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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. What do "food scientists" do, exactly? I know they sort of explained it in their opening interview, but I'm still not completely clear on it.
  2. MyAimIsTrue, Shelley is the mother with the short, blonde-ish hair and the higher-sounding voice. Nici is the daughter with the long, black hair and the lower-sounding voice.
  3. She did laugh when she mentioned it, though, so I'm sure she was joking.
  4. Shelley is the mother on the mother/daughter team. Her daughter is Nici.
  5. For all that everyone's been saying about Lisa & Michelle, to their credit, they saw him, too. One of them told the other to go to him for the location of the first finish line. Shows they really are fans of the show that they apparently recognized him.
  6. I typically root for women's teams, and unlike most, what they did didn't bother me that much. Adrenaline's running, people do things they otherwise wouldn't do. They did get smacked by karma, though. Not since TAR12's Ari & Staella or TAR14's Preston & Jennifer have I been so glad to see a first elimination. It would've been interesting to see how they'd have done in future legs, but I think this ending for them, after what they did to Michael & Scott, was just perfect. The only "too bad" I have for this is that I was so excited that they finally saw fit to cast four women's teams this season, something not done since TAR17, only to see one go out first.
  7. I like them, for the most part. It's good to have another Boston team. But they'd better not mention it or the bombing of the Boston Marathon too much. Good that they karma-slapped Lisa & Michelle, but they were also way too rough if they cut one of the girls.
  8. I loved these two in Survivor: South Pacific. They were mostly invisible, but I liked that they each gave that overrated little weasel, Cochran, a separate talking-to that he greatly deserved. And I like that they're kind of an obscure choice of castaways to bring onto the race since they aren't that well-known due to their near-invisible edit on Survivor. That said, if they could quit that task, I don't see their survival being long-term. They might not stand up to anything very well if they could quit that.
  9. I find it heavily awful that Robbie piggy-backed off Shelley's help. Though then again, this'll teach her not to help others when you might be at or near the back of the pack. Hope they survive next week's preview.
  10. Cute, adorable, and definitely scrappy (as they said in their own pre-race video). Not a good finish, but perhaps they can make up for it next week (or perhaps not, if that preview is of any indication). I'm glad to have our first Asian dating couple. That is, our first straight one (Tim & Te Jay are our first gay one).
  11. Quietly competent so far. Good show by Amy to know how to work angles, being a scientist. Hoping they keep doing well. And I liked her looking up quizzically at Adam when Lisa said the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. I had these girls pegged as my favorites from their pre-race videos, so I hope they give me a reason to keep saying that about them!
  12. I like them, as well, but I hope the show doesn't beat Bethany only having one arm into the ground. Adam does have a nice bod, though, and I was glad that Alli noted it. Even Whitney admired it, in spite of her engagement to Keith!
  13. I like Brooke so far, but Robbie is already seeming to be a little bit much. Not hateful, but just kinda annoying. And he also owes Shelley for helping him with his compass. Without it, it wouldn't surprise me if he'd joined in the penalty race, too. That said, I hope they can stick around for a least a bit to show their real selves, not their wrestling characters.
  14. I definitely like these girls (though then again, I've liked all but two women's teams -- Kim & Leslie and Danielle & Dani). They hustled, they were funny, they were definitely enjoying the experience, were the one team on the first flight not to be worried about the Save, and just gave it their all. Alli rocked the Roadblock, too, so kudos to her! They seemed really happy with third place.
  15. As long as they don't get too flamboyant in their behavior, I'll be fine with them. Although if Te Jay's mother didn't know Tim was his boyfriend, not his roommate, then she sure knows now! Good shot at getting second place, though he owes that to Jim telling him the right way to use the compass.
  16. Jim looks kinda scary. But he at least figured out that compass. I hope that Misti has some skills at the race, too. For now, creepiness aside, I like them, and that Save was definitely earned on their part.
