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For Cereals

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Everything posted by For Cereals

  1. Why are the OGs on the aftershow? Both groups are equally delusional...is it that hard to come up with material because they can't ask any honest questions and need more people to play the stupid trivia games? The bacon thing was awkward... I just love how the prizes were centered around pampering and relaxation. I so hope Nathan's girlfriend doesn't drop the charges. Jenelle is already screwed...I don't think I would trust any medical facility that had her on staff. It does make you wonder and want background checks on everyone now...
  2. I liked Alex, but that seemed like a total Strand move to me and doesn't make me like him any less or dislike him. How many times does the man have to say "this is my boat."
  3. So the dad show was definitely more entertaining than the mom show and the host actually asked a few real questions and was funny, but still WTF? I don't know why Dumbvid/David was on the show...please don't let them be pregnant. I loved how they questioned Leah's housekeeping habits. I found Jo's response to the Barbie question, as well as the uncomfortable seat shifting by the others, a little unsettling. I could see Isaac asking for a Barbie just because he's sweet and sensitive and probably curious about all toys. I think Chelsea and her family cross the line often about Adam and what they say around Aubrey, but he's just scummy and I feel like if his lips are moving, he's being less than truthful. Based on his arrest and driving record, I don't trust his judgment, nor would I want my child to be with him or around some of his friends unsupervised and his parents don't count. He has been just as wrong trying to manipulate Aubrey into saying things. It's just sad all the way around.
  4. I don't know that I want a second season. I'd be okay if they wrapped it up this season, plus ABC will have gotten their money's worth/mileage out of the music from The Whispers.
  5. I don't think I needed to hear Adam speak...the schmoopi dog talk was too much...did Carole get new caps? I feel like her teeth look better...
  6. So funny... I used to feel sorry for Javi because I thought he got duped for the benefits...well, maybe not wrong there, but he's really childish and petty.
  7. I think they all need jobs. Too much idle time to keep having babies and troll Tinder. I would give a pass for being in school, but if they aren't, I would at least expect to see clean houses, kids, cars, home cooked meals made with real food, and them doing activities with their kids, but we see bad t-shirt businesses and get rich quick schemes. Annnd why do they all need so many pets? They should be paid for their time on television, they do pull ratings, but I wish that also came with mandatory money management classes or something.
  8. I'm not totally unconvinced that Javi manipulated that whole argument because he saw everyone getting along. He made a bigger deal than he should have about Isaac being unwashed and he knew that using Isaac would get to Kail, although I thought she was smarter than that. I can't watch the aftershow because it's such BS. Most of these girls are in so much denial and have such an inability to take responsibility for their actions, it's hard to watch. It's just as bad as their "friends" who are always siding with the idiocy.
  9. I think Lisar gets easily distracted. I was with her on the point that because Yolanda is "sick," no one can say anything about what she does or criticize her. She gets a pass for being "sick" and it's okay for her to be self righteous about her illness with all the other women. I appreciate Lisar calling bullshit on that. Although Kyle is easily manipulated, that gala did nothing to provide any further proof or insight about Yo's illness...Then, Lisar started talking to Eileen who is still sore about not getting a real sorry and she points Lisar to LVP. LVP has her own show, I can totally see her shit stirring and I think it's more business than friendship on her part and if she were to acknowledge it, it would be them going all Teen Mom and breaking the 4th wall.
  10. So you could probably have witnesses from more than one bloodline, right? I will keep watching, but the show is bordering on silly. Maybe because I'm nine, but I laugh every time someone mentions Pandora's box and I feel like she just needs her love tank filled like a housewife of the underworld. I also giggled out loud when the banshee was just running around in the concert hall. If there's no Crabbie, or Crane shirtless thing on this show soon, I will give up.
  11. I just think it's wrong Drew isn't required to watch the show or interact with them prior to these reunions...I guess "check up" is an appropriate title...maybe it should be "checked out?" Oh and children created when you were not yourself are just "wreckage" but it's cool because they are being raised by others...presumably without your support...like sending puppies to good homes. And five kids growing up without a father is better than seven? Do I have that right, Matt? WTF? How dumb can you be Amber, or are you just staying now out of stubbornness?
  12. Kim hasn't been my favorite this season, but she handled Kenya well. What I don't get is how Cynthia just sat there and said nothing to Kenya or tried to shut things down. Nene really needs a hair/wig stylist badly just to get the part and the hairline right if nothing else. I'm surprised Phaedra didn't say "Jesus take the wheel," when Kenya said she'd rather drive off a cliff.
  13. Could Maci not be bothered to make a Target run for a dress that she could sit down in? I guess she was too busy becoming a mogul. Amber and Matt are going to continue to blow through Amber's money. It's hard to watch the lack of ambition in these kids to do anything outside of what they consider "easy money." I wish there was some way MTV could've set up trusts for them, but that doesn't make for good tee eve. It was really hard to watch Farrah eat with those lips.
