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Everything posted by Kenz

  1. This was my last try at this mess. It's boring and depressing. I thought Alan Ball would produce something that was at least interesting, but nope.
  2. I agree. I've never liked Condi Rice because of her politics, but also because she really never comes out and says anything concrete. It's always bland. She does get fired up about her NFL football though. I always picture her playing the piano (with the best posture) while a game is on, and she interrupts her playing to give a big Hurrah! for her team. (Sorry, I have a strange imagination.)
  3. I'm surprised there aren't more posts on this series. I finished it, but it was a long slog. There should have been about five hours of this instead of ten. There was some very good acting in it. I couldn't get past disliking KJ, the prosecutor and the strings of hair hanging in her face. It was really distracting. Regina King was great, although she must have been exhausted with soooo many anguished scenes. The actors who played her husband and Fish, the detective, were terrific. If Veena Sud makes another series, I'll avoid it if it's this long and repetitious.
  4. Backformore, I wish everyone in the country could read your post. Every time I hear someone say that all the signs were there and why didn't law enforcement do something about that shooter, I shout out, "What could they have done that was according to our laws?" You explained the situation so well. Thank you.
  5. My husband and I worked for airlines for years too. I miss so many of the old airlines and airline travel that was civil and exciting. It would be nice if Delta could put a lifetime travel ban on that idiot Lt. Governor from Georgia.
  6. I could have predicted the comments that Meghan made about the gun control issue. "I will say....second amendment....I'm a member of the NRA...I will say...lip twitch...middle America...I will say...You are not from a hunting part of the country...lip twitch...huffiness...vocal fry. She is so predictable, and her arguments are pathetically weak. Joy looks at her in a condescending manner, Sunny gives smart, logical replies to Meghan's claims, Whoopie is starting to pushback, and even Paula made a good case about banning automatic weapons. Poor Meghan, she is so ill equipped to be on this show.
  7. The shooter Cruz had attended a mental clinic but dropped out. His father died several years ago, and his mother died last November. A friend's family took him in. He owned the AK-15 and brought it with him to live with the family. They had it locked up, but he had the key. The family thought he wasn't violent enough to do what he did. As Backformore stated, you can't lock someone up for what they MIGHT do in the future. So for Meghan to say that FBI agents and others should be fired is just ignorant. She dared not mention the subject of responsible gun control because her Republican cronies, including her father and super conservative husband, would have had a meltdown, and the conservative "tough chick" would have to hang up her credentials.
  8. I think this is the first time I've seen Holly Hunter not have a southern twang. I love her, twang or no twang, so I will continue watching the show for her. Poor Tim Robbins. I really like him as an actor, but he was given a pathetic role in this show. Maybe he can recover from his depression and become a more interesting character. The sex scene with a seventeen year old girl wearing a horse head was creepy and really unbelievable. I doubt a grown man would do that to a girl he doesn't know and could be underage, which she was. I live in Portland and enjoyed the Portland scenes, even though they got their geography mixed up as they traveled west toward Laurelhurst instead of east, but that's a minor criticism.
  9. I had never heard of mouth.com. (that name is not appealing). They have some of her products for sale. $7.00 for a small pancake box, plus shipping standard rate $11.99), seems like a lot to me, to say the least. https://www.mouth.com/collections/mouth-x-southern-culture
  10. It probably helps with the ratings on the show. I admit that sometimes I tune in to see what dumb things Meghan is going to spout off. I'm not proud of that fact. :( She may just cross the line one of these days, and the other hosts may want her gone. I suspect that Joy has a lot of clout with the producers, so maybe she will instigate Meghan's removal.
  11. Thanks for all the posts about the blowup, everyone! Joy was not taking it, and I'm glad that she held firm against poor widdle Republican Meghan and her pathetic comments. How did Nancy Grace get as far as she has? She is revulsive to me, and as a 'legal expert'' she stinks. Is Joel McHale supposed to be funny? That interview with him was terrible.
  12. Thanks, General Days, your whole post was hilarious and so true!
  13. Whoopi going on and on about Gisele Bundchen's comments to her daughter after the Patriot's loss made me mad. I'm not a big fan of the Patriots or Gisele, but what she said to her daughter about the loss was very gracious about handling defeat. I even read that Gisele ran into some Eagle players after the game and congratulated them. Whoopi was picking apart Gisele's comment to try to make it sound like she meant that the Patriots let the Eagles win, and then they went on to talk about winners and losers and attitudes. At least Joy said that she thought Gisele didn't mean it that way. Picking apart every word that a famous person says is getting to be a national pastime. I noticed how Joy and Valerie were so natural and at ease with the three young men. Meghan's vocal fry was over the top.
