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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Finally, Kalen's gone! When she told Ramsay she thought she'd done a good job when she really hadn't, I couldn't believe it. I knew she needed to go. And she only proved how undeserving she was at being there when she kept asserting that she'd done well in her final words. Hopefully, the women will now be stronger with her gone, but the preview with Katie doesn't look good. Seems she's gonna be the new weak link. How the hell did Roe not get put up for elimination after her failures at the garnish station? Katie didn't seem to do anything major tonight. I went into this season thinking, especially after the women's stellar first service, that this would be a woman's season to win. But man, I'm starting to think it's gonna be a man's season to win now.
  2. I'm more shaking my head at what she did out there on the stage than how long ago her mother's death was. I mean, really? How conceited is that to make them do that for her? I'm glad they turned her entitled, haughty ass down.
  3. Goren solving EVERYTHING, and Eames never getting to be the heroine. I know everyone here is so desperately in love with him to the point of me wanting to throw up and kill someone, but him being so all-knowing all the time just frustrated and, eventually, bored me. I always liked the "alternative" pairs' episodes more because it meant it'd be up in the air as to which member of said pair would solve the case. With Goren and Eames, you always knew Goren would be the one to crack it.
  4. I don't know. Kristen Merlin made it very far last season despite being montaged through both the blind auditions and the battle rounds and almost made the finale but for the B.S. last-minute Twitter Save so obviously used to save Christina.
  5. BK1978, on 30 Sept 2014 - 12:04 AM, in the 25-01 episode thread, said: Don't wanna get too into this in a TAR thread, but what the hell? Why not? Only Ozzy, Jim, and Keith did that. Whitney and Dawn were the ones who tried to include him. He, in a lot of ways, ostracized himself from them before even getting the chance to try and bond with them.
  6. Yeah, he'd go out with that in his pocket if he did.
  7. Luckily, knowing they'd be doing Frozen this season -- possibly at least for the first half -- I caught the movie on Starz for the first time ever just last week to bone up on it. And I'm so glad I did! So many nods! Elsa! Anna! Kristoff! Sven! The trolls! A mention of Hans and his twelve older brothers! The snow monster! All we were missing was an Olaf appearance! What fun! How long do you all think it'll be till a "Let it Go" reference is made, though? As for the Storybrooke half . . . I didn't hate it. But yeah, there could've been more for the core characters. Though since everyone else has touched on other things I wanted to note, I'll just end here.
  8. Leave it to "Country Crossover" to remind us of one other facet of CI. As vile and horrible as many of the perps are, occasionally, we'll meet one or two who are otherwise good, decent people who made a mistake, or just got into a bad situation and handled it all wrong, like the couple Logan and Wheeler busted at the end of the episode. Neither one seemed particularly evil or horrible. Just got wrapped up in quite a mess (of their own making, granted) and chose the wrong way to go about it, but otherwise didn't seem so bad as people (though obviously, they still were rightly hauled off). YMMV, of course. I can't remember, though, if there were other perps who were also mostly decent, but also simply made a mistake or two.
  9. The repetitive dialogue is annoying, but IMO, it's got nothing on the late, unlamented Passions, which repeated its own dialogue every. Single. Episode.
  10. Lisa & Michelle are the owners and proprietors of one of the top real estate businesses in Miami. Just last year, they actually sold the most real estate in Miami and possibly all of Florida. With all the money they must make, I hardly think either one needs to be "discovered."
  11. I think the Roadblock determined some placements, too. Amy definitely rocked it by being better at measuring angles than most of the others.
  12. I'd say next week's preview shows that fatigue is already hitting Shelley. Based on Nici's crying or near-crying, it might've already hit her, too.
  13. Wait, Phil was actually there? I thought he'd just been edited in from a green screen or something!
  14. How is it not? Mona & Beth were one of the more competent women's teams in recent seasons.
  15. Misti is a dentist. Jim started out as one, but is now really an orthodontist.
  16. Or back to Tuesday, where it used to be. I have ZERO idea why they took it off that night in the first place.
  17. But Rob & Amber got screentime to spare when they were on Survivor (especially Rob). So people knew them. Keith & Whitney had the misfortune of being on a season in which the editors and producers decided that the big characters of the season (all male, by the way) should monopolize nearly all of the screentime rather than all of the castaways getting it equally. In other words, we barely got to see Keith & Whitney because their Survivor season was The Coach, Ozzy, Brandon, and Cochran Show with a Side of Jim. Hardly their fault, and I hate it when people try to make it that way. People on their season have said that both had personalities that didn't get shown a lot because the editing focused so heavily on those I'd mentioned. I believe them. Again, not their fault. I'd put the blame on Jeff Probst and his editing team rather than Keith & Whitney themselves. I'm glad they're on TAR since it'll give them more of a chance to show their personalities that Survivor wouldn't let them show.
  18. The Save is available till the end of leg nine, so likely around the F5 or F6, depending on how this season's elimination/NEL scheme has been mapped out.
  19. I definitely agree. They're both very supportive of each other, which is all a good team needs to be. Their bond may or may not take them far in the race, but I can see it taking them far in their lives.
  20. If Robbie doesn't mug so much -- and it even seems like Brooke hates his mugging -- they could be a favorite of mine. Until then . . . we'll see.
  21. I do worry about these small mistakes, especially since they went to the wrong counter at the airport and stayed there till it was almost too late to double back and correct that mistake. Seemed like if Adam hadn't picked up that something was wrong, they'd have ended up on that second flight instead.
  22. Really? Misti doesn't really bother me at all. I think Jim could down the road, but Misti seems pretty harmless.
  23. Well, this season's spoilers start out strongly with Lisa & Michelle indeed going out first. If they keep holding up, then Dennis & Isabelle are indeed the doomed team next week.
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