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Everything posted by Kenz

  1. Ok, they are trying to gin up something about knocking on doors. Do you really think at this point that a couple of Trump people are going to convince anyone to change their minds about Trump and vote for him because two masked people with Trump hats come to your door? How many doors go unanswered? I have a doorbell camera and a peephole in my front door, and I don't open the door to anyone I don't know or expect. It's best for me to avoid all of these types of stories for the next weeks before the election. I don't need the agitation.
  2. I am done with this show. Joe Scarborough is a pompous, repetitive, blowhard. My husband and I often fast forward when Scarborough is on the screen (we are on Pacific Time and record the show), but today we listened to the endless introduction of Rev. Al, while Rev. Al listened patiently until Joe stopped. Then Rev. Al gave a concise, great explanation about looting and violence and how it hurts the cause, and Joe INTERRUPTED him, to repeat back what the Rev Al said, only in Joe's drawn out, repetitive, bombastic way. I yelled at the TV, Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!, alarming my husband. How can anyone stand Joe Scarborough? I actually despise him, and I don't need any more tension in my life. I'll be back when Joe and Mika are gone. (Sorry for the rant.)
  3. I find the show much more enjoyable if I fast forward through Bill's solo routines. I enjoyed the guests, although Colonel Wilkerson really alarmed me. Bill seemed tired and listless, and for such a rich guy, his indoor home scenes are dark and depressing. Bill Maher really needs a studio audience who likes him for his schtick to work. I like Paul Begala and love(!) Chris Evans, but Meghan Daum was not impressive until she told Bill that we really don't need to bring up the Clintons right now as an issue when so much else is going on. I agree.
  4. It looks like this is another Bill whine fest, so I'll skip it. He really is a grumpy, repetitive bore.
  5. Poor Bill. He's lonely in his lovely, spacious home in the California sunshine. Sure, let's open up sports arenas with a lot of drunk fans, most of who would definitely not wear masks and would be yelling and hugging all over the place. And if only all of the dead from the virus had been health freaks like Bill, we wouldn't have had this shut down problem. How soon he forgets that the shut down prevented many more deaths and many health care workers were overwhelmed. Bill is a so self absorbed. Watching him makes me angry, so I've had it with his repetitive whining.
  6. I don't watch the show much anymore because Mika and Joe are so repetitive and boring. It irks me no end to have Joe ask a question of Lamire or Rev Al and then drone on forever before they can answer the question and then they are usually interrupted when they try to answer. I just fast forward through Joe and listen to the guests. I hope they pay the guests a lot of bucks to sit through the endless Joe monologues.
  7. I'm afraid I am watching because I just want to see how it ends. I wish they had condensed the story down to three or four episodes, because it is just extremely slow moving. I'm waiting for the last episode and will be relieved when it's over.
  8. I totally agree with your post. When writers inject the F word into practically every sentence, it becomes so boring and repetitive. That word has no shock value any more, so why use it so much?
  9. I think they mentioned they were meeting in Rochester, NY. I even looked it up on a map to see how far that was from Shaker Heights. Her ex boyfriend said that he had driven several hours to meet with her in Rochester, which is in upstate New York. It was still a very long drive. The ex boyfriend really got the shaft. No wonder he was angry when she wanted to meet him years later in NYC.
  10. Get off your high horse about Americans and their bad health habits, Bill. You've been smoking marijuana for years and bragging about it. Go to the American Lung Association website and learn about the damage that does to the lungs. I'm sure he thought his conversation with Willie would be a cute reminder of how Bill loves his marijuana. I am not anti marijuana (although edibles seem preferable to smoking), I'm just tired of Bill's rantings about how how pristine he thinks he is.
  11. Hmm, Sophie had so few clothes on when she was shivering and shaking, then suddenly on the pole she had a shirt and pants on. It's all set up for maximum drama on this show.
  12. I agree. The lady to the left kept putting her hand on her hip like she was a model. That was odd looking and distracting.
