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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Actually, that was explained in the Wonderland spin-off.
  2. I think there must be more, since it's hinted at by other teams in the bonus clips.
  3. It was definitely Amy & Maya, the food scientists, who did. Bethany said that Amy gave her an extra pair of shoes last week.
  4. It's mainly Amy. Maya looks perfectly lovely. Amy doesn't look like a classic beauty, but she still looks pretty cute to me. :)
  5. Mine, too! Though it's sad that it seems like the only way people will talk about the "alternate" pair for this season is by discussing this episode. Other than that, talk of the "main" pair resumes.
  6. Same here! They are cute, funny, and adorable without being desperate to show it to the cameras. And they're very competent at their tasks. A higher finish this week might've come their way were it not for the damn construction guys. Quiet competence earns them my seal of approval! :)
  7. If you look at their team thread, I'm totally on their team. They're my favorites, followed by Kym & Alli, and then Shelley & Nici.
  8. Wow. Dick move of Josh to take the credit for Kaila's team-saving idea with the potato chips. After he did that, I was more than pleased to see him hit the bricks. He was good, but wouldn't shut up about how good he was. He needed to take hints from many of the women (most notably, Dora, Danielle, Marida, and even Kaila) of how to be good, but also be humble about it. Dale . . . just shut up, in general. You're very clearly the villain of the season, and not a very pleasant-to-watch one, either. Just plain annoying. I definitely like this version more than the U.S. version. For one thing, the contestants are actually civil and polite to one another. There seems to be no major back-biting or trash talk like there is in the American version. And the judges are nicer (save for Alvin, though even he has his nice moments and actually smiles more than Joe does). And I can name several chefs I'd be happy to see win, a stark contrast to the American version, on which everyone for whom I rooted got cut in short order around the middle of the game (Christine, Victoria, Ahran, Willie, Jaimee, and Christian), leaving two dregs in the F4 with the two contenders who obviously outclassed them (and whom I also liked, but still . . . not as much as the others). Right now, I'm for all of the women (Dora, Marida, Kaila, Julie, Danielle, Tammara, and Carly). Mike's too much of a cipher for me, in spite of his appearance in the top four in the burger Mystery Box Challenge. Eric and Pino are okay, but they're not gonna last for much longer, I don't think, unless they can pick it up. And enough said about Dale.
  9. Eh, Ashley, Sade, and LaTasha don't bother me, actually. Frank and Bryant are sort of okay, just mostly silent. And since Jennifer's at least competent behind her trash-talking, I'm not that bugged by her, either.
  10. Meh. Kym & Alli's antics didn't bother me. It's not like it was done in B.J. & Tyler's all-too-obvious type of mugging. And the editors weren't forcing it down our throats like they did theirs. So I'll take the girls' "mugging" (which I don't even consider it to be called) over the phony Hippies'.
  11. Isn't this episode three? Who changed it to episode four?
  12. The editors actually keep showing us why. They get stumped at "figure it out" tasks so easily, but can make up time with purely physical tasks. That must be what keeps them in for so long. Still, it is amazing that they make it that far. Leg one, the compass task in the Virgin Islands was completely stumping Robbie. He only got out as quickly as he did because Shelley stupidly helped him. Leg two, they wasted a lot of time at the Changing of the Guard Detour in London and were only saved by the physical punting task in Oxford. Leg three, they wasted a lot of time at the Light My Fire Detour in Scotland and were only saved by the physical sheep flocking task. I'm betting more help from other teams or physical tasks will keep coming up at the right time to save them, right until the F4. In any case, the boot order so far seems to be happening as said. Lisa & Michelle went out first, Dennis & Isabelle went out second, and now, Michael & Scott have gone out third. Now the next boot depends on whether Chateau's PM to me on RFF is accurate and Keith & Whitney do go out fourth, or he/she was mistaken and Shelley & Nici do instead.
  13. Main reason I'm pretty much stymied that anyone would be sad to see them go. Nice guys, sure, but . . . they weren't gonna win. I mean, their chances were pretty slim from the get-go, and Scott's injury all but made them slimmer, if not nonexistent. Leave the race to the eight teams who'll actually be contenders, boys.
