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Everything posted by Bill1978

  1. Dang it. Out of all the Arrowverse shows, this was the only one that I stuck with. From beginning to now the end. Honestly think it was the fact they never took themselves seriously as opposed to the other shows. And I was looking forward to next season. Booster Gold seemed like fun and I was genuinely looking forward to seeing what they did with Gwyn and Alun. I felt Season 7 course corrected the show after the lacklustre alien season. I guess the upside is I won't have to listening to Babe being uttered 100 times in 60 minutes once a week. I'm gonna miss this little crazy show.
  2. The planning better involve some Young Avengers, that's honestly all I care about going forward with MCU announcements.
  3. Why did the latest trailer give me the strong impresson that Alan Grant is gonna be eaten - or at least killed - by a dinosaur before this movie ends. I'm hoping that shot of Ellie screaming is a fake out that's all I'm gonna say. Can't believe they included the shot of the poor guy on the bike getting eaten. Although that moment does highlight everything I dislike about the concept of dinosaurs running around with humans for this series. But I'll still be seeing this in the theatre - even if it appears the best way to calm a dinosaur down and stop it from attacking is to hold your palms up.
  4. I agree with your thought. Initially I thought it was a moment when Steven appeared but you are right, Steven would have said something about it being him. Fingers crossed we get to see this strongly hinted at 3rd alter. Especially since they strongyl suggested it existence with both Steven and Marc not being aware of taking out those people in Egypt and the unopened sarcophagus in the asylum ship.
  5. So glad you mentioned this because I've been thinking a lot about the episode today and I kept coming back to this moment and wondering if I had heard things wrong or misinterpreted what I saw. I agree with you, Marc is the one that should have experienced the beating in that scene and not Steven UNLESS what we were shown was Steven appearing and then just as mum went to hit Steven, Marc returned. I don't; know. But that scene seemed to not follow the 'rules' it was mentioning as as the scene played out I get the Asylum maze aspect as explained by Tawaret and all those scenes, but I don't understand the Dr Harrow scenes at all. Like when it's Marc speaking to Dr Harrow, is Steven just standing around with Tawaret twiddling his thumbs in the Asylum Maze waiting for Steven to return and vice versa. Whereas if Dr Harrow is real the story shown makes sense because every time with go to the Tawaret Asylum, its when Marc has been drugged and therefore is dreaming it. From a narrative point of view I don't understand the flashing backwards and forwards with Dr Harrow if the Afterlife is real (and I believe the Afterlife is the real Marc/Steven)
  6. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought this. If we assume that the Afterlife aspect of this episode are real, then what is the purpose of the Asylum aspect? Other than to confuse the audience from a story point of view. Because at this moment the way it's framed it makes me think the Asylum part is real and the Afterlife is fake. And I dpn't want that. I don't want the whole series to have been basically a fake out.
  7. I had no idea referencing the Ancestral Plane was an MCU connection. I honestly thought it was just more of the Ancient Egyptian stuff. Guess I shouldn't be surprised I didn't pick up on this since I've only watched Black Panther once.
  8. I can deal with a post credit scene. I can also deal with possibly a stronger reference in the episode. I'm not opposed to MCU references. But overall I like how I can recommend it to someone without having to tell them to watch everything prior. I have a friend who basically won't watch the Dinsey+ shows as it requires her to watch too many movies to understand the basic plot. Moon Knight doesn't require her to watch anything before hand. It reminds me of the Ant-Man movies. Techincally they can be enjoyed by themselves. The stories told are very self contained and not linked to the bigger picture - ignoring the mid-credit scenes etc.
  9. How can a show make me care so much about a character dying when technically the character is still alive? Man I hope this gets undone next week. Cannot believe it is the final episode next week though. I feel we need at least two more episodes to really wrap things up. I honestly do not know much about DID and truthfully most of what I think I know is from movies and tv, but do identities know they are the 'fake' one or the 'real' one. Cause Hollywood has given me the impression that identities know about each other and kinda view the body as a vessel for all of them to hang out in. So it was interesting to see Steven be shocked that he was created to help Marc cope. I honestly was expecting that the scale couldn't balance until Marc acknowledged their was a third identity and I honestly expected the third identity to appear while fighting the 'zombies'. Still a bit confused with the Asylum aspect (the one with Dr Harrow), but I am a simple man who can just focus on what I like to call the real part (the one with Steven and Marc together) while not thinking too much about the Asylum. I'm really enjoying the fact that this is an MCU property without any true links to the MCU. It's refreshing cause you can watch it without having any idea about the MCU and still enjoy it. And I've been really enjoying learning about the religion of Ancient Egypt. If they can stick the final episode this will probably leapfrog Loki (too much talking from a character we just met) and possibly even Hawkeye (bit too much organised crime malarky for me) as my favourite MCU TV series.
  10. A couple of years back I set a rule to myself that I can't listen to the songs until May 1. Mainly to help prevent me truly attaching to a song that flops and also to help me not to be over the songs by the time the contest gets here. I am keen to hear the songs from UK, Moldova, Lithuania, Sweden and Iceland. They are the 5 countries I'm always keen to hear what they send - for better or for worse. I know of the songs and heard like 5 seconds snippet but I am looking forward to hearing them all very very soon. And I know any song I like will fail big time and I will be scratching my head at the favourites. It's almost guaranteed. I just hope the public is more open to sharing the love around so we don't get a repeat of the 4 nuls votes from last year.
