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Everything posted by Kenz

  1. I don't get why Cohen would continue to keep up the buddy buddy talk with Donnie. He knows that Donnie is on Morning Joe, and why would he want to subject himself to information leaking out? Donnie should just shut up about Cohen instead of being so vague and reiterating how much the guy loves his family.
  2. I don't mind oakvilles's remarks about the sane Canadian system of political fundraising, health care, etc. It does make me want to move there, but alas, I have no skills that Canada would want. It's sad to think that our country could adopt some of Canada's great policies, but our politicians are too beholding to their lobbyists and rich donors. I enjoy Oakville's recaps and observations, so thank you, oakville!
  3. There have been so many good points made on this board about Meghan "I WILL SAY" McCain's idiotic remarks about the Iranian deal. I wanted to tear my hair out when she was screeching. Joy did try to correct her about the money returned to Iran that it was actually Iran's money, but it was easy not to hear her.. The producers should have let Joy repeat that fact after they came back from the commercial, because from what MM said and Whoopi implied, many people would think it was a gift to Iran in the diplomatic dealing. Whoopi should be more informed than that. Then the hysterics by MM after Sunny's comments about allies and Russia and China was over the top stupid. Yes, I'm sure the rest of the panel is sick of the ignorant, spoiled brat.
  4. This is so true, athousandclowns! I had to laugh at that comment about this ditzy group being so "real". I can imagine that watching the Jersey dolts would bring me way further down if I were depressed, but Meghan uses them to cheer herself. Go figure.
  5. Meghan reminded me of a thirteen year old today with her fast talking vocal fry, inserting "actually" and "like" repeatedly when explaining Trump's poll numbers, and glorifying herself as a political expert. Then the high pitched screeching introduction of the Jersey Shore group and over the top fawning was just too much. She is the most unprofessional host I've ever seen on a talk show.
  6. Anderson Cooper did host "The Mole" and "Celebrity Mole" (I think Kathy Griffin won on that show) quite a few years ago. They were reality shows and I loved them! Why would you hold that against him? I think his journalistic skills are very impressive. He and Kathy were good friends. When she had "The D List" show, I remember she would hang out at his summer place. I'm sorry that he disassociated himself from her, and I hope they can become friends again.
  7. I'm wondering if because Sara looks so cute in her shorter braids that really complement her face, MM thinks she does too. Doesn't she realize that she looks good with a softer hair style and more natural makeup? I guess not, since she's always changing to some harsher styles. That look today was just bizarre.
  8. I thought Guiliana looked better today than she usually does. Maybe she's gained a few ounces or her hair is more poufy. I've never seen what's so great about her. She does have the ability to talk nonstop though. Her appearance today was sponsored by the pharmaceutical company that must have a connection to breast cancer medication.
  9. You guys have covered it all so well. The red dressed, viperous, glaring Meghan Meghan came ready for war with Comey, and she was shut down so easily. The comment about J. Edgar Hoover was hilarious. Maybe she should have majored in U.S. History or Political Science if her vocation was political punditry. She probably had J.EDGAR HOOVER ROLLING OVER IN GRAVE! in her blue notes. I think at this point she just wants her name out there on twitter and other media, even though most people know she is an empty headed, mean spirited fraud.
  10. ^^^^^Thanks for that, merriebreeze. I enjoyed the replay where MM is shut down about her hero Ryan and looks so puzzled. She doesn't have the wits to be on a show like This Week.
  11. Did you see MM on This Week on ABC Sunday morning? I placed my comment on the MM thread.
  12. ABC is really trying to make Meghan McCain a thing. She was on This Week again as a panelist. She didn't say much except to repeat that she thought Comey was being gossipy in his book and that Paul Ryan was just the most fantastic Republican ever! Matthew Dowd shot her down on that subject by saying that Ryan was pliable and really never stood up to Trump or others. She did look more natural, so the makeup, hair, and wardrobe people must be kinder there. Her husband was on CBS Face the Nation too this morning. They must think themselves quite the DC power couple now.
  13. I almost stood up and clapped when Sunny gave her defense of Colin Kaepernick. She was impassioned and brilliant. Then we have Meghan McCain who I WILL SAY is so in love with the US flag that she has one in every room in her house and in her dressing room too! I'm surprised that she doesn't wear a gigantic flag brooch every day so that we are reminded of her patriotism. As other posters have mentioned, Nathan Lane's reaction to Meghan's remark about loving The Birdcage was hysterical. I had to rewind it and show it to my husband. It's like poor old Nathan hasn't had any other acting jobs since 1996, and she pulls that one out of her noggin.
