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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Actually, she kinda does. Meanwhile, Kym kinda looks like Amy from TAR23.
  2. I think that was just a joke. She did say it in kind of a joking manner. . . .
  3. Agreed. I don't get the praise they're getting when it wasn't all that special that they remembered the capitals.
  4. Yeah, in their pre-race video, they did admit that Kym tends to talk more than Alli. Kym is loud and out there while Alli's quieter and more reserved.
  5. I think you got them mixed up. Amy was the one who did the eyebrow thing. Maya was the one with the pixielike reactions.
  6. Very light, I'm glad they kept it. The episode was amazing. From Korra's interactions with Toph, Mako's with Wu, and Kuvira's with Su, I was entertained the whole way. And yes, I'm really eager to see this spirit plant development.
  7. There was also a nice musical parallel to that episode, too. But you would probably only have noticed it if you had a musical ear like I do. When Korra has her sparring match with the Firebenders, it's the same music playing then as it was in the pilot.
  8. Luke was annoying, for sure, but he and Margie had a solid dynamic. Their only real blowup came at that Detour in TAR24, when he broke some glasses out of frustration and Margie made him pick them up. I was only going by parent/child teams who difficult dynamics with each other, not with other teams. Shelley & Nici look like they're going to approach that territory.
  9. It was extra info about the Roadblock. Sometimes, tasks come with extra info the audience isn't usually shown. In this case, it was.
  10. TAR20 had one on its eighth leg. Brendon & Rachel and Vanessa & Ralph were U-Turned, but neither team was eliminated because Nary & Jamie were too far behind with no bunching point (though they might've beaten Vanessa & Ralph if they hadn't had their own Speed Bump to worry about). Also, TAR22 had one on its tenth leg. Mona & Beth got Speed Bumped and had to face a Double U-Turn with their alliancemates, Joey & Meghan, whom they eked out to avoid elimination. The very next season, TAR23, had one on its eighth leg. Nicky & Kim got one put on them for only the pettiest of reasons by Tim & Marie in addition to their own Speed Bump, but because they were already far behind, anyway, with no bunching point, they couldn't overcome either one and got eliminated. And then, in TAR24, Caroline & Jennifer had a Speed Bump to do on the tenth leg while Jet & Cord and Brendon & Rachel (who'd already passed by the U-Turn) got hit with the U-Turn. So it's happened before. Yeah, I'm not too willing to believe he meant a word of that, either, until I see him show it. I think that was just for Phil and the cameras that he said that.
  11. Wheeler and Stevens already worked with Nichols, and both seemed to like him well enough (even if the real-life portrayers didn't like each other).
  12. Ooh, both of those are tough ones. Though I think Barek would rein in Goren since her one real quirk was her tendency to talk to herself aloud to make sense of crime scenes. Goren was . . . well . . . Goren. Logan and Eames, though . . . hmm. I can't imagine who'd outsnark whom, so that would be tough. . . .
  13. Ah. Then in that case, yeah, it must be their navigation. That needs to be worked on if they expect to win this race.
  14. No. Not historically, per se, but at least five parent/child teams have had this issue, whether slightly, moderately, or majorly: Nancy & Emily from TAR1, Gus & Hera from TAR6, Ronald & Christina from TAR12, Michael & Kevin from TAR17, and Laurence & Zac from TAR19. I'd throw a "maybe" to a sixth team, Hoskote & Naina from TAR23, but they were gone first and thus not around long enough to see for sure.
  15. So last week, they aired the two-parter, and while I do love how they mixed the two teams and had the men and women split off together at times . . . I do wish they'd mixed them up in different ways and showed us how Goren might've worked with Barek, and Logan with Eames. Might've been interesting for a scene or two.
  16. They were actually only beaten once. They finished the Detour well ahead of Brooke & Robbie, but got to the Roadblock right at the same time they were getting there. It was only going to the Pit Stop when they were beaten. They must've gotten lost long enough for Brooke & Robbie and Keith & Whitney to pass them up.
  17. Not to defend Shelley's behavior, per se, but I can see why she finally shut down and did that. She was trying to make sure they did everything carefully (but still quickly) so they could catch back up, and Nici spent the whole leg smarting off, talking back to her, and practically getting in her face about things as early as when they were looking for their car at the airport. It's a bit understandable to me that it could possibly have worn her down. I do think she shouldn't have damn near sabotaged them by not telling Nici about the Pit Stop, though.
  18. Honestly, just looking at his face in their confessional when Misti said that Jim was supporting her, I have to think you're right, TudorQueen.
  19. For one leg only, yes. They just give it to Phil when they think it's an elimination leg and keep on racing on the next leg. Once it's given up, though, the next time they finish last, they'll be out. But since it was an NEL this time, they got to keep the Save. Unfortunately.
  20. Yeah, I knew Ginnifer was pregnant last season. Just not that Josh was the father. Interesting to know.
  21. We've had early ones before. Fourth-leg NELs have happened in TAR6 (saved Don & Mary Jean) ,TAR16 (saved Jordan & Jeff), TAR19 (saved Liz & Marie), TAR20 (saved Bopper & Mark), and TAR24 (saved Brendon & Rachel). TAR18 also had a TBC there (saved Kent & Vyxsin), as did TAR23 (saved Nicky & Kim). TAR17 had one on the third leg (saved Michael & Kevin), and TAR9 had a TBC there (saved Dave & Lori), as did TAR22 (saved Chuck & Wynona). And TAR15 had one on the first leg (saved Maria & Tiffany), as well as TAR19 (saved Bill & Cathi). TAR18 had a TBC on that very leg, too (saved Jet & Cord). So early NELs and TBCs aren't unheard of.
  22. That tone was not supportive. At all. In any way. He was clearly annoyed that she was taking so long and trying to hold it together.
  23. After a leg that was really harsh to the teams, we end with some leniency that, frankly, leaves me cold. After losing the fuel challenge, biffing both Detours, and Misti needing nine tries (more than any other person!) to complete that Roadblock, they should've had to give that Save up. That Phil gave it back just because it was an NEL was B.S. They should've given it up and lost it after finding out they'd wasted it. That said, let's hope this gives Jim some humble pie. If they win another leg, though, we'll see if it does.
  24. Wow. Quite the drop for them. But they suffered from failing the fuel challenge, switching the Detours, Adam's memory problems at the Roadblock (Bethany, that was one you could've done easily), and navigation. It was relieving to see them finish seventh after all of that, but hopefully, they can recover on the next leg. Still, for one leg, it was good to see them and Misti & Jim not be the top two, for a change.
  25. This team did a good job to recover, especially after arriving in last after getting a delayed flight. I was surprised they saved their fuel despite the tension of being in last. I admire how they stayed calm enough to pay attention to detail at the Detour, and good on Nici for clearing that Roadblock in one try (and apparently being the only one to do so!). But then . . . Nici proceeds to lose me, likely for good, right on the mat. Seriously. Shelley's not just your teammate, lady. She's your mother. Respect your mother. She was right in what she said. I feel for Shelley and agree that the sooner they lose, the better it might be for Nici. Though at the same time, Shelley shouldn't have nearly screwed them over by not telling Nici about seeing Phil on the mat just because Nici smarted off to her or whatever. Both are right and both are wrong, and if they don't shape up, they'll be gone sooner rather than later.
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