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Everything posted by Bill1978

  1. I don't know how the series is going to end and I'm going to miss the show terribly, for me it was Buffy for the 2020s. All I ask show is that you end it with Cameron being a good guy. That will help soften the blow of the show ending.
  2. When the musicians were warming up/tuning their instruments, I swear it was the Star Wars theme. Very off key but I swear it was. I loved the little throw away reference to Canto Bight which helps link the prequel stuff to the sequel stuff. My only complaint about the episode is the lame cliffhanger, it's not like Cassian is going to die and honestly I don't think the fate of Luthien would be considered a cliffhanger.
  3. Am I the only one whose first thought when they read ISB or hear a character say ISB, is the character has irrtiable bowel syndrome?
  4. No one pushes B2EMO over and gets away with it! There is a scene at the end of the credits
  5. Bill1978

    Disney Films

    Why have I never noticed the colour of Pocahontas' eyebrows before? Now I can't unsee it. Thanks Honest Trailers.
  6. The Best New Talent nominees have really highlighted how out of touch I am with current music. The only name I recognised was Maneskin and that's only because I am a Eurovision fanatic.
  7. Bill1978

    Disney Films

    I I watched it last night Australia time, and my feelings are basically the same as yours with the movie overall. I had listened to the songs on the way to work that morning, and I would say most of them improved with the visuals but overall, they aren't as memorial as Enchanted's song with Menzel's being the best. But I was just happy to have new songs from Menken. I thought the movie really picked up around the time Andalasia was featured. And I still think it deserved a cinema release - even though the producers said they filmed it like a cinema release rhere were time when it seemed the creators' thought was 'Oh don't worry too much, it's for streaming'
  8. All I wanted to do all episode was give B2EMO a hug. I was not expecting, out of all the characters, that it would be the droid that would make me feel so sad. I'm not really sure what else happened in the episode, as I was constantly wondering will B2EMO be alright?
  9. So I didn't imagine that? I watch TV these days with Closed Captions on. And when the Mahkents were speaking Norwegian the shows subtitles came on and there were no Closed Captions. And when Mike spoke with the waffles, I thought I saw subtitles appear undersneath the Closed Captions. I just assumed someone in production forgot to turn off the subtitle machine haha.
  10. Not that the show was terrible by a long shot, but perhaps the low ratings is a sign of Tudor fatigue or at least fatigue with Henry VIII and/or Elizabeth I. I still maintain that this show would have been better having Elizabeth as a side character and focusing on Edward VI reign, leading into Jane and then Mary I, with Elizabeth slowly going from a secondary character to a major character (assuming the show would get multiple seasons). I admit I didn't finish the series because I got bored of everything being framed around Elizabeth. Yes she is well known and a complex character but there is more to that historical period than poor little orphan Elizabeth. And if the audience truly needs a break from the Tudors, I say it;s time to roll out the soap opera that is The Stuarts.
  11. I am so excited for the final season. I remember going to the cinema and watching The Golden Compass and being disappointed that cinematically I would never see the rest of the story. And while I purchased all 3 books and could have technically read the story (I find it easier to ready fantasy stories after watching them), it's been so great to watch the story unfold these past two seasons. Looking forward to the conclusion. Is it December yet?
  12. Dang it, I was looking forward to a second season of Theo's butt...er I mean finding out how the story would continue to unfold and end. Guess it's time to go watch the movie, which I had put on hold until after the tv show concluded, and watch the story unfold in what will probably feel like the screenwriter pressed fast forward on the plot.
