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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Eh. I thought she was a good, if unremarkable, captain. At least she didn't step on toes the way Ross did and allowed more freedom the way Deakins did.
  2. I kinda hate how Stevens gets totally ignored around here. I think she was the one Nichols partner not forced to take a backseat to him whenever they were busting perps. I remember Wheeler and even Eames were. Gotta say my favorite Stevens moment was when Callas sent her undercover and she used Saffron Burrows's real accent. If only because it allowed us to see what a killer body Saffron had. I didn't even mind the catcalls she got when she returned to the station, because . . . why not? She had a good body, she knew it, and she clearly loved taking it in. I guess every once in a while, I love seeing the female detectives flaunt what they've got.
  3. Maybe that's why they're going. To find out for themselves.
  4. "Tru Love" was on yesterday. And it had what's probably one of my most favorite Wheeler moments in it. Did anyone else think the auto mechanic had a bit of a thing for Wheeler? She was making eyes at her pretty openly. Wheeler's facial expression told me she had to have suspected that. Then, when she and Logan revisit her later in the episode, she confirms she's a lesbian with a girlfriend. Wheeler's subsequent smile tells me she did indeed suspect that. Julianne certainly wasn't the strongest or best of actresses on the show, but she gave Wheeler some pretty good facial reactions.
  5. I seem to have gotten ignored twice in saying this, I'll do so again. I really wanted to give the less-than-favored kid a hug at the end of the episode. And I get the feeling, based on their reactions, that Goren and Eames looked like they really wanted to, as well. Anyone else feel that way? Probably helps that she didn't go off half-cocked when it came to some things the way Logan did.
  6. Both sorry and not to see Laura & Jackie go. Sorry because they at least seemed nice. Not, because they easily chose the Detour that was so obviously a trap for no other reason than they wanted to meet one of their idols and stuck with it when it might've been smarter to choose the kung fu Detour. And then, they get bad luck in finding a taxi after it's all over, allowing Sukhi & Jinder to get by them. While the reminders of their vegetarianism did get annoying, at least they were decent young women. And much more root-worthy than Rex & Bob and probably Alain & Audrey. Oh, well. Maybe one of them could go next time. Down to rooting for Natalie & Meaghan, Cormac & Nicole, and Sukhi & Jinder now.
  7. There's one other time, actually, and that's when a time incurs a penalty and finishes in last either due to it or before even serving at, at which time it's applied to their start time on the next leg. Everyone here has pretty much echoed my thoughts on Rex & Bob. They're damn lucky that Shawn got injured and that he and Jen had to withdraw, or they'd have been goners. While I can still like them as people, I, too, will stop rooting for them to win after this. Still rooting for Natalie & Meagan the most, especially after seeing them dominate despite their Detour switch. Laura & Jackie are also being rooted for, though they had an off leg this time. Cormac & Nicole did very well, too, and I'm still rooting for them. And I'm glad Sukhi & Jinder recovered after stopping to charge their car. On to episode three now!
  8. I' mpersonally happy to not hate any team. Well, the only one I might hate down the line is Alain & Audrey for their bickering and Rex & Bob if they get a bit too queeny, but other than that, no one stands out as particularly awful just yet. That said, my main rooting interests are Natalie & Meagan (kick-ass women's team), Laura & Jackie (see Natalie & Meagan), Cormac & Nicole (cute parent/child team), and Suhki & Jinder (nice, funny siblings). None of the men's teams excite me all that much yet (though I'm glad that none of the three alpha-male teams are chest-beating douches like the ones in our own country's version). Jen & Shawn seem sweet, but otherwise feel like easy cannon fodder, and would've been had the Muslim girls not taken the penalty. All in all, the tasks were terrific. The show's really taken better care to put this race together than the American version. The race has actually been tense (save for the question of the elimination), and position actually shifts! Amazing! Can't wait to see more!
  9. I definitely think she's in on some part of this. She protested a bit too much, too stridently got hyped up when it was brought up as a possibility that someone in her own household could've let Zaheer and the others in, and wanted to prove her truthfulness a bit too quickly. Wouldn't be surprised if the map she gave Korra was really to lead her, Mako, Bolin, and Asami into a trap.
  10. And "Jones" was just on ION again tonight, and I finally got the full quote: "Plenty. I need to go wash off the slime."
  11. That was season eight, when Eames worked with Nichols. I don't know where he was when she worked with Wheeler in season six.
  12. Meh. Another thing I'm not bothered by because at least Abigail doesn't see herself as a victim. She knows she's not and has been saying as such. Actually, she seems kind of shocked everyone else sees her that way.
  13. I think the reason Abigail's mostly gotten less of the blowback than Sami and E.J. is because most of Salem sees what she did as small potatoes. And really, it is small potatoes, at least compared to things other people in Salem have done. And even I see it as small potatoes compared to others' crimes and transgressions. So I'm not bothered by her getting less flak. And I really don't care who is bothered by it.
  14. I don't think Lin needs to apologize for what happened when Su was a teenager at all. But she did need to apologize for how she handled things with her family in the aftermath. I wish Korra and the others would just meet these new villains, though, and get on with it!
  15. I mentioned it in Eames's thread, but I'll say it here, as well. When, after being fawned over and hit on by the evil lawyer drowning his mistresses in "Jones," she stood up after Goren relieved her and said that she needed to "wash off the slime." Not really the words themselves so much as Kathryn's clearly disgusted delivery is what I liked about that line. Sometimes it's the lines that don't stand out as much that get to me. :)
  16. Oh, I know she was. I just wonder if she recorded that for Howie (since he and Rachel were both on the block that time) and production accidentally put it into Rachel's goodbye package instead of Howie's?
  17. Meh. I'm all for the douchebags getting their comeuppance right quick, or ASAP (it was why I was so happy with the early eviction of Jeremy last season), so I'm cool with Devin going. Caleb's also needed some comeuppance, though, so I'm okay with him going, as well. I don't give two shits if they're "entertaining" (which I don't find either guy to be in the slightest). If they're douches, especially unstable ones, I want them out NOW, not later. No matter how boring things would become.
  18. Well, at least there are finally some Airbenders who wanna be okay with the nomadic lifestyle.
  19. While I don't doubt that she should, it shouldn't bad of Jennifer to want to at least defend her from the onslaught and then chastise her later. Not that you're wrong. I remember, back when two of the best writers this show's ever had, Paula Cwikly and Peter Brash, were the head writers, they actually did have Roman force Sami to stay and face Lexie's wrath over switching Theo's paternity test before he later unleashed on her, too, telling her that if she'd done the proper thing, no one would have a right to trash her.
  20. Um, shouldn't a mother instinctively protect her child? I don't see what's wrong with Jennifer doing that. I think everyone's so full of hate for her, it's rather conveniently being forgotten.
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