  14. And like I said above, another early-ousted team of firefighters, just like Matt & Daniel. Honestly, while I'll miss Michael a little, I don't think I'll miss Scott. He was almost as defeatist as Brooke, complained almost as much, and was too quick to give up at the sheep. Good on them for rocking out the Detour, I guess, but honestly, while their elimination wasn't totally their fault (the guy who told them to go all the way to that faraway town deserves way more blame), Scott's sprained ankle would've taken them out eventually. Also, I was interested and invested in them the least of the teams. So now, eight far more interesting teams remain! Later, boring dudes! Bring on the eight teams who are actually engaging! :)
  15. Navigation clearly isn't their strong suit, even though they can do their tasks reasonably well. They did well to recover from getting their Detour clue in last, but faltered again in driving to Berry Farm, and even more in doing the sheep task. Honestly, they'd better count themselves as extremely lucky that Michael & Scott got that bad advice about their medallion, or they would've been hot, buttered toast! Shape up, gentlemen!
  16. The girls were so close to a higher finish this week! I enjoyed their dancing in front of the pub! Cute, and kinda hot (and I'm not even a straight guy)! They dominated that Detour, but lowered their place due to going to the wrong dock. Nice recovery to beat both teams who passed them at that Detour to the sheep task, and good keeping their cool with the sheep themselves. Having seen more of them, I'm loving them a lot more and wanna see more of them next week. Seems like we do, by the looks of the preview!
  17. Yet another week of defeatist Brooke, this time at the Light My Fire Detour. I give Robbie a lot of credit for calming her down once more. Then, they make up time admirably with the sheep. Rushing in front of Kym & Alli wasn't cool, though. They knew they weren't last, so what was the point other than getting a higher place and pissing off another team?
  18. Ouch! Pretty solid leg, figuring out the right way to cut the peat and then dominating with the sheep with no real problems, only to miss out on second because those guys gave you bad information about the medallion. But I loved their reaction to the empty church, and I loved their reaction to at least coming in fifth even more! Much better job this week, girls! Hope you can keep up the good work, since you're still my favorites! :)
  19. Nice recovery, ladies! No whining or crying from Nici, either! They did well with the Shetland pony and seemed to do okay with the sheep once they figured out how to corral them. Their joy at fourth place was adorable. But I wonder what Nici is getting upset with Shelley about at the Pit Stop next week? Shelley had better not be quitting, or refusing a save if it's an NEL! I'm hoping it's just exasperation at having to go back and complete something they didn't previously finish or do correctly.
  20. Happy third anniversary, you guys! These two did a great job throughout the leg, for once! The only real slip they seemed to have was going the wrong way to find the Vikings. But other than that, very solid! Working their way up, indeed! Surprised by no Survivor reference made when they had their torch, though.
  21. Let's stop the mentions of Bethany's one arm, okay, Adam? Bethany's not beating us over the head with it, so you shouldn't, either. Good job by them to finish second, even though they have Amy & Maya's local guides to thank for giving them bad information.
  22. Well, at least Jim looking so jacked is explained. He did some competitive bodybuilding! This team's still not hateful, but Jim's starting to lose me. Please stop the bloviating. Just let your racing performance speak for itself. That's why Meghan & Cheyne's TAR15 domination and Rachel & Dave's TAR20 domination were a lot less irritating. They let their performances speak for themselves. That said, nice racing, even in spite of the ornery Shetland pony and the sheep. But I'm still waiting for Misti to do a Roadblock and show that she can be more than Jim's pretty sidekick.
