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Everything posted by Eneya

  1. It is taking a bit to develop a character.
  2. I like Kitty. It came to me as a shock. I think her attitude is a bit juvenile but understandable and she is making quick progress. After the... well... not hate but negativity here I expcted I will be really irritated by her but... no. I really enjoyed her in the last episode. I liked that she made a mistake but after that her gut feeling proved somewhat true. :) I like that she acts out of emotion... but also learns. If she was perfect, it would have been boring to watch, she is developing as a character and in turn affects those around her. She is guarded, snippy and negative but there is a promise for change, I do like stories in which characters develop... hell, this is the basic idea of this show... people change. ;)
  3. I think that the audience is an intelligent as the writers allowes it to be. However, I am fed up with the dubming down that is happening in mainstream culture to the point that it now has to be spelled out what something is referring to, making people lazy. I know... back in my day... get off my lawn. I just... I like to enjoy at least some brain cells activity while watching stuff on the telly.
  4. Yes!!! This should be A THING. Ahem.. I spend like... 20 minutes on tumblr and damn it is rubbing on pretty quickly. :)
  5. Did it come off as patronizing? Sorry... didn't mean it like that... it was musing of mine. Also... I have no idea why it is twice in that post and I can't edit it?
  6. Can we NOT have jealousy? Seriously, this is not a romantic story and it kinda looks like 2-gals-1-guy-but-in-regards-to-work-not-love-ha-ha kind of setup, which truly pisses me off. I hope they stop this or at least don't develop it in that vein.
  7. I wonder... why not? I do like the modern interpretation of both. Holmes and Watson have been many things, including mice, so... I nejoy contemporary version set in New York. I don't have a serious enough reason of why not though that does not mean that the lack of reason why not to do something should be a reason to do something, I know. :)
  8. Oh, cool, the research information is quote interesting, thanks for sharing. No, I was not talking just to @M1977G but a bit more in general, it is quite trendy in many, many shows to use labes like that (ahem.. Sherlock). The examples are pretty neat and I do agree there are many aspects that are suspiciously the same as the traits presented by Ali. We shall see, won't we? :)
  9. I am a bit curious to the whole "I hate newcomers, especially if they are female" attitude and I have observed in many, many shows... There is this idea that there could be only one cool female character and if there are more, they will steal the cool chick's thunder. It is extra irritating and quite sexist to be honest. Why not having more female regulars? Because outside of Mrs. Hudson, who kind of appeared twice in all... there are no other female characters outside of Lucy Liu but we have had a lot of male characters (or Moriarty counts since she was for a few episodes as well and there was this... pitting between the two, which I do think it was handled nice but I was a biiiiit iffy), regulars as well. Any ideas?
  10. Yup, I agree that it looks like they are planning for things to get bad and turn darker in the course of the story... it looks that much more menacing to see how things are slipping towards the deep end instead of being thrown in the already extra dark. :) At least... that is how I read it currently.
  11. To be honest... this thing with the magnes was so absurd that there is some logic behind her not spotting it. Would YOU think about magnets? Also, I think Joan is the type of person to literally check the whole thing inch by inch, so I don't see it as Holmes sitting on the bench for her to look at it. :) One miiinor nitpick... THAT is not how a baton fight goes. :) One aims to hit the other person... they were hitting their batons waaay too far away from their bodies... I know, I know... it is just kind of pissing me off. :)
  12. Yup, I agree, the line about the gypsy magic was kind of dropping the ball. Outside of it, the wierd mood swings that Zed was having was weird as well. I am a bit weirded out of the death of the other men as well... were the ghosts acting on their own? Why was she acting like that when the wife said that she cared that she was lied to... there wasn't even one line indicating really that she was pissed in general at the way the mine was treated? Confusing... I liked... but I can't wait for the show to hit its stride.
