character’s actions with long lingering shots and moody music, like each plot line has a reveal….but they don’t. So probably on purpose but I’m not a fan of manipulative editing. I did enjoy the rain and the peek into the workers lives, I just didn’t like the bait and switch in regards to the direction, if that makes sense. it’s probably why I never liked The White Lotus. Just feels like your watching a whole lot of nothing.
  17. Seriously, he was a head strong, ambitious man when he was first introduced. They’ve turned him into David.
  18. Wasn’t Maurice in his own real estate reality show for Agency-Buying Beverly Hills? Is that still filming? Maybe Kyle’s mad that he was doing his own show & she wasn’t the star. I’m just not buying this narrative that she’s been feeling neglected for a while. Seems to have come out of nowhere. Had to be cheating. Not looking forward to seeing their kids in tears next week. I wouldn’t allow my kids to be filmed like that.
  19. I’m with Sutton-where’s all the handrails? Rich people just float up their stairs.🤣 Didn’t they rip Denise for having a diamond ice sculpture at her party?
  20. I also love how Kyle talks like she and Mau started from Nothing when her family was rich, they had insane contacts already well-established. Not many women are able to be so available to their kids because they’re working actual jobs…every day, all day, not just jaunting off to a movie set for a week here and there. Or meeting with staff about vanity projects where their “work” consists of criticizing the output of other people that they’ll just stamp their name on. So, now the kids are grown and Kyle’s bored and mad that Maurice has a job? Wow. Get over yourself. it’s got to be cheating & they agreed not to say it, right? The thing with “I won’t accept things I wouldn’t want my daughters to accept”. That doesn’t sound like ‘he works too nuch’
  21. What’s with this edit of Erika being wronged by everyone? And they actually Apologize to her. It’s making me sick. Nice she can afford an ass-kissing therapist. Sell your earrings grifter & maybe one of Tom’s victims could afford therapy for having to watch you flaunt your continued wealth while they struggle.
  22. She looks great. I would hate constant comments about my weight loss, too because it would feel like pressure to keep it off which is Hard as Hell. Plus, With a lot of people, it’s never enough. You get a lot of “keep it up!” Which is not a compliment at all….however, I also would never go on tv. So, she’s kind of stuck unless she quits the show & goes off the grid so to speak. I would love a show about a fat woman who is happy with herself, to where her weight isn’t even mentioned, but in this society, it’ll never happen.
  23. She can't blame editing anymore. Done with her after watching how she acted with those women (& what she did to that designer.) She strutted in Like the queen doing a royal briefing. They were much classier toward her than I would've been, and even more than she deserved. I'd actually let Annemarie stay if they'd drop Ericka from the show. let her get a Real job and no more attention.
  24. She’s so rehearsed and fake. “I’ll do anything I can to help you” …(but I’ll make sure there’s nothing I can do.)
  25. This slime, Girardi, has been ripping people off for 40 years! He had over 200 complaints filed with the California Bar & they did Nothing because he paid them off. Disgusting. They should be held accountable, too. A lot of people besides Tim are guilty here. I was giving Ericka the benefit of the doubt on knowing his was crooked, but after what she did to that designer, no more. She knew, she participated, and she Still doesn’t care about the victims At All.
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