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For Cereals

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Everything posted by For Cereals

  1. Wasn’t it Newton? I guess in family Chantal’s world, gravity wasn’t discovered until the 30s...they probably believe in flat Earth theories too.
  2. I feel duped that the first hour of this shitshow was Coltee and Larissa
  3. His seed ain’t gonna find no purchase in that rocky soil....Raising Arizona was on yesterday. Hee!
  4. The pleather tummy panel short shorts aren’t a good look either. While I feel for Larissa in terms of her treatment by Colt and Debbie, she also bothers me because she just left her kids and they never come up in conversation. Not even in a desperate, “I did what I had to do” Hazel sort of way.
  5. I wish they would just be upfront about show pay and how that works. I think it would make the stories more interesting.
  6. Whoever made the Throw Mama from the Train reference was spot on! I just hear OWEN!!!!!! when Debbie speaks.
  7. Why does mommy have to go tot the divorce attorney?
  8. There’s an app where guys will come out and detail your car wherever you are. Their vehicles are equipped with water for the wash and everything.
  9. Amber is just homely to me. Her skin is decent but she needs to just do more? Matt reminds me of Beavis and or Butthead with those sneakers and socks and skinny legs.
  10. “Prideful” is being generous. How about ungrateful, arrogant, chauvinist?
  11. Pedro’s mom always looks like she’s walked up behind a horse and been kicked in the eyes.
  12. I’m behind...I don’t mind beanies but I hate those bow headbands. I saw a baby at the beach wearing a tiny baby turban and it was so freakin’ cute! At least Andreiiiii is willing to let the family hold the baby. Libby looks better without the bright lipstick. Good points about Jay being underage... Im Debbie done with Chantel.
  13. I’m not a huge fan of Kelsey either and I do think she needs to ditch the wet look to give those curls more volume which would enhance her features more BUT I don’t like the way she is being made to feel that she must constantly prove herself or stand up to Tamika. That’s the same advice you give to someone being bullied. I would find it way too exhausting to have to have a game plan for communication for each interaction with queen Tamika. I’m not going to go out of my way to make someone like me when there are other people in this world with whom I can be building genuine connections. It may even actually deflate some of Tamika’s ego if Kelsey didn’t take the bait and just walked away with an “I can’t with you right now,” or “Yeah, there’s someone more interesting over there...” She should find other things that make her a relevant character. I dunno, I still find Jeff endearing and want to root for him even after he goes off the rails. I think he needs more healing time and maybe some outside help, but it’s probably not great having to do all that healing alongside Reagan moving at warp speed.
  14. He also has a bit of a Jack Nicholson vibe...
  15. I don’t see it. Both are attractive, but I don’t see a resemblance.
  16. Well, why would you go there when there’s a Cheesecake Factory up the street?! LOL
  17. Seriously Corey? She made your dumb ass stop at an ATM in the middle of the night, but she can’t come get you? Why would he do this to himself? Jenny should be happy he didn’t try to put her in a turtleneck sari...they were all really pretty. The dark lipstick is doing her no favors. Deavon and Jihoon...it’s all already been said. BUT STILL...knocked up after the first visit? We’ve read the script and this is going to end badly.
  18. I’m still snorting at “toilet bowl ring” upthread... I thought Loren looked preggers from the start of the show but she was drinking in other episodes. Tonight definitely looked like water.
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