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Everything posted by Coxfires

  1. I don’t know about Connor, he has become such a non-entity at this point, I can’t even say he grates. Laurel was given the Season2!Wes treatment, what with being obsessed with avenging their SO. I always found that the show had a hard time balancing the K5, and this is still the case for me, and this ANTARES plot doesn’t resonate with me this season. I know this is primarily AK/VD show (as she deserves), but the lack in consistency in the « kids » writing is somewhat disappointing. Michaela deserves more support, Asher more depth, Connor a SL outside Oliver, the cast is talented enough but the writers fail them, I think.
  2. What a fantastic episode, even though losing Bob really hurt more than I thought. The poor guy was just a good good person, a little dorky but far from dumb, loving Joyce and her kids. So sad to see him bring games to cheer them up and end up dead. At least he went as a true hero, and they didn’t make him a bag guy. All the props to Sean Austin for making him so endearing. Everything with Will was pure win, because Noah is incredible but also because all actors brought their A-game in the « memories sharing » scenes. Plus the direction left me hanging on the edge of my seat, it was masterful. Steve has evolved so, so much, what a delight he was this season, especially with Dustin! Unlikely but fantastic pairing. The « Steve??? » chorus was hilarious! Eleven’s come back was just perfection, everyone lined up ready to shoot, and then her entrance, and Her and Mike’s reaction... Epic.
  3. I totally agree with this. I would I loved to get therapy/anger management scenes and plotline for Alex because just like Meredith, he has a shit ton of baggage and issues but the writers dropped the ball and missed the opportunity. To be frank, I didn’t care about his RL with Jo after theDeLuca beating, they should have dropped the whole jail stuff, tone down the beating and use it as a way to explore the character but no, instead we had The Sisters!!!! Drama and it left us with the sense that Alex didn’t face any consequence and that everything was forgotten. Really bad writing and missed chance at an interesting storyline
  4. So basically Laurel and Annalise now share a the loss of a child in common, wonder how that will play out in the future and their interactions
  5. My streaming quality wasn't that great and I also thought that Harry Lloyd was Rhaegar, but maybe as you said they just all look similar. I wasn't picturing him like that either.
  6. What would I like to see? Some real character exploration and a actual story arc for both Alex and Jo, independently and eventually as a couple. There were many times that Alex's character could have been more focused on, like after he was shot (put under the rug to because the writers preferred concentrating on Derek and Cristina and only used it as a way to bring Mark and Lexie back together) or at the beginning of last season. Same for Jo, nothing came out of last year's SL, they completely have stopped exploring her professional growth and we still don't know more about her, except her name that popped out of nowhere. Less Maggie, or, if we have to have her shoven down our throats, make her mature and tone down the neurotic tendencies. And no more stupic teen attitudes from her and Meredith regarding Riggs. Enough with Owen and Amelia and the need to create annoying drama for them, it is redundant and frankly grating. Give something meaty to April and Jackson. And, more generally: stop stalling and create storylines that actually go somewhere, because this season was boring as shit.
  7. Personnally, that is precisely what I liked in Misfits (the frist two seasons, that is), the fact that they didn't care about saving the world or that kind of stuff, but were more dealing with their abilities, while still leading their kinda screwed up lives. I liked the britishness of the show that was spinning every usual trope on its head and went ways that weren't totally previsible, but most of all, I loved how hilarious and irreverent it was. And I feel a remake would deteriorate it by trying to "fix" the show. Hate him or love him, but Nathan was a fantastic character. Kelly is the kind of girl that would never be cast/portrayed in a conventional US TV show. Curtis' break up with his first gf would have been handled differently, Nathan's ode to screw ups wouuld never make it. I agree that they changed Simon's personnality a bit from S1 to S2, but that wasn't such an issue. what was what what came after, starting S3, when the writing decreased in quality and lots of situations were rushed or episodes more stand-alone, when I felt that S1 and S2 tied all episodes together better, with consaquences of one early episode emerging bck in later ones. I wouldn't want a US remake of it, I don't think the initial flavour could be found again.
  8. I disagree, there was a lot of character-work in it, particularly regarding Maze and Amenadiel. I liked that they paired up unusual people like Mum and Chloe, Amenadiel and Dan, and that the Linda/Maze friendship was put in the forefront again while having Lucifer also realize that time on earth didn't change only him but Maze, and that he had fucked up in taking her for granted. Plus, nice development of the plot, I really liked that one.
  9. Another catastrophe in Seattle Mercy Death. Ugh. They should have gone another route than "his liver could bleed out at any time!!" for the rapist because Stephanie's actions make no sense afterwards, particularly trying to set the guy on fire rather than kicking him super hard when he was trying to set the smoke detectors. The kid was annoying and creepy, and I don't give a rat's ass about Minnick and Arizona. Megan being alive is the utmost disappointment, what a badly written SL. I missed a few episodes this year, did we already know Jo's real name? I probably missed it. It was a little nice to see Alex thinking before acting for once, but this is stalling and for a story about a woman survivor, it is sad for the main protagonist not to be active in it. Another badly handled storyline. Not sure how I feel about the finale, I just hope Stephanie won't be killed. I agree with whomever said she should have just left because she felt her capacities were wasted, or, iif they iinsisted on the rapist SL, because she wouldn't want to come back everyday on a workplace where she had been assaulted (with the highest rate of mortality ever).