  14. It must be rough for Meghan to try to glean a desperate conservative remark out of almost every conversation. She doesn't like Trump, but in his State of the Union address, she needs to point out that the Democrats didn't give him a rousing ovation when he mentioned veterans, her very favorite topic. I have a feeling that her extremely conservative husband is watching her on the show every day, and she must spout out Fox talking points to please him. He might even write suggestions down on her blue cards, because she refers to them constantly.
  15. Joe was so belligerent with Swalwell. The Democrats have every right to give their rebuttal to the memo out to the public. Why should they just leave it out there undisputed just because Joe thinks the memo was a nothing burger? I thought Swalwell gave great responses to Joe's stupid attacks. Joe thinks he is cute when he is toying with Mika. I hope he knows now by the response that episode received that he is neither clever or cute, just rude and creepy. Even the guys in the control room did not look amused.
  16. I watched a few minutes of it. That's all I could tolerate. I don't get the love for her hair. It was pulled back and a fake long extension was the ponytail. She had harsh makeup on. I think she looks better with a softer look. I like her with Rick Perry (I'm smart now that I'm wearing glasses) glasses because they contrast well with her fair features and hair. Excuse my shallow criticism. Why didn't Meghan, as the official political commentator, ask Rand Paul any questions? I don't believe she made a peep while he was on the show.
  17. Michelle Bachman, with her evil eyes and permanent smile, looked at the wrong camera during her speech. It was pretty funny, because probably no one listened to what she was saying. I WILL SAY, Meghan McCain has just so many besties who she loves, loves, loves! I cannot stand S.E. Cupp, who is strident and shouty with a smugness that's over the top. I'm glad Jimmy Kimmel gave her some comeuppance. As such a serious "political commentator," which she points out on a daily basis, Meghan probably should have kept quiet about being conflicted because of her loving friendship with Cupp.
  18. I guess we all have different experiences, but my point was I didn't like the women on The View encouraging everyone to have a mammogram, and then exclaiming how terrible the process is, which just causes alarm and possibly delay in having one. Mine resulted in several biopsies and surgery, and though that was unpleasant too, I'm grateful that they caught my cancer (which was very difficult to detect, as it wasn't a lump but linear in shape).
  19. Something that bugs me no end is when women tell others how so very important it is to have a mammogram, and then they proceed to yell about how painful and awful getting one is. I have very dense breasts, so I had to have multiple mammograms taken each time I was screened. It was uncomfortable, but not that bad! Nine years ago they discovered cancer. The little bit of discomfort was worth finding my cancer at an early stage.
  20. Meghan screeched "My husband was home schooled!!! He was a political prodigy!!!" I majored in political science in college, so I guess that made me a political prodigy too. Her husband has had some plagiarism claims against him, so I wouldn't get too excited about his credentials.
  21. Oh, my gosh, Wings, thanks for that trip down memory lane! I always loved that skit, especially when Dan, said, "Jane, you ignorant slut" and went on with the insults. Thanks for making me laugh!
  22. Wow, thanks to everyone for the build up to the Ana takedown of Meghan! It was a thing of beauty to watch very intelligent and eloquent immigrant Ana tell off that lip twitching, sullen, spoiled and ill-informed twit . MM was on ABC's This Week Sunday show as a panelist and probably thought she was making it to the big time in political commentary, but she can't hold a candle to Ana Navarro. I always like the expression that Ana has on her face when she's listening to Meghan, like a tolerant, sweet aunt listening to a toddler's rantings. Then the pouting began after MM was schooled. That was hilarious.
  23. Sunny is one of the best hosts that the View has ever had. Some have criticized her views on sex and religion and sometimes call her naive. Those views don't bother me in the least. We all have different opinions about those topics, and at least she's honest about expressing her's.Her intelligence and eloquence on most matters is evident, and I always appreciate her legal expertise.
  24. I live in Oregon, and yes, we are expected to tip 15-20% or more. Oregon has a minimum wage of $10.25 an hour ($11.25 in metro Portland, $10.00 in rural areas), so a server can make a decent wage here.
  25. Funny, Ana Navarro wasn't shy about asking him questions. That's because she's a true "political commentator", unlike Meghan.
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