  14. I think she always knew and all these stories and interviews are an agreed upon set up between her and Brooks (maybe even Bravo) to help her save face which ruined a while ago with too much plastic surgery. I'll bet Brooks is on the payroll in agreement for being portrayed as a leech because people were already 85% there.
  15. I kinda dig Kim's hair. I like the different shades of blonde and I think they complement her coloring, very sun-kissed. Would damage the hell outta my hair, but I like it. I will say that it was a bit much on Wendy the other day, but Nene's looked like a cheap fright wig by comparison. ETA headbands need to be banned on all ho'wives franchises. Phaedra, it's called a vagina...no need to use the "c" word which I find to be more offensive than the other "c" word... Is anybody going to discuss Porsha's sister's baby daddy? Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I didn't see a ring unless her finger was swollen...
  16. THANK YOU! Just gross. No amount of tapestries or scarves you hang is going to cover up the fact that there are roaches crawling all over your shit. She must be in love because I would not stay there or clean it up because it's not my mess. Do these people even think or plan before bringing over their fiances? It's bad enough that she has to walk through Bad Ronald's room to pee or leave the house or whatever...just no.
  17. I can say that I'm happy to see that someone corrected that sign in Janel's kitchen. It bothered me the day I saw them shopping for it. Better THAN, not THEN.... The portrait was just all kinds of creepy just because, no offense to the artist, who seemed very sweet, but it would give me nightmares. The fact that they are trying to rewrite history was just the icing on the tree. I would like to know more about the children's father. They kind of make him out to be a deadbeat, but I'm just not sure if he has the means to fight the issue based on Robyn's statements tonight and the fact that the kids went to stay with him. That's a little different.
  18. To use Dr Phil-speak, Nikki is not even a fully formed adult yet. If she were 29, she wold have more life experience to decide whether or not she wants to be part of Mark's creepy 1st wife redo, but she's not. I feel like Mark is completely robbing this child of her future, growth, etc. I think it's bordering on abuse...For this story and the story of these kids who are waaay too young, I almost want to see an enforced age limit of like 25, but I feel that way about most marriages. Josh with his milk-toast voice, yawn. The family seems nice, but I feel like it's Danny and his wife all over again. She has to be "fixed" to fit with his family's agenda, and even though she did convert, there's always going to be her past, which seems pretty tame, but will always be held against her. Loren and her Kardashian voice is going to get old fast. I see fast-forwarding her segments in the future. Mel and Dervan, meh. They are both adults. If it doesn't work, no harm, no foul.
  19. Do we know that they can't swim? In WWZ (the book) they walked on the sea floor. We haven't really seen Kirkman's zombies around any major bodies of water... No matter how bad this show is, I'm in until the bitter end because I'm OCD about zombies and have seen just about every piece of crap campy movie or show, so by comparison, it's good? (I don't think Z Nation is crap.) Now, if we start seeing smoke monsters or domes, I'm out. I'd even be up for a WD/FTWD Ancient Aliens crossover. I agree, totally rude to leave the gate open. They could've easily jumped out and locked it and been back in the truck before it shut.
  20. I don't even know why Brooks showed any records to them. Until he dies or they escort him personally to chemo, they won't be satisfied and will continue to run with the story. That started with a psychic... Asking for someone to divulge their medical records is way beyond. I agree that Vicki is completely self-absorbed. I don't know if her being at the doctor was to prove that she does go to the appointments, but who needs that? I could give two shits about Brooks, I hope he's not dying, but he's better off away from all those harpies including Vicki. Maybe it's a psycosematic stress growth from putting up with Vicki all those years, notwithstanding the grifting guilt. I'm done looking at Megan's five-head. I could swear I saw Tamara's tracks last week...
  21. For once, I actually agree with Kodouche, that they should get married quietly at court or something and then celebrate the adoption as a family. Why does Merri need an office?
  22. Brad and Margaret had the best hair. Melissa's and Juliana's hair just looked crunchy and dry and Nene needs a professional wig stylist. She can no longer joke about Kim Z's wigs while wearing those ferrets on her head. Maybe it's because it was the VMAs, but usually the hosts dress better. Other than Brad's suit, it just looked like a regular day at E! I think Juliana was too restrained. She looked like a deer in headlights during some of Brad and Margaret's jokes like, "They said it, it's okay for me to smile, right?"
  23. Kim and Brielle look like Oompa Loompas this season. The self tanner and foundation is not coming across well with the lighting. Plus, I'm being blinded by the shine of the tip of Kim's newly upturned nose. Kim is a hustler but she does spend like crazy. Even if she's embellishing on the amounts she spends, it's not going to last forever because I don't see her saving. I would say say she needs to talk to Vicki, but I don't think whole life is a good investment...eh, probably better than scratchers...
  24. I think high school will be the hardest time for her socially and then get better as she enters college where kids start to grow a little more emotionally and start to think less about what others think. I hope she keeps her friendships intact. I love how supportive her brothers are. I still don't get the feeling that the grandparents are completely accepting.
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