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Everything posted by Kenz

  1. Yes, I watched, and not a peep came out of the professional political "pundint's" mouth during that political discussion. I wish I could make her kind of money by sitting at a desk and looking mean and confused every day. I guess I wasn't born with the right name. It looks like she has slightly plumped up her upper lip or bought one of those Kardashian lip kits, so she can twitch and snarl a little more effectively. Can she please stay in Arizona or maybe slip on over to Fox and leave us alone?
  2. If she wanted to, Sunny could cut Meghan down with a few succinct words and embarrass her easily. By not having interaction with her, Sunny actually is taking the high road. Why should she put up with McCain's rudeness? Why should Meghan McCain be allowed to run roughshod over the panel members?
  3. I don't think Sunny has to worry about any "future employers". She's an accomplished legal analyst who also happens to be on the View. She's got more brains and class in her pinkie finger than Meghan McCain has in her whole body. Once during one of her many screeching outbursts, McCain yelled at Sunny to quit looking at her, and Sunny said, "Now I can't look at you?", so Sunny ignoring her has been a perfect reaction. I hope Sunny keeps it up if McCain returns to the show, which I'm afraid she will. MM plays a victim, but she loves the media attention.
  4. Whoopie mentions that Rutger Hauer has passed away and mentions several of his movies. Meghan pipes up gleefully and says how she loved one of those movies, then mumbles, swivels her head around and looks for approval or something from the audience, like she's giving a review of the movie. She just doesn't follow in any logical sense what is going on during the show, whether it be having to look at her blue notes to ask a guest a simple question or trying to explain her position on an issue. I've never seen anyone more ill equipped to be on a talk show.
  5. Thank you, Sunny, for continuing the freezing out of Millennial spokeswoman and most patriotic person ever, Meghan McCain. Sunny's friend remark had to be a dig at McCain, and I loved it.
  6. I had to laugh when Meghan had lipstick all over her teeth and someone in the control room must have pointed it out to her, so she frantically tried to get it off. Yes, she did say something about Whoopi's cat crapping on Whoopi's pillow. What a pleasant remark to make in the midst of a conversation about Ricky and Whoopi's pet cats. The valley girl talk, screeching and "What the hell!" repetitive comments must have made Cindy sitting in the audience so proud, along with Meghan's comment that her mother is forcing her to visit Arizona.
  7. Thanks for that link, Bannana. That article demonstrates very well how Miss Twitchy Lip contradicts herself continually. She is a mental lightweight, and when you watch the panel members at the table, she is now being completely ignored by Sunny, and Whoopi and Joy are no longer giving her much attention, and when she does say something, they kind of disregard it as inconsequential. I wonder what their pre show meetings are like.
  8. Poor Meghan. She's the spokeswoman who has to explain every day that her hallowed conservative Republican party is so fantastic, and yet today she registered disgust with the spineless Republican congress people who are not speaking out about Trump's racist remarks. In addition, 90% of Republicans think Trump is doing a great job. Talk about cognitive dissonance! Maybe she will renounce the Republican party and become an independent. Fat chance, since she's been a Republican conservative since she was in the womb, or so she thinks.
  9. Jedidiahblahblah is in the news today as a Fox idiot. What a Trump toady! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fox-and-friends-trump-tweets_n_5d2b4378e4b02a5a5d5c88f4
  10. I could not care less if a flaky, uber rich Kardashian is depressed, and Whoopi's reaction was great. I think you are right, Bannana, that Whoopi had more to say that would have been funny, but the others were taking it more seriously!
  11. This is another example of Meghan shooting off her mouth before she thinks. She wants people to know that she's a gun totin', whiskey drinkin', tough girl ,and it never occurred to her that spouses are killed every day by guns, and lots of the murders are probably influenced by drunkeness. Her image must be maintained! She's such a dim bulb.
  12. I watched Sunny throughout the show today. She sat as far away on her chair as she could from Meghan and never once looked at her. Keep it up Sunny, and let the brat know that she isn't going to play nice with her. Meanwhile, MM was doing her grimaced, sullen face with many head swivels. I hope she gets the message that she is getting iced out by her fellow co hosts, and it's not going to get better.
  13. Joy is actually having fun with this. Joy is secure and confident with herself, and she has nothing to lose. Sunny is definitely angry with Meghan and today personified the expression " giving her the cold shoulder." Whoopi is just an angry old lady who should feel guilty about bringing Meghan onboard the View. Meghan has the most to lose, in that she has made herself a laughingstock and obviously is a miserable woman who wants any kind of attention she can get. If she stays, she will feel "attacked and caged" every day. If she leaves, who will represent the ultimate conservative Republican??? She should do herself and all of us a favor and go back to her booze and guns in Arizona and stay there.