  23. Pretty good episode once again. And unlike some others, I still love this cast very much. I liked the Detour choices. Ornery animals out of your control vs. a building task well within your control, yet still a navigational component. The sheep flocking was hilarious and brought me back to every animal-handling task I can remember, most notably TAR15's duck-herding Roadblock in Vietnam! The same top two as last week, but a bad suggestion en route to the Pit Stop made that happen more than anything. I just hope the same two teams aren't topping the standings every single leg from here on out. I don't want another TAR9 on our hands! That season alone was nightmarish enough! Even better, I'm not big on men's teams, so seeing both of those teams in the bottom two, guaranteed to have one of them sent home (unless it was an NEL, which we all now know it wasn't), was like Christmas come early for me! Even more so when the less interesting, far more boring team of the two went home, leaving the highly interesting one behind! Now, then. The teams this week: Misti & Jim: Well, at least Jim looking so jacked is explained. He did some competitive bodybuilding. This team's still not hateful, but Jim's starting to lose me. Please stop the bloviating. Just let your racing performance speak for itself. That's why Meghan & Cheyne's TAR15 domination and Rachel & Dave's TAR20 domination were a lot less irritating. They let their performances speak for themselves. That said, nice racing, even in spite of the ornery Shetland pony and the sheep. But I'm still waiting for Misti to do a Roadblock and show that she can be more than Jim's pretty sidekick. Adam & Bethany: Let's stop the mentions of Bethany's one arm, okay, Adam? Bethany's not beating us over the head with it, so you shouldn't, either. Good job by them to finish second, even though they have Amy & Maya's local guides to thank for giving them bad information. Keith & Whitney: Happy third anniversary, you guys! These two did a great job throughout the leg, for once! The only real slip they seemed to have was going the wrong way to find the Vikings. But other than that, very solid! Working their way up, indeed! Shelley & Nici: Nice recovery, ladies! No whining or crying from Nici, either! They did well with the Shetland pony and seemed to do okay with the sheep once they figured out how to corral them. Their joy at fourth place was adorable. But I wonder what Nici is getting upset with Shelley about at the Pit Stop next week? Shelley had better not be quitting, or refusing a save if it's an NEL! I'm hoping it's just exasperation at having to go back and complete something they didn't previously finish or do correctly. Amy & Maya: Ouch! Pretty solid leg, figuring out the right way to cut the peat and then dominating with the sheep with no real problems, only to miss out on second because those guys gave them bad information about the medallion. But I loved their reaction to the empty church, and I loved their reaction to at least coming in fifth even more! Much better job this week, girls! Brooke & Robbie: Yet another week of defeatist Brooke, this time at the Light My Fire Detour. I give Robbie a lot of credit for calming her down once more. Then, they make up time admirably with the sheep. Rushing in front of Kym & Alli wasn't cool, though. They knew they weren't last, so what was the point other than getting a higher place and needlessly pissing off another team? Kym & Alli: The girls were so close to a higher finish this week! I enjoyed their dancing in front of the pub! Cute, and kinda hot (and I'm not even a straight guy)! They dominated that Detour, but lowered their place due to going to the wrong dock. Nice recovery to beat both teams who passed them at that Detour to the sheep task, and good on them for keeping their cool with the sheep themselves. Having seen more of them, I'm loving them a lot more and wanna see more of them next week. Seems like we do, by the looks of the preview! Tim & Te Jay: Navigation clearly isn't their strong suit, even though they can do their tasks reasonably well. They did well to recover from getting their Detour clue in last, but faltered again in driving to Berry Farm, and even more in doing the sheep task. Honestly, they'd better count themselves as extremely lucky that Michael & Scott got that bad advice about their medallion, or they would've been hot, buttered toast! Shape up, gentlemen! But the two men's teams being in the bottom two was like red-letter day for me! :) Michael & Scott: Honestly, while I'll miss Michael a little, I don't think I'll miss Scott. He was almost as defeatist as Brooke, complained almost as much, and was too quick to give up at the sheep. Good on them for rocking out the Detour, I guess, but honestly, while their elimination wasn't totally their fault (the guy who told them to go all the way to that faraway town deserves way more blame), Scott's sprained ankle would've taken them out eventually. Also, I was interested and invested in them the least of the teams. So now, eight far more interesting teams remain! Later, boring dudes! Again, a fantastic and even funny episode!
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