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For Cereals

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Everything posted by For Cereals

  1. This! She needs to stop with the runtelldat. Be friends with LeeAnne, be friends with Cary, but don’t be dumb and let them manipulate you because they hate each other. She picks the wrong moments to be “truthful.”
  2. Darcy, you are a grown ass woman. Leave this raging asshole. Jessie is clearly manipulating/abusing you. You walk off holding his hand AND you carry his jacket. Your girls are watching. You cannot be that desperate. There are other men. Rent one if you need to before you find a solid relationship, anything would be better than Jessie. Paul came off a little better, but red flags still abound. Don’t do it Sean. I have no doubt Abby and Chris staged that little text exchange. It took her some time to answer about exactly when the “payments” stopped...because they haven’t. oooh funniest moment! Host asking Jenny if she said Larry sounded dumb.
  3. D’Andra, he’s not your kid. You will always be the jump off. You’re lucky Keat-en is so polite to you. I like you otherwise. They aren’t paying Leann enough.
  4. So this! I had that outfit in 7th grade. She just needed heels with ankle socks to complete the look. Acid wash is the worst of all the washes IMHO, it should've stayed in the 80s. Lydia is looking more like a troll doll to me... ”luggages?” I cant stand Peggy. Her family can leave the show anytime. It’s not a language barrier, it’s a stupidity barrier.
  5. Like to everything ya’ll already had to say... Why does TLC feel the need to show a preview of the show during the commercials? They said the show would be back in 2 mins and we were already 3 commercials in. Nicole is a self-entitled brat and her parents are to blame. I’m only slightly judging the backpack tether thing. I don’t have kids, so I don’t know, but I’m guessing Nicole can’t muster up the energy to keep track of a toddler. OR maybe her family insists on it because she (Nicole) is easily distracted.
  6. You can get that ring for like $20 on emitations.
  7. I know they set it up for Junior to get laughs, but yeah, good point. It would be good to see at least one scene with him helping. I’m surprised no one thought of PPD much sooner. I’m glad they covered it, but it’s not taboo. It’s very common. I think the part about Bow being in denial as a doctor was good. Loved the Ruby scene. She had it coming. It’s probably a good thing I’m not a parent, but I heart Diane. I loved the knife and sunscreen joke and any interaction between her and Charlie. Where is Bow’s brother?
  8. ETA @FlowerofCarnage Posted before I saw yours. So true! I’m sure it was something DIY’y that will come out half-assed because these chucklefucks probably can’t use tools correctly or they get high and lazy before the job is done, but all I can think of is a kidnapper’s kit from ID channel—tape, zip ties, large container, concrete mix...That whole exchange was weird and I hope all the grandmas can use it in court. I should start watching Food Network or HGTV when doing chores...
  9. Even after years of weaves to go natural and gain length, I would totally shave my head and do the Amber Rose thing if it hit the fan. Peroxide has got to be easier to come by than Dark and Lovely.
  10. They need to have Chris’ wife to be the talking head for everyone on this franchise like People’s Couch.
  11. I feel like she’s already there...she can’t drive yet or get a job, but I think the child is smarter than her mother.
  12. None of these people should be in relationships with ANYONE until they learn how to communicate like adults. It helps to actually speak the language and not have an app to communicate with the person YOU WANT TO MARRY. Larry is too dumb to do any research or even at the very least ask his cousin’s wife? about cultural norms or even understand that his behavior was just plain rude. It’s asking a lot of him because he just isn’t smart or barely functioning on an adult level. I think Jenny and her deadpan “yes love” self was more upset that her family was upset that she couldn’t even be bothered to explain to Larry what she said on camera about how big of a deal it was. Run Karine. Paul is looney. Granted, I’m sure he wasn’t aware that you would be mugged by machete, but he isn’t all there upstairs. He’s pushed you away and told you he set his own shit on fire. Girl, get back on that dating app. I think Patrick must have some sort of sensitive skin condition that prevents him from wearing a shirt at all times. I love hearing about his knowledge of all American women and how we are with his limited experience.
  13. I feel for Vee being so far from her friends and family. Definitely night and day from Kail. The genes are strong in Jo’s family...Vivi and Isaac turned out cute though.
  14. Ya'll, I feel like being on the show and her life has made her dumber. Waaay back when she was pregnant with the girlses, she was actually ambitious. She was considering becoming a nurse?, I even think I remember seeing her with a book or two open. Granted, her grammar and holler-speak was for shit, but there was a time...
  15. That's not crude at all! See, I think her intro was very telling. She so wants to be that trophy wife, but she WAS a former friendless, nerdy girl (and probably more fun then). Instead of embracing that, she had a ton of work done and puts on that stupid, Legally Blonde act. It would be so much better if she stopped being a snot (maybe she can't help it with that botched nose job because she always sounds stuffed up) and would just show everyone her true personality if she still has one. She's exhausting. I'll bet she's tired. Probably not a good idea for Leann to do the knife to the throat thing...she so reminds me of Alyssa Edwards. I want them to meet.
  16. What was Roman eating? It looked like clay. Please let this be the last of us hearing about Doug's balls and cancer.
  17. What's not to like? Craig, Steve Winwood, aliens, popcorn roommate from Singles (I should probably look up her name). I'm in and I even missed the first 6 mins!
  18. Instead of standing around contemplating the lack of safety in the new world, would you not kill the rest of the folks who suffocated and be filling up any vehicles to capacity with provisions? Psycho and Nick's truck bed looked empty and there seemed to be a lot of space in Alicia's Jeep...
  19. I. Feel. So. Old. Thank you show. How does that happen? Loved her speeding up as she passed her mother.
  20. ITA, and I know it's serious but I have to say "Endtable" cracked my shit up! Briana and her family are just beyond stupid...FFWD.
  21. Because he would've asked Shannon for the ball and she would've seen that as him being critical of her serve or that he was trying to say that she was fat and should lose weight by running after the ball and that he never wants to spend time with her unless he's being critical and why does he need another beer because he doesn't have beer at home and that was too long of a glance at the boob cake and he doesn't like her boobs anymore...
  22. Thank you! Weave/lacefront edges were showing on the stair climber! You have to blend! Leave out just a little so you can wear your hair back and have a natural part. Nothing gives it away more than edges and parts... If she just toned it down on the makeup, clothes, fillers, and got a face-flattering cut--maybe a longer choppy layered sideswept bob--she'd be cute. She could still be edgy. She's trying to be too Demi. Antonio wasn't doing it for me, it's not the extra layer of pudge, I think that's cute but Antonio Banderas or Javier, he is not. Are there no dermatologists in Haiti? Maybe it's a stress rash because you can't keep up the farce with these old men.
  23. So much this! There was that thing a few years ago that Snopes debunked about buying bras without washing them and then a superimposed lotus on a breast. Grossed me out for months! Getting itchy thinking about it... I don't know if I can do a whole season of that. Plus the "is she or isn't she really crazy" part. Clowns don't bother me either except when they are killing people. It would be interesting if this episode was the only one that showed any election footage. (That's not political commentary, just commentary on the show.)
  24. She must have stepped off her rainbow...maybe the meaning is lost to her. She seems to think a vasectomy means chopping off one's balls.
  25. On a serious note, I hate that poverty/circumstances forces these girls (I guess boys too thinking about the girl who went to Morocco last year) and their families into thinking this should be an option and that these men are somehow worthy of their children. Larry is definitely the male version of Danielle. Is there an IQ test? If not, maybe there should be. Jorge might have passed but I think it would've stopped Danielle and now Larry.
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