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Everything posted by Eneya

  1. Hardly. Deep diving has nothing to do with kickbox. :) I have trained martial arts most of my life... I HATE fighting with women, because most women don't mess around with trying to hit you, due to slimmer and smaller frames, women just aim to finish the fight as quickly as possible. Of course, this is a tv show, but mos fights end up from really close, you go for eyes, soft parts of the body/neck and so on... not standing two hands away and rolling on the floor. :) I almost expected hair pulling (though it is completely legit way to steal someone's balance). Real fight is not entertaining and is scary... just... for some reason the sleazy song with the recent idiotic episode in Perception in which we had random nudity and woman-on-woman kiss for no apparent reason irked me enough to be pissed by the cat-fight on the screen... Ah, never mind. In regards to the weapon, I think that it is not the weapon as well, I think it is random chance that they are ACTUALLY immortal and this is the first time they realize that, when someone tries to kill (kills them) and they are re-spawn to the place in which they died the first time, like it was their safe point. :)
  2. No, she was presented as someone COMPLETELY devoted to someone, that is NOT an equal relationship. She put up with his affairs... this is not a happy couple and is usually how poly relationships are portrayed, one of the partners is gritting his/her teeth due to love and the other is doing whatever his/her heart desires. Also, she wanted family... the fact that the person, her partner didn't want any and she didn't move over plus the fact that she didn't want to be in an open relationship screamed imbalance to me. I despise relationships in which one of the partners is a silent martyr... it's so... bad to see it as something that is happening and is normal while simultaniously showing poly people as cheating freaks who are also immoral (ahem, teeanged daughter of the artist dealer).
  3. The episode was really, really nice. :) The way she described stuff was amazing. Exactly the type of obnoxious and over-the-top sleaze the dead guy was. Buttery skin. Ew. I WAS really pissed by the yet again "if they are poly, one of them is incredibly jealous and would kill the other person", also, the wife was a doormat and it irked me quite a lot. Seriously, would it KILL them to write a happy poly couple/triade in which ALL of the members are happy adults who have dalliances (or a third person) AND be respectable to each other, be friends and care for each other? Not everyone thinks monogamy is all the rage nor is monogamous and I have always thought that poly-dinamic with be quite interesting to analyze. Ah, well. The roommate is that chick from Hellcats? Damn, I knew I have seen home somewhere, the fact that her hair is dark and not curly threw me off. :) Major is... well... boring. He did right by kicking her out while being able to almost put me to sleep. I do agree, the pacing was a bit choppy. Why did the ex-boydriend was all... well... aggressibe with Liv? She CLEARLY flirted with him, if someone is flirty, I will flirt back, not assault them. It was simply bizzare. Overall, I liked and enjoyed it quite a lot and I can't wait for the next portion. :)
  4. Or this is AFTER the bronze? For the hair, I am going to bet it simply doesn't hold on the hair or something. As someone from Eastern Europe with 5 languages, one of the most common responses I get when somebody is told I am not British, the reactions is always "oh... but you don't have an accent". I am weirded mightly by this idea that you can't learn a language very well and sound almost indisinguishable from the rest of the population. Ok, I do agree that for me it is a lot easier to learn to pronounce some letters softer than for other people to learn to enunciate them hard, but come on... she is a zombie... actual linguistics go out the window. :)
  5. The fight made me wince... it was so... bad. Have they never seen martial artists who happen to be women? If she is a cop, she'd have beaten the other lady preeety quickly.
  6. There was a similar episode on Bones. :)
  7. I am non-native speaker and I underatand everything he says. Is it possible that it is due to the sound volume?
  8. I was bored out of my skull. Kate was... for an entienth time, too incompetent to breathe. Same goes for Donny. I am not that sorry to see this show go.