  11. Fingers crossed there is another movie BUT only if they commit to telling Newt's story instead of linking it to Harry's story and shoehorning stuff into the movie cause they are scared people won't connect to it. Just make it Newt running around collecting creatures and leave the politics out of it. You would have thought WB learnt from the Star Wars prequels that politics is not that exciting to watch in a fantasy/scifi prequels haha
  12. That was my response as well. I even watched the credits to confirm it was her. Was her involvement kept a secret or did I miss the announcement she was in this?
  13. This is true. At least the series acknowledges the crown didn't go straight from Henry to Elizabeth. which is the general vibe I get from many Tudor productions.
  14. I thought Marc punched Steven but then something was said later (can't remember what) that made me think that perhaps it was the third identity who punched Steven (Marc said something that I took implied he had no idea that Steven was punched). But it was probably Marc.
  15. I can't wait either even if it looks to continue the trend this series/universe insists on with promoting that all male monarachs of this period were idiots and incompetent and it was the females actually running the country. And I know the show is called Becoming Elizabeth but I was hoping for some decent Edward/Jane/Mary focus but it looks like they'll be relegated again to footnotes in Tudor History.
  16. I'm gonna assume Ammit was the first to be entombed with stone and so got to be buried with her avatar for whatever. But when her location was lost the gods decided 'Hmm better not let that happen again' so they created the Wall of the Entombed. Or alternatively, some Alexander fanatic stole Ammit's stone figure to bury with with Mr. Great.
  17. Egyptian composer Hesham Nazih
  18. I have absolutely no idea what the hell I watched after Marc/Steven got shot, and I have no knowledge about the comics at all, I mean I get what they were aiming for I think. Similar to that whole episode when Buffy was in an insane asylum and they made us think the show was her delusions, but then the end made me think he is in some sort of purgatory and that Hippopotamus God will explain some stuff and send him back and the show continues. Or maybe the ward is like Underground for Jane on Doom Patrol. Who knows, all I know is the ending was a better cliffhanger than last week's one. That third sacophagus all but confirms the existence of 'Scotty' who really should have jumped out when Harrow approached. When Layla lit that flair at the start, I couldn't help but shout 'Ian! Freeze!". I clearly have watched Jurassic Park way way too much. Exploring The Tomb had a lot of vibes from Indiana Jones, The Mummy and even Stargate. And then the reveal that Alexander The Great was the Pharoah gave me major vibes of the stories of Jack West Jr by Matthew Reilly. I really really enjoyed this episode, creepy stuff and all. Just not sure about the last part of it. Hopefully next week makes me appreciate it more within the story.
  19. Oh thank goodness, you said this I thought I was the only one not going gaga over the trailer. I do admit, usually I am not a fan of Marvel teasers at the best of time, so I will hold out until the full trailer appears before getting truly worried that I will be watching a Thor parody movie. I loved Ragnorak but that doesn't mean i want a goofy comedy movie from the MCU.
  20. Ah the memory of that scene is almost enough to make me travel an hour to re-watch the film. The way Newt looks at his brother like he has lsot his mind and then quickly decides it is best if he does follow his brothers lead.
  21. He does? Based solely on the Fantastic Beasts movies should I have known this? I agree about the length, I caught myself looking at my watch a couple of times but then I'm not sure what they should have cut out. And if anyone says shorten the crab scene I will be disappointed haha. And apparently with the change in production dates etc the actress had scheduling conflicts, but the conspiracy out there is her role was reduced to her criticising JKR (without mentioing by name) over JKR's Tweets I totally understand wanting to know these details, but I don't think the Fantastic Beasts films are the place for them. Just like as much as I enjoyed 3, I really don't think Dumbledore's family and relationship drama belonged in Fantastic Beasts. These movies had potential to tell original tales but I guess WB was too scared that audiences wouldn't flock to them if they weren't connected to Harry Potter's story enough. So we get this bizarre hybrid of movies where the Potterverse stories get pushed to the front, while Newt's original stories get sidelined.
  22. And if the franchise is to continue they defintiley dodged a PR bullet by having Credence basically die at the end of the movie. I loved this movie, it opened last week in Australia and been dying to say how much I loved it. Not as good as the first one but way better than the second. And happy that if the franchise does end, it has as satisfying conclusion to the story even if I confess I don't fully understand the political motivations etc happening. I've just pretended it was a Hitler analogy. I'm a fan of the Potterverse, but honestly I don't know what the extreme fans have against these films. Personally I would have been super bored if it was just laying out details linked to the original series. My only complaint is that as the lead character, Newt sure was shoved to the side. I look forward to someone more talented and with more time to edit all 3 movies so they just featured all the scenes with the fantastic beasts. Cause honestly all those scenes are the highlights of their respective films. Maybe because Eddie Redmayne is so hilarious impersonating mythical creatures. It is a shame they didn't just make a series of Newt going around cataloguing beasts for his books and having little adventures along the way. But I definitely recommend people watch this film, even if it's just to hear some of the original musical themes from the original series.
  23. Maybe 11/5 as Chris has 3 digits up with his left hand. 😁
  24. My only criticism of this episode was the ending. Every Disney+/Marvel show so far usually ends on a note, that makes me wish all episodes dropped at once. But this episode, was a weak ending. I get the need for it (didn't understand why Harrow was brought back to the pyramid to see Stone Khonshu) but what he said wasn't anything mind blowing that made me want to know more. Steven's pacifist talk in the middle of a fight was definitely the comedic highlight for me this episode, while I was very jealous of Khonshu's playing with the night sky, if only I had those skills it would help me super engage my students when teaching astronomy. I think my favourite aspect of the entire show, is that the characters are learning about 'Moon Knight' as we are. I am really appreciating that the show didn't assume we all knew about the character's history etc.
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