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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. ‘Buy bread’ lmao. please. Her older male benefactors have kept her more than comfortable this whole time. She really knows how to snow the geriatric males into seeing her as a helpless little girl.
  2. Had to laugh at: “Two things happened since we met last…One, I lost 70lbs…” pause for compliment that never comes. her “uh huh.”
  3. I can't get past this. She was so unbelievably unprofessional, but worse than that, her behavior was dangerous. When someone is in the midst of a possible cardiac event, you do all you can to remain calm and help reassure the patient. Being scared undoubtedly help elevate Crystals pulse and blood pressure. That woman is not just a liar, she's a liability for any hospital she works for because she actively put someone in danger.
  4. 🤣 thought it was just me. I find her influence on him odd. I figured maybe it’s cultural, but my brother would never leave his fiancé for years just because I said so. She takes a lot of his actions so personally, like he’s her husband not brother. Id like to let go of sad crap on reality tv. I don’t watch this trash for tears. It doesn’t make them more relatable because it’s always so contrived and performative. It felt like watching a theater class. ‘Ok Kyle you’re up’ cue tears and graveling voice, Pat at corners of the eye, Woe is Me! Woe the suffering! I get they’re real people with real emotions, but they don’t come off authentic at all.
  5. Kyle “I just sign whatever. Mo handles everything!’ Shrug. Teehee. Not buying it. Someone’s trying to set up some plausible deniability….while working hard to get the storyline back on her marriage-that she doesn’t want to talk about 😉
  6. Ericka is going about her apology needs the wrong way. She may be owed an apology for the ladies assuming she was as guilty as Tom, was in on it and hid his actions. But she was vile about keeping those earrings.
  7. Kind of a snoozer last night, But, I did feel bad for Tammy. She seemed to really love Caleb. I’m surprised at how mature she’s been handling everything. What a change from previous seasons. Who knew she’d end up the voice of reason? Also had some sympathy for Amy. No one wants to lose their temper like that, and she’s obviously struggling mentally. But Until she gets herself chemically balanced, I fear for the boys. She doesn’t seem to have any patience for them at all, and she’s only at the starting line. The high energy boy shenanigans have only just begun.
  8. i agree wth you all-Tammy just casually holding that baby while the boat bumped and jerked over waves-yikes!!
  9. I love Diane Lane! I’m so glad to see her and many of the other actresses closer to my age🤣 for a change , getting big chunks of scenery to gnaw on. It’s so fun. I didn’t watch season 1, but checked this out because of Diane. And she’s the most believable in her role. A few of them, you can really see the Acting, but I’m still loving this cast.
  10. Lisbon, Portugal. All of their options were nice, beautiful areas. I always wonder though, when one half of a couple says “I do all the cooking, so she/he do the laundry” does that mean they do all the cleaning up from their cooking, too? Because if the other is stuck with all the laundry, the kids, the pets all day, and all the dinner clean up-that’s kind of a bum deal (especially if the chef is a sloppy cook) Anyway, $3000 a month!? Yikes.
  11. Annemarie didn't come to the rescue. She repeatedly scared Crystal by suggesting she was going to have a stroke. I couldn't believe Crystal hugged her afterwards, and everyone praised her actions. (Glad the board is back!)
  12. Ironically, I always thought they looked cheap and flimsy. But these are rich women. What do they need to carry with them? Some credit cards, a lipgloss? They’re not hauling half their medicine cabinet or emergency stuff for their kids because they’re stuck at work all day.
  13. Yes! I would've asked for the most haunted room and had a little seance. These women spend big money on psychics and aura readers, huge crystals and women who pull demons out of them, but run scared at a possibly haunted house? Weak. Missed opportunity, and such a beautiful place. I'd have loved to stay there, too.
  14. “Crystal is at Annamarie’s mercy.” Annmarie “Wow! They are popping out! Holy crap!” there’s that medical professional training.
  15. Just realized I misheard AM. I thought she said to Crystal “I want TO thank you for making you relevant ….” Buy it as actually, “I want A thank you for…” still a dumb comment tho. I don’t agree with the negative comments on her looks. I actually think she’s very pretty. On the outside.