  9. Slothgirl, thank you SO much for your comment. I was getting more and more frustraded reading the thread, especially the "you are reminded day in and day out that you are in love with an immortal being, that you will die and that says is getting closer and closer and no matter how much you try to push it ouy of your mind, it is a certanity and it is getting worse every time you laid your eyes on him". The idea that she should not be bothered confuses the hell of out me. Really, she shouldn't be bothered? How would any of you react in such a situation? I am betting money to donughts that most would have ran away a long time ago. Showing ANY kind of emotion, anger, hurt and betrayel (though no logical reason, still, it would be felt) is... entirely logical and quite adequate. I know, feeling hurt and tortured is ok, as long it is the male character but think about it... it is like you have a ticking clock and knowing you will die ON TOP with people reacting negatively would NOT make you feel better. With whom do you speak about it? Abigail has not been shown any friends, anyone to whom to confide... can you imagine having this emotional strain on one psyche having such a secret? There are no support groups nor anyone you can turn to, because this is a unique case and all the more lonely, because even the person with whom you share the predicament, is only on the end of the immortality. The dominatrix, I find it perfectly believable that she had a phd but the idea that she has now shown to be educated (though it was hinted she was highly educated and psychologically savvy from the get go) as a way to make her more respectable is a bit weird, especially since she was shown to be a therapis as well, which requires adequate education. Pushing it furder to also being able to teach in a college I find perfectly acceptable. Even if she wasn't a phd owner she still could have been a love option for Henry, regardless of occupation I think. I confess, I have a huge dislike for skinny blond women with curly hair because they always cast women who look identical in the styling, body and face, always too limited and no diversion. I don't hate the women, I hate the mold which is used to type cast a very limited pool of women because it makes them... identical and it is a bit boring. Outside of it, I don't like the acctress and her character was not well developed, she could have been a lot more interested in the mystery and shown to be a quicker thinker but oh well. :) In either way, I think my issue was mainly with the fact that she looked tired and either the acctress or the character or both do not have a dominating presense (I refer to turning easily into a center of attention or taking over in a group of people/asserting active or passive control), in short, she was supposed to be the part but it was never shown ina convincing for me way. The logic behind Henry getting away from her due to her emotional closeness is quite clear, getting emotional attachment with someone is not easy at the best of times and when you know it will turn to tears and that it wouldn't really work, it is not just taking a chance, it is deliberately shooting yourself in the foot. Henry is in an impossible situation and no option is viable. Random hookups, though making you feel good, could make you feel even more lonely and if you want something more serious, you will get hurt. Which makes for very entertaining television and character development. :)
  10. Honestly, I was talking more about menage-a-trois and I was not serious at all, nor I am interested in reading such interpretations, thanks... Just for a moment the idea somehow popped, something in the script has pushed to the association, mostly I meant it as a joke. Not a joke with people in such relationships but abot the stereptype. Nevermind. :)
  11. Crackpot theory time: Since we had the whole "Joan is not a fan of the standard relationships", then Moriarty helped and we already have Moriarty/Sherlock involvement... is it just me who wonders "could it be they are going in that direction???" It is completely bonkers, I agree... it just popped into my mind today and though I can see it not working on so many levels because of so many reasons... it could be also quite awesome. :)
  12. Sherlock did not make an interesting Moriarty, at least for me (the BBC show), I prefer N.D. and her version. :)
  13. Perfectly possible. My opinion is based on experience and quite frankly, on what is written, the arguments and language used, the context as well. Of course one could dislike a character... but when compared, mostly, female characters receive very similar treatment with almost identical reasons and even phrases.
  14. Well, he has always been very appropriately named. ;)
  15. In what universe is Bella considered tomboy?
  16. In which world is she considered small-breasted? I find her perfectly proportionate for her size.
  17. Huh, cultural differences maybe? For instance, I live in a place where people happily devour chicken hearts and liver and brains as welll, maybe I am just too desanitized to care? :)
  18. People are way too squacky... come on... Hanibal is so much more explicit and nobody bats an eye. Something that looks like pasta makes people uncomfortable? Huh.
  19. Yup, I saw it coming with the therapist. Not that long ago we saw Perception in which it was the therapist as well, also, yes... the type casting gave it away. And it was a bit on the nose how... orchestrated the whole thing was. :) Ah, well... :)
  20. OK, Joan being insto standard vanilla mono relationships kind of comes out of nowhere for me. On the other hand, it will be awesome to see some non-standard arrangement in which we are not intended to feel sorry for them or see them as damaged but just as a part of them. "You don't want a classical monogamous relationship but a poly or an open relationship? That's great, find a partner/partners who see it the same way and enjoy your life!" I have much faith in this show and the fact that they can pull that off. To be honest, I rarely if ever have seen a show where a menage-a-troi or any kind of non-standard relationship has been presented in positive light with partners who like and respect each other and I have always wondered why. So many people have lives that don't fit in that box, why do we only see it presented as sleazy emotional abusers with their long-suffering female partners who are not ok with it but can't break from it? Hm.
  21. As I said, it takes time to develop a character and it nicely shows how female characters are treated with a lot more scepticism and negative attitude, especially if there is already one female character in the cast. Hmm.
  22. I am a bit surprised, either Sasha Pears has simply put on some weight, which is perfectly normal, or she is pregnant... I can't explain in any other way the costume choices lately.
  23. It's official! I really like Kitty, I enjoy the actress and she is awesome (I am currently watching the last episode... something in the talk with Joan and then the way she moved away when the found the body with the maps... so much yes. :)
  24. I am always pissed how metal music is treated... seriously, metal is a bit more than DEATH and TRASH metal... (not that they are bad) and even if they were, seriously, how is it that much different in expressing emotion and state of mind than any other type of music? I see this mainly with US shows.
  25. I am a bit surprised... it is completely intentional... they used Watson as a way to stabilize Holmes. His wild, energetic, all-out is balanced by her calm, composed demanour, she is cool but not because she has no passion but because being a surgeon requires someone who controls himself... she goes even further in controling herself and her actions/emotions due to her work with people with addiction... I am surpsised how often women who act more composed and a bit distanced get pegged as boring, icy and so forth but male characters get a lot more positive descriptions and interpretations. I think it is sombined with the idea for the "emotional woman" and "rational/composed man"... it is a bit grating.
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