  13. This was a great episode, made even greater that at the time of watching there were no comments in this thread so I had absolutely no way of knowing what was going to happen. And had to sit through all the tenseness not knowing anything. A blessing and a curse trust me. I expected deaths but not that many, but I guess if this show is designed in 3 episode arcs it makes sense to get rid of so many characvters so Cassian can continue on his 'Saving Private Ryan-like' quest. It seems that with all their planning they forgot to factor in 'What if one of the officers has free thought?' I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy a Jedi-less series but this has definitely proved to me that I don't need Jedis. One thought I did have during the raid is that no one offered up the 'May the force be with you' as a good luck. I know at this stage of the world there are no Jedis and I imagine they've already become fairy tales. But in A New Hope they were throwing around May the force be with you even though there weren't any Jedis, so to speak. Would I be correct in assuming that the phase was adopted once the Rebellion is officially formed as a way of inspiring people to remember the good old days and what we are fighting for?
  14. Is it bad that my first response was annoyance that he ruined that painting? I always enjoy looking at the characters and recalling who is who whenever it appears on screen, and now he has ruined that. I just had to google who he was, cause you reminded me that when his name was mentioned in this episode, I had no idea who he was. Why don't the characters talk about other characters using my code word for them (like Junkyard Guy) to make it easier for me to follow.
  15. I definitely get the vibe that Starman isn't the good Starman we know - of course I could be projecting cause I want the character gone as he is distracting from the teen drama show I tune it for. It just seems a bit odd that Pat (or was it Barbara) gave the talk about being a 'dad', that he dishes out advice that each kid then blindly follows that could end up not being for the best. The advice he gave: Mike - you don't need the JSA, do your thing Yolanda - go fight Cindy Beth - push your parents away Rick - give yourself unlimited power True, he didn't say those exact things but framed them in a way that he does seem to have manipulated the teenagers to go down the path that;s going to cause them some issues in their life. I am still holding out hope that Cameron will just have a Dark Willow moment but in the end realises he is a good guy.
  16. I guess this is a way to softly reboot Daredevil and not be constrained by the events of the Netflix series? I admit I haven't seen the entire series so have no idea if anything Kingpin did/say in the Hawkeye series supported the notion he was the same one. Although with the multiverse, it would be pretty easy to say there is a Netflixverse of Marvel characters running around to explain why Daredevil etc are same same but different. I wasn't mad either and thought her response was totally acceptable for what just occurred.
  17. ITA. Everything was really good, it really felt like a true 'Case of the Week' episode you generally get with legal shows, with the appearances of characters that have appeared before that make you go 'Oh I remember them' but you also weren't required to have seen any episodes beforehand to understand who everyone was, but yet still progressed the larger story of the series for regular watchers. I don't know why exactly but the action, drama, and comedy melded so well. It reminded me of a good episode of Ally McBeal (if Ally McBeal had random fight scenes instead of dancing babies). I am sad that next week is the last episode, I've really enjoyed this show having each episode essentially being independent of each other. Like if I want to do a rewatch I don't technically have to watch it in order to enjoy. I miss when dramedies were shows with stories of the week. My favourite scene for this episode was definitely Matt's Walk of Shame. Literally laughed out loud at that scene. Loved it.
  18. Bill1978

