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Everything posted by Eneya

  1. I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I knew it it was NOT the stupid weapon but something else! If they wanted to close the series, I think Henry really dying would have been that. I am betting stuff that the show will be renewed and that they had two endings made, one in which Henry really dies and this version and because they know it will be renewed, they put this one. :) Because it makes no sense to make it clear it is not the weapon if the show ends, right? Honestly... I am a biiiiiiiit meh... Also, where did the dagger go? And the pool of blood? AND the gun on Adam? Questions... I haz them. :)
  2. Yes... not every person outside of the U.S. practicing a job is by default shady. It was simply cheaper, it was specifically stated. Hell, my aunt and uncle travel from Germany to my country (which is at least 4 airplane tickets) to get their dental work done because it is cheaper, should it be serious to expect them to be victims of crimes done by the dentists they are using because it is cheaper? This is more about economics... the U.S. have one of the most absurd health practices in both coverage of health patients and cost... I think it is only natural people travel to other countries and though we needed a context for the episode, that kind of abuse rarely if ever happens (which is a good thing). :)
  3. Is it just me who thinks that US police sorely NEEDS IA and the whole hate is very idiotic? Hello... those are the same guys and gals who regularly abuse their power (just open any newspaper) and then there is this indignation that they SHOULD NOT be investigated and held accountable? I find it... troubling. For me Marcus reacted out of character there...
  4. How exactly could she have known that guys is shady?
  5. Well... if she knows ALL languages, regular human goes out of the window as an option for her. And Stick is an old guy but also kicks ass for his age, so... she is in a big company. Honestly, I can't remember who she is in the comics?
  6. Have you read Holly Terror? EVERYTHING after THAT piece of shit is only more of the same. He singlehandedly almost ruined Batman for me. Not to mention that he has published some of the dumbest stories I have ever read... He LOVES Batman and has a huge nerd boner for him... to the point that he deliberately destroys other characters, so Bats can shine. Which is a GIANT no-no in my book. If you don't want to sibject yourself to examples of those comics, check Linkara and his videos at thatguywiththeglasses.com... they are... entertaining.
  7. I can't pull out of my head a story by Neil Gaiman - about a young boy which was sold... I don't remember the name of the story but something remings me of it.
  8. How old are you? :) Because when I was a kid... it was more or less something that a lot of people knew. We should probably make a list? I think we are spamming though. :)
  9. Honestly... there are days in which I struggle to remember why hitting things would not solve problems... because those who hit and are the bad guys... they don't give a toss about those who hit... however, those who care, don't hit back, the hitting get bolder and stronger... and ad naseum... Blargh. Sorry guys... shitty week in my country.
  10. They are not very rich people... I find them ridiculously well-dressed already. In regards to the underwear on the outside, it has come from wrestling it is aesthetic which was to create association betwen superheroes and badass fighters... but the times have moved and know people have no idea why the pants are on the outside... but we still see those costumes around. Talk about influenced by the past because of no other reason but repeating something ad nasuem because those before you did it as well. :) The horns made me laugh, to be honest. Though I was mainly thinking about the fact that his costume looks a bit like what I'd make. :) Aagain... good, bad-ass hero costume? Skitter... now THAT is a good costume. :)
  11. Damn kids... and their smartphones... GET OFF MY LAWN!!! :)
  12. But there IS team Batman. The list of people who know the indetity of Batman is huge.
  13. Ha! I knew it! I have already said that Karen most probably had her Miller's arc already be in her past in the show. :) So... there. :)
  14. What exactly do you mean that Vanessa is a caricature? And how about madam Gao?
  15. Yeah, but we are still supposed to root for him. Fine, How about Constantine? :)
  16. I always hope there will be a webseries of some sort. Agh... hope.
  17. I was laughing out loud to the Don/Dan Lamb brothers. One idiot... fine... but two? It sounds like a comedy duo. I... still don't feel Veronika and her voice unfortunately, read the book on one sitting and wasn't interested with Logan as a marine... I get why there is logic charavter wise... but I always imagined him being something else, a writer, a journalist... it was... hmmm. The mystery was interesting but the whole feel of the series is like almost every other story out there. If it wasn't Veronika, I'd have folded on page 15.
  18. Well, if it was me, I'd order it to a post-box and being pay-when-delivered. Or create different profiles with different addresses all over the city or even the country. Or order in bulk a lot of stuff, like owning a store and simply supplying. I may also use small companies or even shop second-hand... Hmmm, fyi... you will love Worm... I do recommend it. :) (it is a super-hero story one of the best things I have read in the last 5 years... ). :)
  19. Oh, actually you need a PC for those. I am unsure if Audacity works with Apple products. Hmm. Yes, possibly google audio editing apps?
  20. Bec, I am going to bet he ordered it to be delivered someone else, not at his place. Come on... I am no vigilante and I can think of it. :)
  21. How so? I can advise you to simply use Audacity to easily edit sounds and it is free. :)
  22. There are multiple tools online which allow this... :) Use google. Or simply check if it doesn't already exist?
  23. Just imagine his "reccommended" products. :) :)
  24. Well, actually there IS a lot of racism in how relationships and gender and especially race is portrayed in TV land, that IS true... however, the way this was presented here was missing the point so much...
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