  14. I'm a long time fan of the View, but I just couldn't face watching the show on Monday and Tuesday, because I knew Meghan McCain would be on, and I just wasn't in the mood for her nastiness. I watched today and saw her explode over the conversation about Paul Ryan. What kind of talk show host screams at the other hosts, chastises the audience for their reactions, flits her eyes here and there, glares, interrupts, and above all, has really unintelligent remarks that are not nearly up to par with the other hosts? If they hired her because her last name is McCain, that novelty wore off a long time ago. I think she is such an insecure and unhappy person that she needs to take a break from her "political punditry" and evaluate why she is in a constant state of agitated unpleasantness. Just get her off of the View, or I'll quit watching for good.
  15. I loved Dominque and Aloe Blacc together. I would have chosen Dominque over Jonny, but I guess they needed Jonny's (teen idol?) type for diversity. I knew they would choose Catie because of all the time they have invested in her. Her schtick is getting very old, and I cringe when I watch her. I felt badly for little Layla because the camera kept on her disappointed face so much when they were announcing the final seven. She's just a kid, and you could tell that she was broken hearted. She's got talent and spunk though, so she will no doubt be ok. I enjoyed all of the duets, to my surprise. There were a lot of really great singers, both amateur and professional, and they blended well with each partner.
  16. It's strange that Wendell went looking for the idol in long pants and a long sleeve shirt, then all of a sudden he was in a different shirt and shorts right before he dug up the idol. Maybe they had him reenact the discovery for some reason, but why the change in clothes? You'd think they would keep track of that detail. The idols found by Michael and Wendell certainly were not hidden well. They seemed to be popping right out of the ground. The discovery of idols has always seemed fishy to me, and this time it seemed obvious that it was just too easy to find them.
  17. As long as Jackie (Laurie Metcalf, who I love) stays liberal and gives a lot of counter attack to Roseanne's Trump loving character on the show, I'm ok. I also love the other actors. I can't stand Roseanne's politics, but I admit that she has a unique, genuine acting ability on the show and can be very funny. I agree that MM is wrong about the Red States and the ratings for the show. She will blab out anything that has to do with her so called explanation of Trump voters. That seems to be her mission in life. Poor Meghan, no one seems to understand her and her expertise on conservative voters, blah, blah, blah. You could not pay me to watch a show that features Nancy Grace. She is obnoxious and creepy.
  18. Add to that, "I WILL SAY". She uses that almost every time she speaks.
  19. That quick and dumb response from her about having a poker face when Stormy's attorney said that he had one made me laugh. Her face reveals every bitter, angry, ugly aspect of her personality all of the time. Even when she attempts to loosen up and talk about non political things, you can see that see is ready to pounce and be belligerent at the next opportunity. She is a mean, nasty person.
  20. I agree that on some days Meghan can look quite pretty. It's too bad she spoils it with the glaring bitch face, twitchy lip, and side glances that take over her whole persona. Today she tried to equate the Cambridge Analytic crooked, sleazy stuff with President Obama's social media campaign and failed miserably, thanks to Sunny. The nasty look on her face when she spews her blue card ignorant talking points negates any prettiness she might have.
  21. I agree. And why did swarmy Howard Stern always get away with egging Trump on in interviews and he and his sidekick chuckling over Trump's blatantly sexist and outrageous claims? Howard Stern always seems to get a free pass and he has said things much worse than Billy Bush did on that bus.
  22. I don't think I could continue watching this show without this forum. I'm on the West Coast and record the show for watching later in the day when I can FF through the commercials. Watching Meghan McCain every day is having an effect on my blood pressure. Her constant bitchiness and repetitive, nonsensical tirades drive me up the wall. Why do I submit myself to this? It's because I can read this forum and take in all of the well written, intelligent comments about her behavior. I know this may not be healthy, but I feel comforted that others feel the same way about this woman. The only good thing I can say about her is that she has a nice laugh. I'm looking forward to the day she blows up in a rage and walks away from the show forever. (I'm afraid they will never fire her.) In the meantime, thanks to those who write so well on this forum!
  23. It's too bad that Meghan used another big word today, sycophant. It's sad that she doesn't know enough about politics to know that President Obama had plenty of Republicans in his administration during his eight years in office, including two Secretary of Defense appointments, Chairman of the Fed, many ambassadors, and several members of his cabinet, in addition to his political rival, Secretary of State Clinton. So don't go claiming that Trump is anything like President Obama in hiring sycophants, Miss Political Know it All. Or maybe she just likes throwing out lies.
  24. Yes, the whole shy, "you guys!", cover her face, oh, my, I'm blushing, routine when even the word sex is mentioned is really phony and irritating. Wasn't she the tough chick who wrote the book, "Dirty, Sexy, Politics" a few years ago? Maybe her in laws are prudish and she wants to present herself as an innocent buttercup. Whatever, it's another strange and dumb feature to her personality.
  25. I can't add much to all of your comments about that nasty piece of work, Meghan McCain. I felt that she might just blow up with all of her angst and bitterness today. I think she knows that she can't keep up intellectually with the others, so she is in a constant state of turmoil and defensiveness. It was so pleasant not having to look at her sour face during the guest segments. Even when she doesn't say much, just her presence at the table makes for tenseness and unpleasantness.
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