    Bros (2022)

    The movie hasn't opened here in Australia yet so I can't really comment on the actual movie, but from a promotion point of view I do think they went the wrong path is promoting the historical importance in its advertising campaign. I guess you could say as a cis white gay male I'm the key demographic for the film, but the initial trailers had me wondering what the actual plot was and was this only made for the purpose of being the first of its kind. It seemed to be congratulating itself and telling me I better see it cause of its importance, which was a turn off. When the later trailers started to focus on the potential story, I decided maybe it is worth a trip to the cinema, and I'm still deciding if it's worth a trip. I think from a marketing point of view they should have gone the path of Love, Simon. The trailers promoted the movie like every other teen coming of age film, while using the gay protagonist as the hook into why this movie is different to all the other ones you've seen so it's worth checking out as it isn't same old same old. The studio let the critics/reviewers promote the fact it was the first gay teen movie from a major Hollywood studio and the importance of that fact, so if you were just watching trailers/ads you weren't being told why it was so important to see the movie. If that makes sense. At no point did I feel like the movie or studio was patting itself on the back when I saw advertisements for Love, Simon whereas Bros' advertising was very self-congratulating and off putting. It is a pity it has flopped because even though Love, Simon eventually made $41 million in the US (the 15th highest-grossing teen romance film since 1980, and the third-highest by 20th Century Fox after The Fault in Our Stars and Romeo + Juliet - from Wikipedia), the studios will look at Bros' box office and most likely assign LGBT+ themed movies back into the independent basket which would be a shame. Especially since based on reviews, it is the marketing of the film that let down the box office and not the actual film itself.
  19. At the start of the show, I didn't care about him. He was just some random bad guy, but somehow this show has made me care about his story. Even to the point I was wanting them to cut Cassian's story short and get back to the Karn plot. Even though I was hoping the firing meant he would join the rebellion and even with the ending to this episode showing that he is going the stereotypical revenge path, I am still interested in seeing his story play out I'm actually looking forward to rewatching the series and watching it in 3-episode chunks, like they are movies (Episode 1 introduce the characters, Episode 2 build the plot/plan, Episode 3 Execute the plan with action - just like a movie does with their 3-part acts). I know understand why they decided to premiere the series with a 3 episode drop. And like with all good sequels we get throwback scenes to the previous movie like we did with this episode's visit to Cassian's home planet. I admit Mon Mothma's part of the story slows the show down for me. But that's because I'm not a fan of political dramas. I couldn't get into Game of Thrones for that same reason (and HotD) but the moment the show shifted to White Walker drama I was hooked. I understand why Mothma is needed, I just don't get excited when we go to her plot, I tend to look at the stunning sets with her plot haha. Does anyone else also think her husband looks like Qui-Gon Jinn? It could just be the beard and manbun. But quite a few times this episode I had to remind myself it wasn't Liam Neeson.
  20. Gee reading all the comments here on this movie I think I'll stick to Smash for my education on the life and times of Marilyn.
  21. From a 'Everything in the MCU is interconnected and you need to watch everything to see the linkage and to understand the bigger story being told' She Hulk is disappointing. But as a standard 'random story of the week' show I find She-Hulk very appealing. It's a nice little 30-minute diversion form the world. I've also discovered I prefer She-Hulk to be sitting or standing from a VFX point of view, when she has to walk it becomes very obvious, she is being produced in a computer for a TV show. I learnt this episode I have no idea what a yurt is. Even after googling I have no idea why I would go to a retreat to sit in a yurt. The internet just tells me it's a 'tent that serves as a house as opposed to a camping tent'. While I'm not shocked that Josh ended up being one a villain, I was hoping he was maybe abducted by the aliens who flew that ship into Jen's car. That moment may have been my favourite 4th wall breakage of all time. And I'm glad she did it, because I didn't remember him at all.
  22. The first scene featuring him travelling across the landscape gave me major WALL-E vibes. To the point that I cannot believe it was coincidental.
  23. I may or may not have started singing 'Frozen fractals all around' during this moment. I hope the show doesn't make Cameron truly evil. Not sure I really want that for this show. I could deal with a Willow Rosenberg type of arc where he is evil for a bit but by the conclusion of the season, he is good again. I'd imagine for him to stay good; he would need to discover how manipulative his grandparents have been and how they've lied to him about who his father really was. What?? Dang it. Downside to the internet and Australia 'fast tracking' shows from the US. We no longer get uninterrupted showing of a show like we did pre-internet. Pros and cons. Pros and cons. I wish Sylvester would go on a quest out of Blue Valley, I've gotten bored with him real quickly.
  24. From the moment the 'bad guys' arrived on the planet everything got tense and I oved it. I even forgot that Cassian is fine because he is in Rogue One. From the eeriness of the locals banging on the metal, to the empty streets and then wondering how the 'good guys' would get their way out of the situation was brilliant. And the score just added to it. One of the best tense moments of television for 2022 that I've seen. Seems I'm in the minority of being sad that Timm was ultimately killed for his betrayal, but I guess that's standard for Star Wars. Only bad guys are allowed a true redemption arc. Speaking of which...I feel like Karn is being set up to reevaluate his life. There was a look on his face when the fake escape vehicle blew up that made me think he is going to go away and rethink his life and if he has chosen the right path. Of course, the look could also be interpreted as the start of making him into a vengeful psychopath.
  25. 2 main thoughts for this episode were: 1) OMG am I going to see a sex scene in a Star Wars story? and 2) B2EMO may become my favourite droid after the OG pair of C-3PO and R2-D2. I currently find him more interesting than that glorified soccer ball from the sequel trilogy. At the moment, the weakest part of the story is the flashbacks, like I know long term they will be important (and better be), but I feel they slow a slow story down more. Watching them I feel that perhaps it would have been better for the first episode just to be the flashbacks, but then I guess it would spoil something they don't want us to know. The flashbacks could also be annoying me cause ever since Lost, every show seems to feel the need to have flashbacks every episode to flesh out characters and their motivations - especially ones with a mystery. Not gonna lie, it wasn't until I read this thread that I realised that Stellan didn't play Jyn's father in Rogue One, that was Mads Mikkelsen. I literally said 'Oh cool, it's Jyn's dad' when they revealed his face. Now I feel like an idiot and have no idea why they hyped up the reveal of his character in the show like they did.
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