  13. I agree that Mycrof/Watson shenanigans were stupid and good riddance of him. However, to be honest, I'd treat someone who stopped being a client, claimed to be a partner and a friend if they pulled such an act on me, even colder. It must have hurt (2 years) and Sherlock already has this "I am amazing, i can do no wrong, everyone will grovel at the sight of me" attitude for which some cold shoulder is the needed reaction. Also... if someone said "I didn't need you... I needed to have to teach someone" I'd be even more pissed, not mollified. The means to the killing were ridicolous but it was entertaining. The Kitty business was a bit forced but there is time to develop it better. Gregson has a lot of sound reasons to prefer to work with someone like Watson: calm, reliable, intelligent, people person, who knows how to act around people. Yes, ok, not Sherlock genius, but she manages the job just fine. I think that the reaction was quite natural and normal. I have worked with people similar as attitudes to that of Holmes... people don't like to be dependant on such people, it is irritating as all hell and the fact that you are not sure where you stand with them and that you can't really rely on them is a serious reason to turn to someone not as spectacular. :) This is only the 1st episode, so, let us see. Sherlock, the BBC show, sorry, no... the racism, the sexism, the fact that S.M. is the writer pushed me away and the train-wreck that the last season was... just no. I do no understand how anyone could like that abomination but oh, well... people are different but why not abstain from the whole comparison betweens shows, especially since the two shows have very different interpretations of Holmes. Also... boohoo, spare me the "one of the greatest friendships". Most of the stories/tv shows are about great male friendships, I can't be bothered to see ONE interpretation where the gender is changed and see it as this huuuge canon-break. I so don't understand why people can't have competent and intelligent and even backbone having Watson. Watson in Sherlock is such a push-over, I can't believe it. It is not healthy nor is good... the fact that it is treated as funny does not mean it is funny.
  14. She clearly indicated she was. She pulled her hands with ease, she said she had it under control... and she has shown she is not stupid. So... manipulation is the only logical option.
  15. Yes. :) I enjoyed the fact that Ikki was manipulating the hell out of the guards who really didn't take a kid seriously enough to realize they are being played. :)
  16. I am a bit unsure, the whole idea of the Avatar catching on quickly is the fact that the person remembers something leartn and re-leartn so many times... again and again. However, practicing and studying is what makes a bender a master, so... maybe? I mean... she is having issues connecting to her spiritual side (though that has changed a bit) and in many aspects, is still developing herself as an individual but I am queasy on the idea that someone with her physical abilities would be a bad bender if cut from the memories of the previous benders before her, since bending is exension of the will. However, since her will is hurt that extnsion suffers, so I think it is a person who is broken in many aspects, trying to proceed with her life and not what she would have been if she wasn't the Avatar. :) I hope that makes sense. :)
  17. Is it just me who found weird "I don't love Audrey, so I can zap her"? I mean... I would have scruples zapping almost anyone but if I know they would not be seriously hurt by it, I would zap someone regardless if I love that person or not. The idea that Nathan couldn't press that button, because he can't stand the idea that Audrey is hurt even for a second.... surrendering her this in general to basically dying is... extremely stupid. -rant over-
  18. Can anyone explain why the hate for the movie? I really liked it and I have read almost all of Hellblazer and the sister titles, nods and so on, for the life of me, I can't understand why that movie is so disliked. I think the actors were great, they went in a completely different direction in many aspects in regards to the movie than the comics and there were some awesome moments... I have seen a lot of movies getting so much hype for delivering less than half of what the movie did. I know, I know... all is subjective... ;)
  19. Yeah, I kind of am not seeing it, especially in regards to communism, since the very concept of communism can't be connected in any way with what was shown in the show, Maybe because I am from a country in which we had that for a long time, I am more familiar with the actual practices of it but mostly... there are different types of communism. The rest... I do agree, especially for Anarchism/Capitalism references. :)
  20. To be honest, I kind of get the logic behind the confusion, two people changing identities, also, classical story from the same era... :) All is right. :)
  21. Are you referring to "Frankenstein" by any chance because I can't recall these two ever doing Jekyl/Hyde?
  22. Why so? P.s. I recommend searching for a Project concerning Free TV, might be good. :)
  23. I am weirded by the hostility towards Kitty. So far the show has been so good in hadnling these aspects, why is everyone assuming this would suck/she would suck? On what grounds? I can't wait... less than a week. :)
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