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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. I have to admit that I have a soft spot for the 2005 P&P with Keira Knightley. I usually hate unfaithful adaptions, but this one is so well shot and acted. It might be because it was my first exposure to P&P and Austen in general (I read the P&P novel later), but KK and MM sparkled against each other and I think on a whole it captures the spirit of the story. I don't mind the scene in the field at the end, but I prefer the scene in the book and would rather have seen that acted out in the film. But overall I liked the little changes. I love the novel as well!
  2. Rooney seems quite private -- I haven't seen enough of her offscreen to really get a sense of her personality.
  3. I did like that they actually had Philip's German brother-in-law, and Philip himself, speaking German while in Germany. They could have easily just had him speaking accented english (which he did do) the whole time.
  4. Dylan Minnette deserved a nom too (if not more), it wouldn't have worked without his performance.
  5. I actually recognized him! Julian Ovenden, who was also on Downton Abbey as one of Lady Mary's love interests that didn't pan out. Although I recognized him from the tv show Smash where he actually played singing JFK.
  6. I didn't really think of that, but I agree @Spartan Girl. I can't imagine she has that much power over casting, and if she's overruled what can she really do?
  7. Slightly unrelated but I just found out that the actor plays Michael Adeane (Will Keen) is father of Dafne Keen who was Laura in the Wolverine film Logan. It's incredibly weird to relate that movie and this show to each other.
  8. I thought the same. He doesn't resemble Matt Smith at all. He does look like he might grow to look like the real Prince Philip. Well, more than Matt Smith does.
  9. New trailer! Not gonna lie -- Rodrigo and Haley look adorable as a couple. Not a fan of her new hair tho.
  10. I love how mysterious and mythical Elizabeth seemed from Lord A's POV. She just appeared and then disappeared, like a ghost!
  11. Poor Philip looked so clueless at the end there, watching Elizabeth give birth! Probably the first time he's done that, and indicative of their reconciliation. I didn't notice until you pointed it out! Those are some fabulous gams! And you know those are real, #nofilter.
  12. I think I read (in an article posted by someone here but I can't remember where) that due to a bit of passive aggressiveness between Elizabeth and Jackie, Margaret (and I guess Tony by extension) wasn't invited. Elizabeth knew that Jackie wanted to meet them, so she disinvited them. After a bit of google, it's this one from the Washington Post:
  13. I kind of love that last season Mountbatten was wrapped in some of the political intrigue of the show, and now he's just "Dickie"
  14. Cecil the poetry-reciting royal photographer is the best. I hope he really was like that
  15. Philip's disdainful asides when the Duke's request was first brought up at the beginning of the episode were hilarious
  16. Wonder Woman? Really? It was good but tbh Spider Man Homecoming was better.
  17. I don't know, in the midst of all of these sexual harassment scandals a female centric film like Lady Bird could really get a boost.
  18. Wanda and Vision are totally gonna get together in this movie and then he's gonna die, isn't he? That's just mean. Speaking of him, I wonder why they went with CGI for Thanos but used what seems to be a combination of practical effects and CGI for Vision.
  19. Was Reputation eligible for the Grammys this year? Or was it too late?
  20. OMGOMGOMG! what the last 9 years of movies have been building up to... and paul bettany gets to take off the makeup for a second!
  21. I forgot about that scene! It was great, and actually made me vaguely interested in seeing the film
  22. I thought the depiction of WW was great, and she was the best part of the movie (as she should be) but the story was not nearly as well written as she was.
  23. Karen does carry a gun, unlike those other ladies. And she's definitely not afraid to use it.
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