  14. The snarling, high pitched screeching, and the obnoxious way she considers herself some political expert were all too much today. The way she interrogated Pete Buttigieg with her smug, contemptuous face (accented with shiny red twitchy lips) made me want to puke. I wonder if Ana has had too much of putting up with Meghan McCain. I hope not. She is a brilliant political commentator who makes MM look like a very ignorant little spoiled brat. I'm glad they are on break next week. (Why do I watch this? It makes me angry and sad, so I must be a masochist. I don't need more anger in my life at my age.)
  15. Do you think Meghan McCain had a few shots before she came on the show? She was so gleeful, giggly and rambling on and on in a more than usual weird way. I loved the looks on the faces of Joy and Sunny when MM was blabbering on about the camera work in Iran. They are not even trying to hide their disgust. The show is more of a train wreck every day thanks to McCain.
  16. Poor Meghan McCain is her own worst enemy. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have the intelligence to express herself or even defend herself in a civilized manner. You would think that all of the negative feedback from so many sources would make her pause and reconsider what she says and how to comport herself in a more gracious manner. Even though I dislike her intensely, I feel sorry for her because I think she is headed for a breakdown. If she were smart (!), she would quit the View and stay out of the limelight until she can get herself together.
  17. Yes, she does need professional help. When your outlook on life rests solely on your father's accomplishments, super patriotism, and being a conservative Republican, you have a problem. I saw no hint of compassion from her on discussing the plight of detained children and their horrid conditions. Instead she couldn't wait to teach everyone what real torture is and that she has seen the Hanoi Hilton! This is so perverse. She continued on the show looking disgusted and clueless about the following discussions. What a miserable woman she is.
  18. Right. I thought "straight shooters" could state their case and not care about the ramifications. What happened to the fearless maverick, Meghan McCain?
  19. I don't get the piling on of Pete Buttigieg. Joy, he has been mayor of South Bend for eight years and has accomplished quite a lot for the city. You want him to wait until everything is peachy keen and all of South Bend's problems are completely solved before he runs for president? Ridiculous. As far as his current problem with the police shooting in South Bend, he is in a no win, very difficult position. I think he was showing strength to have a town meeting, and it's too bad he didn't show enough "pain" for you. Did you listen to him for the duration of his time there in the last 48 hours? Maybe he exhibited enough "pain" for you if you had. If they have ever watched him handle questions, and the View ladies have, they shouldn't have any doubts that he will no doubt be one of the most logical and sincere of the debaters coming up this week. Meghan McCain came out of the gate as her usual sourpuss self. Her oh, so brave strange speech about maybe, maybe not, but then again maybe doubting a story was pathetic. Like Sunny said, just say you're not sure without all the extraneous babble.
  20. Rickhurst3186, I thought the same thing. Surely she had other blouse options that didn't reveal the monitor. She loves the attention.
  21. Meghan McCain reminds me of Trump. She lets outrageous things fly out of her mouth and the rest of us are aghast. She gets by on this show because of her last name and now she has the ability to spark headlines in news outlets by being her vile self. If anyone else had said that bitch line in the manner that she did or the other numerous nasty things that she has said, they would be fired. It's obvious that the powers that be are scared of handling her, and so is Whoopi. Joy and Sunny have to sit there and endure. It's pretty depressing. I don't usually comment on her looks, but today Meghan looked like an old dowager who is trying to impress the rest of the cruise passengers with her purple dress and bejeweled crown.
  22. Last season I just thought Nicole looked remarkably young and fresh faced. Now on this season her face looks like it has been smoothed out so much that she almost looks like a face that's been altered by an app or maybe looks robotic. I can't stop looking at Meryl Streep's teeth when she talks and that's really distracting.
  23. Martin Short is the best, and I appreciated the fact that he didn't hog the spotlight from the rest of the panel, because you know that is in his nature to do so. I love him!
  24. Joy and Sunny converse about injuries in soccer. Meghan says, I was never good at playing soccer. Me thinking, huh? (Not an unusual reaction when it comes to MM) It would be nice to replace her with someone who could carry on an intelligent conversation.
  25. I thought that Meghan's husband lives in Washington DC, and she lives in New York, so they commute on weekends. If that's so, she could have given some insight to the topic on hand instead of just saying that's for rich people. As others have pointed out, Whoopi seems to about have had it with the Arizona Princess, and I always look at the faces of Ana and Sunny when Meghan is on a tirade. They look like they are embarrassed that the toddler is misbehaving.
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