  17. Not too bad of an opening. I like that it did have a task that stumped almost everyone, yet at the same time, proved to be a good bunching point. Team thoughts now: Misti & Jim: Yes, I agree that Jim looks kinda scary. But he at least figured out that compass. I hope that Misti has some skills at the race, too. For now, creepiness aside, I like them, and that Save was definitely earned on their part. Tim & Te Jay: Okay, our first Asian gay team? Wonderful! As long as they don't get too flamboyant in their behavior, I'll be fine with them. Although if Te Jay's mother didn't know Tim was his boyfriend, not his roommate, then she sure knows now! Good shot at getting second place, though he owes that to Jim telling him the right way to use the compass. Kym & Alli: I definitely like these girls (though then again, I've liked all but two women's teams -- Kim & Leslie and Danielle & Dani). They hustled, they were funny, they were definitely enjoying the experience, were the one team on the first flight not to be worried about the Save, and just gave it their all. Alli rocked the Roadblock, too, so kudos to her! Brooke & Robbie: I like Brooke so far, but Robbie is already seeming to be a little bit much. Not hateful, but just kinda annoying. And he also owes Shelley for helping him with his compass. Without it, it wouldn't surprise me if he'd joined in the penalty race, too. That said, I hope they can stick around for a least a bit to show their real selves, not their wrestling characters. Adam & Bethany: I like them, as well, but I hope the show doesn't beat Bethany only having one arm into the ground. Adam does have a nice bod, though, and I was glad that Alli noted it. Even Whitney admired it, in spite of her engagement to Keith! Amy & Maya: Quietly competent. Good show by Amy to know how to work angles, being a scientist. Hoping they keep doing well. And I liked her looking up quizzically at Adam when Lisa said the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. I had these girls pegged as my favorites from their pre-race videos, as well, so I hope they give me a reason to keep saying that about them! Dennis & Isabelle: Cute, adorable, and definitely scrappy (as they said in their own pre-race video). Not a good finish, but perhaps they can make up for it next week (or perhaps not, if that preview is of any indication). I'm glad to have our first Asian dating couple. That is, our first straight one (Tim & Te Jay are our first gay one). Shelley & Nici: Glad to FINALLY have another mother/daughter team after Andie & Jenna from TAR17 were our last one eight seasons ago! (Or sixteen, if you count Wanda & Desiree from TAR9 as the last true one.) I find it heavily awful that Robbie piggy-backed off Shelley's help. Though then again, this'll teach her not to help others when you might be at or near the back of the pack. Hope they survive next week's preview. Keith & Whitney: I loved these two in Survivor: South Pacific. They were mostly invisible, but I liked that they each gave that overrated little weasel, Cochran, a separate talking-to that he greatly deserved. And I like that they're kind of an obscure choice of castaways to bring onto the race since they aren't that well-known due to their near-invisible edit on Survivor. That said, if they could quit that task, I don't see their survival being long-term. They might not stand up to anything very well if they could quit that. Michael & Scott: I like them, for the most part. It's good to have another Boston team. But they'd better not mention it or the bombing of the Boston Marathon too much. Good that they karma-slapped Lisa & Michelle, but they were also way too rough if they cut one of the girls. Lisa & Michelle: Again, I typically root for women's teams, and unlike most, what they did didn't bother me that much. Adrenaline's running, people do things they otherwise wouldn't do. They did get smacked by karma, though. Not since TAR12's Ari & Staella or TAR14's Preston & Jennifer have I been so glad to see a first elimination. It would've been interesting to see how they'd have done in future legs, but I think this ending for them, after what they did to Michael & Scott, was just perfect. The only "too bad" I have for this is that I was so excited that they finally saw fit to cast four women's teams this season, something not done since TAR17, only to see one go out first. Yes, a very good premiere. This looks like a good season with a very good cast. I don't hate anyone yet! Just a minor annoyance or two. Hope that it delivers!
  18. He could be talking about Drew, assuming he was still wearing a blue buff. Already, it seems like Hunahpu doesn't fancy him all that much.
  19. I've seen ones for Amy & Maya, Brooke & Robbie, and Keith & Whitney. But that's all.
  20. Hands up if you're tired of Adam and, yes, even Blake mentioning their past wins ad nauseum. We get it. You guys won before! GIVE IT A REST!
  21. As most of us thought, the drama with Jennifer wasn't anything major. She was okay. Just dehydrated. Hell, I thought the women were all but guaranteed to plow ahead strongly with both Janai and Denine gone. But it seems like Kalen's emerging as an even weaker link than both of them. She really lucked out that they won the service tonight. I'm beyond infuriated that the jerks on the men's team succeeded in their plan. Steve, Aaron, and Santos trying to sabotage their team just to sink Fernando, Frank, J.R., Sterling, and Bryant was just . . . ugh. I was so hoping at least Santos would be gone, but he didn't even go up for elimination. If one of the weaker links had to go, I'd rather it have been Frank. At least J.R. tried.
  22. The actress is good, but I still think True's doing a good job as Paige. However, while I'm not big on Mary Beth, I think the actress could be a keeper. They could easily tie her somehow to some long-gone black characters of the show's past like Marcus and/or Gail, if they could find some other roots for her to lay down on the canvas, too.
  23. Once again, Paige is mostly ahead of the game!:) She didn't put the whole puzzle together, but she definitely seemed to be on to Mary Beth. She was giving her the side eye something fierce. And J.J. continues to be as sharp as a tack. We're continued to be reminded of how and why they're the most mature couple on the show, despite being the youngest one. Not to mention the smartest one.
  24. Oops! And the editing feature is no longer available on that post. I don't know why it expires after some time. So here it is instead!
  25. Well, I was rooting for Natalie & Meaghan, but a Mickey & Pete win works for me, too. Really, as long as Ryan & Rob didn't undeservedly win, I was cool with it. Actually, the way they ran the latter half of the race, them being the team to completely fall out of it and finish third on the final leg seems and sounds about right.
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