  13. I want to like this show, but I'm losing interest. Even though everyone seems to be trying their hardest in the acting and production, it just seems off to me. I'm surprised that not many comments have been made in this forum. Apple may have spent too much money on this project.
  14. How did Reese Witherspoon (Bradley) grow her hair about three inches in a day? Or are we supposed to believe she has a new wig as she meets her coworkers at the bar? Strange continuity for a high budget show. This episode felt boring and cheesy to me.
  15. I can't stomach Megan McCain, so I haven't been watching the show for two months, but I read all of your comments. It sounds like she continues to be a nasty, ignorant piece of work. I don't miss seeing Captain Obvious Abby Huntsman either, and it's too bad that she is trying to be more strident to attract attention, bless her little privileged heart. I look forward to the time when I can watch the View when Meghan McCain is gone. Until then, I'll keep enjoying reading all of your great reviews!
  16. I read the Modern Love column every Sunday in the New York Times. Those stories are usually interesting. So far, this series is a dud for me, and this one is the worst.This episode was so boring and went on for so long that I almost went to sleep. I don't know why Tina Fey and John Slattery signed up for this snooze fest.
  17. This episode was hilarious and every cast member was excellent. This show is a joy to watch.
  18. Do you think Bill will go on his food and fat people rant from last week when talking to Michael Moore?
  19. I wish they had given Abby something else to do besides running the bar and sharing a dingy apartment with Vincent. She seemed far too intelligent and ambitious to be stuck in the same situation. Maybe if they had expanded the bar or upgraded the apartment, I could have bought that her business savvy had progressed, but why would she stick around for Vincent's seedy world?
  20. And this, Bannana, is why I couldn't watch the show, because I knew it would be the same dreadful Meghan McCain, who they keep on the show for "making sparks", as you stated, and she stays on so she can say outrageous things and be quoted on social media. I'm so disappointed in the producers at The View for continuing the promotion of this awful, awful person. I will read comments about the show here, but I can't watch it if Meghan McCain is on. I don't need to be more outraged and depressed.
  21. Mea culpa, I looked at the clip of Meghan talking about her vacations and she said that she went to Montana on her honeymoon and does "red state stuff" on her vacations, so I did misquote her. So I guess she does red state stuff when she visits Europe or wherever?
  22. I know Ana mentioned the Trump boys, but "Quick Draw McCain" (thanks for that, Haleth!) is probably the only one on the panel who has deer antlers and who knows what other creatures hanging on her NYC wall (I know, flags and lots of patriot paintings too) and brags about them. Edited to add that I don't dislike hunters (unless it's purely for sport and game trophies), but I do notice that Meghan takes glee in pointing out how she's a lover of guns and likes animal parts displayed in her homes.
  23. Did you catch MM's comment when Ana and Sunny were discussing Ana's honeymoon safari? Meghan said that she went on her honeymoon to Montana and huffed that she takes vacations only to red states, like that's some kind of relevant information. (That's bizarre, if you ask me). I think I caught Ana's comment later that she doesn't shoot animals, and I'm hoping that was a little dig at MM, although it may have whistled by her.
  24. She brought the subject up TWICE, even though he explained his response well the first time. In a city as huge as NYC, it's a very admirable thing that the first responders handled the blackout so well and no one was injured, but she ignored that fact and all she wanted to do is pounce on DeBlasio (TWICE). She is an idiot.
  25. I need a break from this show. Between Whoopi's completely off the wall rantings and Meghan McCain's awful behavior, the show has been so unpleasant lately. I'm sure that Sunny and Joy will appreciate the break from these two. McCain was so rude to Tom Steyer today. She obviously didn't listen to anything he said, and was extremely insulting in her responses to him. Maybe when she goes to Arizona on her break, she can have an encounter with a rattlesnake so she can hiss and snarl at it and scare it off before it strikes.
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