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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I absolutely think Ramsay's just trying to keep the man/woman count as even as possible, at least in the early goings. So even when one team is clearly trouncing the other, he might still let the clearly inferior team win every now and then to make sure he can keep the numbers close. Of course, last season seemed to be an exception when he kept having the women lose at one point before he finally started sending a lot of men packing right after that. But other than that, I've seen the numbers stay almost completely equal leading up to the black jackets.
  2. Any previews to go on so we can see who's paired with whom and get a better idea of the end results?
  3. He was a genius the first time he wrote for the show. The second time, he was absolutely horrible at it.
  4. Me, too. Though I will say that I liked that they didn't make him completely stupid. He did have the presence of mind to realize that something was up and that the nanomask was involved. And only checking the women was reasonable since Agent 33 had mostly used women for disguises and he hadn't seen her disguise as any man but himself up to now. He just should've kept up the search for both genders.
  5. More than once, the heroes offered her a chance to be helped. Each time, it was during fights with her. Every time, she refused. But I'm sure they'd still want to help her if they could.
  6. They were Luke, DaNica, and Sugar. Elyjuh was sent packing after the Live Playoffs.
  7. I don't know why we're basing the idea of Mike winning on whom he seems close to after the show. The cast in general is close, so any configuration of people could be friendly. Even if they're close there, they're still in other alliances. I don't think they'd break them just because they like him.
  8. Yeah, there's something I've sensed that's disingenuous about Mike for a while now. Hell, I even think the whole spiel he made about how throwing the challenge was killing him didn't come off as completely real. I think it was just something he said because he figured it's what we wanted to hear.
  9. Ah. I remember that one now. I'll now add Brittany, Andrea, and Paige all turning on each other in "Mean." Just seeing the way Casey broke Andrea on the stand was a thing of beauty, as well as hearing that they were found guilty of all charges for their part in the other girl's death. Also, I loved Casey calling them what they were: "mean, vicious little girls."
  10. Joaquin just doesn't strike me as the type to let things go. I kinda had a hint of what a douche he was since the first episode, and he just went and confirmed it here.
  11. He's the general manager of the Florida Marlins.
  12. The guys are jerks who don't know what they're talking about. At this point, if Sierra were to flip on them, I wouldn't blame her one bit.
  13. I think it was Nolan. I saw no hints of a cut to allow a stunt double to take his place. I'm about eighty-percent positive that that was the real deal.
  14. I don't know why the grandfather would give Barry and Erica the lesson on how to deal with Beverly, only to come down hard on them once they finally put it into action.
  15. I pay little attention to the one-pair seasons, so no, I don't remember those scenes.
  16. Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy them while I can, too. I just hope the explosion isn't too big when it goes off.
  17. Joaquin immediately said, "YES!" when Probst said that Max was gone, so he was definitely not mad at him being gone. Didn't see Tyler's reaction, though.
  18. You missed the Pearl Islands example. Doing so caused one tribe to keep losing after they threw the first one.
  19. I guess she didn't like or care for David or Garrett enough to invite them, though.
  20. Natalie's winner's edit didn't start either until she swore revenge on Jon for Jeremy's ouster, after she found her idol, or, at the very latest, her moment of introspection and reflection at Exile Island, when she thought about Nadiya. I'd love it if Jenn were getting the winner's edit for this season. If nothing else, it'd stifle the ones saying Mike's getting one, which . . . I still don't see. He's getting a more sympathetic one than his allies, to be sure, but he still comes off as just unlikable enough that it doesn't feel like that sort of edit to me. Added to that, the company he's keeping is even more unlikable, and you don't wanna root for someone like that.
  21. I bet she spent most of their time on the pre-merge trip with Joaquin.
  22. In fairness, we didn't see how Brooke's battle with Bay went because she was montaged. But we did see Kelsie's battle with Brenna, and both were just dire in it. I'm gonna judge both of their Knockout performances, though. Who knows? Kelsie might blow me away way more than Brooke does.
  23. Oh, they were still married? I also vaguely remember them being exes.
  24. That's all I really wanted to see.:) Glad someone remembered they existed.
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