  10. I don't think she'll die either, but I can see her not wanting to come back to this place again. And seriously this hospital has the worst security ever, I mean, Meredith was attacked not so long ago, the shooting...Seattle Mercy Death indeed.
  11. For me this is the biggest issue with this show right now. Characters are featured in an episode, but in the end, the are not developped. Yes, Alex appeared and had scenes in the first 9 episodes, but what more do I know about him? Why did he react so violently? Could he do it again? What are the consequences on his psyche? I can't answer any of these questions. And same for Jo and DeLuca, who were involved in the arc, we are basically all back to square one, so it was 9 episodes for nothing. Riggs and Meredith is a joke, and the pseudo-triangle with Maggie is beyond ridiculous for people their age. For April and Jackson, well, at least they are back together I guess. I hope Minnick will get Penny-ed and leave ASAP, because that is hell of a fail of a character. The whole season feels like a giant filler, but maybe this is why ratings are still high. I mean, you can put the episode in the background and still call your friends, iron your clothes or play Candy Crush while it plays, you know you won't miss anything big anyway.
  12. So much of this. With the bloated cast they have, this could have been an opportunity to center real story-arcs around the other characters, particularly the men. I know that this is a mainly women-driven show, but come on, couldn't Alex, Jackson or even DeLuca benefit of this for a while. Instead of the big pile of nothing that we got out from the Alex situation, couldn't we get a real psychological analysis of the character? Deal with the why of his violence instead of restricting him to being sad to have to work for the clinic? Take the opportunity to bring some of his family or go deeper in there? And DeLuca, why not get the opportunity to know him better? But no, they wallowed in half-assed stories with a stupid resolution, that invalidates everything, with no consequences whatsoever. I think it goes beyond the pregnancies, the writers are just out of ideas, or at least of good ones, none of the storylines going on are interesting, people act like 15 year-old teenagers, and it results in this uninteresting, boring season.
  13. I can understand that Laurel lost a guy that she not only loved but who she considered a friend first, but I do agree that she annoys me, mostly because she acts as though Wes was a saint who was so much better than anyone else. I mean, yes, the poor guy had a shitty start in life, but he did kill Sam and happily covered it up, let nate take the fall and shot Annalise with the intent to kill her. Her saying that he deserved so much better than any other person in their circle is what grates me.
  14. Though I understand that romance and couples are quite mandatory aspects of a TV show (not everyone is aromantic as I am), most of the time I dislike when characters are paired, because each part of the couple loses his own agenda and personality and is reduced to the relationship. Although, they managed to avoid it IMO with Asher and Micheala by making them both evolve, not only as a couple but as individuals, so good points for that. Eve and Annalise was also a great pairing due to two extremely strong and compelling actresses but also the quality of their relationship as whole. On the contrary, Connor and Oliver are one of those couples that are more unnerving than satisfying, I pray for no wedding bullshit next year. Let Connor have more personal storylines and more interactions with non-Oliver characters because Connor is more interesting to watch when interacting with Michaela or Annalise (and JF elevates his acting when paired with stronger actors than Conrad Ricamora who is OK but not that great).
  15. Yes, she knows, they had an argument about it with Annalise telling Bonnie "now that you've done it, you are a monster" or something like that.
  16. @truthaboutluv Amen to all that post. I don't excuse Connor, but when his worst offence is saying insensitive things while 3/4 of the characters have murdered people, calling him the worst makes me roll my eyes.
  17. I don't mind Annalise pining it all on Wes at all. I mean, Alfred Enoch is freaking adorable, but Wes wasn't a white angel either. He did kill Sam and cover it up. He did shoot Annalise over Rebecca and was about to kill her if she hadn't called him Christophe, and though I understand Laurel loved him, he wasn't better than any of the rest of the bunch. LI always loved Laurel but here she irked me a bit. And yes, Wes is dead, so if, at this point, Annalise ternishes his image but lets all of the others off the hook, I don't mind at all. After all she orchestrated Sam's murder cover up and involved them into it to protect Wes, so I'm fine with it. And I also don't mind Connor being whiny, or lost or contradictory in his actions, because not everyone is cold blooded as Laurel is, not everyone is bordering psycho as Bonnie and Frank. Of all of them, I find him to be the most realistically unhinged by the situations they are in, and the body count that surronds them all. I get being torn between guilt and self-preservation. I get loathing yourself for being a coward when it comes to make the right decision (like going to the cops), and I understand how being conflicted makes you lash out at everyone esle. His reactions are the ones I feel are the least "TV-esque", and that is because of all these flaws that I really like the character. Some of our resentments and feelings aren't always rational, or are rooted in cowardice and denial/deflection, and I feel this is really well portrayed through Connor. As for the rest, the mystery and all that jazz, the show has always been OTT, so I really don't care, it usually makes little sense anyway, but the actors keep me engaged in it. Since I don't put too much effort iin it, this finale satisfied me. I liked that there were lots of quiet moments, a glimpse of introspection into Michaela's feelings and finally Annalise acknowledging and wording her grief over Wes' detah. I don't think he is his son at all, but I get that she transferred her maternal instincts on him after the stillborn.
