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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Natalie & Meagan's winning streak ends. I'm sad. Cormac & Nicole are gone while Rex & Bob are still allowed to fester. I'm even sadder.
  2. I thought the same thing immediately and am already wondering how Zuvira will figure into Book Four. Just one look at her and I'm already interested in her. Excellent finale. I'm glad the bad guys lost, of course, but I'm also glad they went down fighting like the bad-asses they were. Though P'Li's death threw me for a loop. Her head literally got blown off! Wow! And Zaheer. Airbent into submission, then constricted by an Earth encasement. Despite not much background, he's probably been one of my favorite villains of the franchise. I hope he at least gets an appearance in the last book.
  3. Was this the episode ending with her crying that she wanted her life back? After Mr. Korman from Scrubs was arrested?
  4. Kristen just made bail while awaiting trial. She hasn't gotten off scot-free yet.
  5. And, see, that's my other problem. Even if someone does mention their episodes, they acknowledge one detective on that team, not two. Those are two of my favorites, too, though. :)
  6. Granted, that was impressive of J.J., but at the same time, he spent the better part of a year hurting his own mother, so he doesn't have much room to talk. Wait, what? Are we watching the same show? Just a few weeks ago, Sonny was one of the many people trying to absolve Abigail of all blame, too, at TBD, and Abigail had to remind him that she wasn't blameless.
  7. I happen to not really give a damn about Goren or Eames (even though both did admittedly have notable moments and lines), so that's probably where my frustration originates. That and, as I've said multiple times, my boredom with Goren cracking every single case and Eames not getting her chance to shine even once. I like the Logan team episodes (with Barek or Wheeler) because they took down the perps as a pair. So it's frustrating to not see anyone who likes their episodes. Frustrating and gross.
  8. I think Logan referred to Goren in "Blasters" while talking to Wheeler, mentioning that he would've known the meaning of a phrase or term that she didn't know. Also, Logan was mentioned by someone in "On Fire," even though Goren and Eames were in the episode, not he and Barek. Finally, I'm just gonna say it. I love how everyone here will totally, happily mention Goren/Eames episodes, but completely discount Logan/Wheeler ones. Blech.
  9. So according to RFF, it seems the show listened to some people's comments. The final leg in L.A. was a self-driving leg.
  10. One thing I've wondered is whom Deakins is calling Logan in to meet at the end of season five's premiere? And then, we don't even see the person? Is he introducing him to Barek? If so, why do we have to wait for the following episode to finally see her?
  11. To be honest, I never saw the problem others have seen with Nicole. I never thought she was used that much. My brother was always frustrated by her because she always avoided capture at the last minute, yet from what I saw, she was brought to justice in the finale of season two. Really, the only thing that bugs me is that if she was going to be Goren's recurring nemesis, he should've been the one to take her out in the end, not his mentor, who'd never even met her before.
  12. Yes, but lots of episodes have late-in-the-game shifts to the true perp. I was asking specifically if any other shifts happened right in the final scene when the perp is usually busted.
  13. I also saw "Offense" and am wondering if this was the first and only episode of the entire series in which, during the final busting scene, the detectives actually had to switch gears mid-scene in terms of the perp they were busting? Logan and Falacci were so ready to bust the teenager for the Asian girl's murder, but then, his mother slipped up and said something that tipped them off that she was responsible, and they both suddenly had these "oh, shit!" looks on their faces when they realized that they might be wrong. Still, they surprisingly masterfully shift gears onto her without showing any signs of getting tripped up.
  14. I'm a bit curious as to why the show is streaming the rest of the season now rather than putting this on TV.
  15. Why is everyone comparing only the male detectives? In Logan's case, it was always Barek and Wheeler who dealt with the psychological aspects of their cases. So the Logan teams weren't that much of a contrast.
  16. EXACTLY! At this point, the overwhelming support for Sami and even more overwhelming hate for Abigail is just getting ridiculous to me. Abigail is taking responsibility for her actions. I don't blame her at all for her family and friends basically trying to relieve her of some blame. Because at least she knows she's responsible and has acted accordingly. The only thing that bugs me about her is that she's just sorry for what her actions did to people, not the actions themselves.
  17. If it took this long, it must've been that Veto Competition Kaitlin won last season, where they have to take turns matching something exactly or something.
  18. Dorothy: . . . They're just gonna nag you and nag you until you wanna grab their throats and choke 'em, but you don't, because you're in a hospital with resuscitating equipment!
  19. If you watch that scene carefully, you can see Dorothy's physically start to tense up, knowing she'll be hearing it from the other girls.
  20. I don't know. His venting about her to Ross later on kinda told me he really didn't like her. At least not at first. I don't know at which point he finally came around, but I just know that then, he certainly hadn't.
  21. Blanche: Well, I'm sure not putting my money into stocks and bonds. Hey, this is found money. This is fun money. This is "hot beaches and sweaty men" money. This is "getting naked and rolling around on the ground" money. Dorothy: (sadly) Even your money has more fun than I do.
  22. Not a lot, but you could see just enough that you knew she was wearing it. Wheeler barely wore any that I could see. Or if she wore any, it was concealed pretty well that she didn't look like she was.
  23. Ah, in that case, then, yes. I figured you meant in terms of cop work, in which case I would say no.
  24. I think the show played way too heavily on Jeff Goldblum's ability to play quirky, oddball characters. Without those oddball characteristics, Nichols could've been a better-rounded character than he was. Also, I didn't really appreciate how he completely overshadowed Wheeler after she'd spent two seasons working about evenly with Logan. However, I did like him better when Stevens was his partner. Her seriousness seemed to balance him out a lot better. I wouldn't call him the anti-Goren, though. He pretty much took the lead in busting his and Wheeler's perps (and sometimes his and Stevens's perps) in the same way that Goren would with his and Eames's perps.
  25. Much better! I get that Logan missed Barek, but there was no reason for him to be such a douche to her in her first scenes. I've never really cared about the naysayers here. Wheeler was always my favorite female detective. Add that to the fact that she worked with Logan, my favorite male, and they made my favorite pair of the series! :) I never got why whoever it was at TWoP thought that she worked better with Nichols. I thought she had far better partner chemistry with Logan. Plus, as least they got to bust the perps jointly and together! It's a personal thing, but to me, her and Logan's episodes beat out Goren and Eames's because they both played parts in the cracking of each of their cases, compared to Goren solving nearly every case and busting the perp without Eames. Also, I felt like Wheeler was probably the most real of any of the female detectives. Never came in wearing a whole lot of makeup (like Eames and Barek), and she didn't look overly modelesque (like Eames, Barek, and Stevens). I know many will claim Eames or possibly Barek as their favorite female detective of this series. But I'm a Wheeler fanboy, all the way!
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