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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Well, it's a condemnation from me. You ask me, it always defeated the purpose of one detective having a partner if one was always going to be the one to crack the case, but never the other. As I've said way more than once, it's why I appreciated Logan's episodes with Barek and Wheeler. Sometimes, Logan cracked the cases. Sometimes, Barek or Wheeler did. Hell, even Falacci cracked one or two her short time on the show. It wouldn't have killed the writers to have Eames or Stevens do the same now and then.
  2. Did they really, though? In the end, the case was still cracked and solved by Nichols, not by her.
  3. Thanks again, WendyCR72! I liked Eames (even though I wish she'd had a partner more willing to share the spotlight than Goren) and really liked that quote just due to Kathryn's delivery. She just delivered so many lines so well!
  4. I have to be the only one who didn't think either of them was the end-all, be-all of the show and thus didn't mind their absence. Because really, it wasn't a big deal to me when they were gone.
  5. Ramsay is an odd case to me in that sometimes, he eliminates someone based on one service, while other times are based on cumulative performance. For Denine, this was the latter. I guess he remembered her being up for elimination last week and wanted to nip her being a repeat visitor in the bud. But yeah, if he'd based it only on this week, Kalen would've been gone, for sure. Yeah, Kalen was more of the guilty party this week, as Denine really didn't do anything wrong. But I imagine Ramsay just didn't want to risk anything more with her while he thought he could still work with Kalen.
  6. Sami's got a bit of nerve comparing E.J.'s cheating on her to Marlena's cheating on Roman. At least Marlena actually loved John and had an actual history with him. E.J. had no feelings for Abigail whatsoever (though at least Sami acknowledged that). In both cases, the cheating parties were still equally culpable and accountable. But at least the former case was more understandable than the latter. Almost a pity Will can't at least be bi. I thought he and Zoe had some chemistry, unless I was the only one who thought that.
  7. Lastwaltz, unlike everyone else, I like Paige, too. :) I do agree that she's in need of some serious lightening and livening up, but given that most of her life has been dedicated to studying and improving her mind and education, she's probably rarely gotten the chance to be happy and have fun. So I sort of get it. And she's one of the few soap characters who, at least so far, has been consistently capable of smelling a rat and realizing that something isn't right or doesn't add up. And also, as I said weeks ago, she and J.J. talk things through after some time to cool down. Unlike most other couples in Salem. So yeah, I'm a Paige fan, and I won't be afraid to admit it! :)
  8. In which episode, after questioning a rather dodgy witness, did she say, "This is why I became a cop. You make so many friends?" I know it was either season three or four, but not the specific episode.
  9. I find it suspect that Ramsay kicked all of the women out for messing up at Wendy's table when that was really only two people who did it, but only kicked three men out of the other kitchen. That said, I was kinda okay with the women losing tonight since it meant a chance to get rid of Denine. She didn't do anything really wrong in service, but she was useless in prep and seemed to be an overall drain on the team. Maybe the women can do a lot better with her gone.
  10. Unlike everyone else, I won't miss Alain & Audrey all that much. They were too up-and-down in the placements for me. And they were poor navigators, to boot. Had they been even an iota better at it, Ryan & Rob would be gone, and they'd be in the F4 instead. But they've got their engagement, so there's that. Still rooting for Natalie & Meaghan and Sukhi & Jinder the most.
  11. Disappointed in the outcome. I strongly dislike Ryan & Rob and their excessive dullness and wanted them to go. That was a leg chock-full and bad decisions and they instead get rewarded for it with an undeserved save. Yuck.
  12. No, I really meant what Goren said to Hannah, not Sarah. He and Eames both tried to get to Sarah, but got nothing, so Hannah was clearly their only chance.
  13. "Tomorrow" was on today, too, and . . . sigh. I've gotta repeat how pathetic Hannah came off at the end. From completely freaking out and totally collapsing like a ragdoll just over Sarah . . . I mean . . . really. And I still don't understand what, exactly, Goren said to make her roll over on her sister.
  14. There may not have been any learning before coming to the show, but I did appreciate the women actually learning the menu the night before the first service and seemingly getting a hands-on lesson from Andi the next day. That was smart, and it was probably the big thing that led to them winning the first service.
  15. So apparently, the boot order above was shot down by Chateau d If on RFF. Here's what it actually is, not just by position, but by leg: Leg 1: United States (NYC) to Virgin Islands - Lisa & Michelle Eliminated. Leg 2: Virgin Islands to England - Dennis & Isabelle Eliminated. Leg 3: England to Scotland - Michael & Scott Eliminated. Leg 4: Scotland to Denmark - Either Keith & Whitney Eliminated, NEL, or Save Used. Leg 5: Denmark to Morocco - Either Keith & Whitney Eliminated, NEL, or Save Used. Leg 6: Morocco - Shelley & Nici Eliminated. Leg 7: Morocco to Malta - NEL or Save Used. Leg 8: Malta - Tim & Te Jay Eliminated. Leg 9: Malta to Singapore - Kym & Alli Eliminated. Leg 10: Singapore to Philippines - NEL (likely Amy & Maya saved). Leg 11: Philippines - Brooke & Robbie Eliminated. Leg 12: Philippines to United States (LA) - F3 of Adam & Bethany, Amy & Maya, and Misti & Jim. So the boot order remains basically intact, but Keith & Whitney and Shelley & Nici just swapped positions. The former Survivors are out in eighth place, and the mother and daughter are out in seventh.
  16. I'm from Winter Haven, FL, so I kinda feel like I have to root for La Tasha on principle to rep our city! Plus, she's one of the family, I think! Gotta root for one of my own! J.P. needed to go for the men. For sure. No way he was going to work out. Plus, he finished his signature dish way too soon out of cockiness and got a real smackdown for it. Also, Aaron did own up to his errors. J.P. did not. Ramsay hates a lack of humility. Glad Janai is gone for the women, but I get the feeling Denine might be someone who has to go, as well. The other women don't seem all that weak.
  17. That was Christie & Jodi from TAR14. They actually got exactly to the midpoint of the race and were booted at the F7. They actually didn't do too badly, as they did win a leg along the way.
  18. And don't forget the awesome "slime" line, WendyCR72. That was undeniably the moment when Eames let out her disgust with him in one quick, easy line. That line alone is why "Jones" is my favorite episode of that season. Not even joking. :)
  19. I should've specified they were the first coed one. I hadn't gotten to Tim & Te Jay's thread at the time.
  20. What I liked about that scene, in addition to what you said above, is that Sami had this look on her face as though she sort of knew that Nicole was talking a bit of truth there.
  21. And yet he barely seemed to remember he had a partner most of the rest of the time he worked with her. When she had her baby, Eames reacted very positively. Nichols took a few seconds before he even remember whom was being referred to. Did he ever address her by name, first or last?
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