  18. I wish the show would disconnect Connor from Oliver next season, because JF has indeed potential and they could do more with his character than stuck him with Oliver. They have hinted at some backstory, so I want more on that for the character. And Michaels's too.
  19. I agree, and that is something a bit disappointing this season. even if Oliver breaking up came abruptly, I hoped it'd help exploring both characters individually, but it lead instead to a bit of a mess, especially regarding Connor. The character has been stuck in this state of constant self-loathing with no proaction nor character development and it is getting tideous. I'd be all for a clear breakup and seeing Michaela and Connor get more character study like Laurel had in the past season.
  20. I think that, on the contrary, what kept me engaged in the show despite the atrocious first episodes of S1 was how it would go against (some) tropes. I liked how Murphy's Law turned out, I liked how the Culling wasn't prevented, I liked that the expected triangle Clarke-Finn-Raven fizzled, that Finn did die and wasn't saved at the last minute, etc. The show managed during S1 and S2 to implement great storytelling aspects and unexpected turns, so things like Roan awakening convienently from his bullet wound was something that I didn't like in the previous episode. Just like the last shot of the woman who disintegrated from radiation was too much and looked fake. It is a pity because the universe expansion that the show did was great, but I feel like the more basic situations of S1 & 2 that centered around a smaller number of people was more engaging than "saving the world!!!!" as you say, S3 was a real disappointment, so maybe we are less forgiving now.
  21. I have no issue with Connor and Michaela being friends, notably because of the schism that existed between them and the Laurel/Wes tandem. I don't see their friendship as going out of nowhere, but on the contrary I have seen how they went from antagonist to two people who realized they had more in common than they thought and finally found support in ech other. Yes, they didn't show it overtly with Connor, but particularly in S2, they have shown his teasing of Micheala to be more out of affection than snark as it was in the beginning (when he was teasing her about Levi, for instance). I really liked their conversation last year when Micheala expressed how she didn't want him to go. Unlike others, I don't need big displays of affection between them to get that they are close, it is just there (but that probably is due to the actors getting along pretty well)
  22. Well, we'll agree to disagree on this, because the way we see things are just too different, so let's keep it at that.
  23. Whatever the reason AK blackmailed him with, she still made clear she had something in her sleeve to keep him quiet, and he has no reason to trust her when she says that he could quit, the point was to make him know that she had the power over him. Him being resentful is still just as valid. And just because he goes along with the charade doesn't mean that he has to be all rosy and happy-go-lucky about it, this is just called being conflicted, and he has vocalized it. But what he lately was more pissed about is the secrets and behind-the-scenes stuff that AK has been doing along with Wes, and it is easy to understand why, while being stuck in deep shit, he is still left out of what is really going, because you never know what my blow up in your face with people like AK, Frank and Bonnie. what started for him as a "simple" case of bieng at the wrong place at a wrong time one night snowballed into being entangled in a mess of lies and dead bodies. Just because all of the others have brushed it off doesn't mean his own feelings towards this situation are invalid. And it was also pretty clear, between his sinister rendition of Jingle bells and his frantic chopping of Sam that he was having a serious breakdown and was scared shitless and freaking out, so I could see how his view of things changed once he had some hindsight on the situation. Once more, he is conflicted about what he should have done and what he did and is stuck in a place where he has no solutions. So he feels screwed, and I can't fault him for that.
  24. Yeah, I saw it the exact same way, an emotional shut down rather than a display of schock and sedness. I also think the show wanted to portray the different reactions that exists when confronted to a situation like that. Not everyone grieves or emote in the same way, and I thought that Connor's absence of emotion was more an indication that Wes' death was the last straw. As for him being a whiner, I have seen it expressed many, many times on the boards, which always ticked me off. Yes, he went along the night of Sam's murder, but I could understand perfectly why he was resentful of Wes and the others. He was at AK's house because Wes begged him to bring him there to save Rebecca. Sam was killed to save Rebecca. Wes asked them to cover the murder to protect Rebecca. He discovered afterwards that AK had been the one orchestrating the cover up (which she did to protect Wes and none of the others initially) only to be blackmailed because of his car. AK forced him to cover up for Asher, and on, and on, and on. He isn't totally blameless at all in all this, he went along with the cover up instead of going to the police, but I can understand how he would feel like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time because of Wes and got screwed because of that. And then, after all that clusterfuck, his gateway plan is torpedoed by his boyfriend who dumps him right after. Plus, it always felt like Laurel and Wes were in cahoots with AK to pull strings behind his (and the other K3) back. Would I be dejected and pissed at life if I was Connor? Yeah, probably. So, I could get behind him being the snitch. He was particularly salty and acerbic with Thomas, I could see him deciding to get back to Annalise, but not kill Wes. I wouldn't have thought him as the killer if it wasn't for these boards.
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