  16. Agree 100% Storm is an employee of theirs while on this trip. That was so gross and straight out sexual harassment. I was so disappointed to see Garcelle participate in that. We women have fought for decades to stop this kind of behavior from our bosses and coworkers. It’s not ‘cute’ when the genders are reversed. Imagine if Erika said she’d tag team one of their sons??? Disgusting.
  17. Also, even If the earrings weren’t paid for by money that came directly from client funds-they were indirectly since that’s their household income. Even if he used money that was earned legitimately, the fact that he stole other money and used that for Other things, it’s all from the same pot. I’m not explaining this well, but it was never about Where the money came from, but that they were bought for her by a thief. And the thief’s victims are struggling to pay medical bills etc and she’s strutting around wearing earrings worth more than their homes. She might not legally owe them anything, but morally-Damn, that’s next level greed. Sutton’s closet looks like a store. It’s massive and packed, wow. I’m not into clothes etc so not jealous of that, but definitely envious of their homes and their skinny bodies.
  18. They bring these abrasive, do anything the producers tell me to, people on and we give them clicks and comments about how much we hate them. Then, they Only see the clicks and comments and think - Yay! Ratings Gold! The old ‘any publicity is good publicity’ which sucks because they ruin the show. I suppose they feel it’d be worse if we all said how Boring the season was. But I’d rather boring than having high blood pressure every time I have to see these horrible additions on the screen, practically close-lining everyone to grab that sweet camera time. Really, there’s enough narcissism and delusion among the cast, they’ll create their own drama organically. Stop trying to wrecking ball these people in, they have no chill and it brings the flow to a screeching halt.
  19. Crystal said that shit. She’s not a good liar. But Anna Karenina talks like a moron. Both her ‘I wanna thank you..’ and ‘elephant in the room’ grandstanding made no sense and was painfully tryhard. She talks like she thinks she’s tough stuff, but she’s just annoying. Fly away, Gnat. As always, this show delivers on the vacation porn.
  20. that was Gold. She really thought that would be an iconic moment. And, of course she made herself the Regina George in it.
  21. Hope we get to see Vannessa's skin surgery this season & not just a teaser with the consultation.
  22. Id forgotten how big Amy was when this started. They both lost a lot of weight. Good for them. I always think the same thing as Chris when I see these all white houses-how do they keep all these white surfaces clean?! Amy's boys look just like their father. And they're a handful , but that's kids for ya. You have to build up a bit of resistance to the whining and the chaos because that's how it goes for a while. Especially when you take them out of their comfort zone, or anywhere in public sometimes lol Happy for Tammy getting to experience new things. She was so nasty and miserable, its nice to see her happy side. I wish them all well, but was zoning out and getting distracted as I've been this whole season.
  23. lol @ Heather for this, too: ”If this is part of the job, then maybe…” (maybe the show is not for you?🤣) ”…..then, maybe… it shouldnt be part of the job” lmao No way she’d leave this show willingly. I can’t get over how she played the victim, when she lied and put producers jobs and reputations in jeopardy. And still wanted to shake it off with, “I was a different person then” When all they had to say was “we were both so drunk, we’re not sure how it happened” But Heather had to go for the storyline. It wasnt fear of Jen. It wasn’t Stockholm Syndrome. It was her opportunity to grab the spotlight and she didn’t think she’d get so pressed for an explanation. I dare say she’s as slippery and opportunistic as Monica was. She just knows the game better, so jumped right up on that cross with the tears and asking for ‘grace.’
  24. They need to mute everyone else’s mic when someone is answering a question. As much as Monica lies, I still wanted to hear her lies. Every time anyone spoke, especially Monica, they’d all start screeching the Entire time. Super annoying!
  25. Guess I didn’t do my research. Much like Monica, who should know if she wants a second season aka her redemption arc, she needed to come contrite on the reunion. But much like Jen, she couldn’t put her ego down long enough to pretend to be sorry.
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