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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Not arguing, but the Hadid girls are not that hot either (as models, they ARE pretty girls).
  2. I think it’s simpler than that. It’s her ‘thing’, it’s her gimmick, she thinks it makes her look cute & special.
  3. The twins are mean & nasty. Clearly they’ve been getting away w this bullshit their whole lives.
  4. Right?! I got it for myself ~Cmas & then bought it for a friend undergoing some horrible radiation around her head & throat & she can't thank me enough!
  5. THIS is the best lip balm EVER!!!!! https://www.sephora.com/product/lip-sleeping-mask-P420652?skuId=1966258&icid2=products grid:p420652
  6. @MargeGunderson I've been wearing this for ~1.5 years now: https://www.sephora.com/product/meteorites-baby-glow-sheer-liquid-foundation-P394001?skuId=1666155&icid2=products grid:p394001 I love it & my mom wears it too :)
  7. Arrggghhh. I'm 3.5 episodes in & I have so many questions.
  8. I’ve always loved Sean Penn. it was amazing to see him smoking, bc in my life no one does any more! SC did say that he had seen SP a few nights earlier somewhere & thought he might want to smoke. I think Mrs Colbert died from old age, I will NEVER forget his tribute to her the night he came back from bereavement leave. I appreciate the hard work SP has done in Haiti, good on him!
  9. IMO, here are the rules for women re: what’s appropriate to wear at which age: . . . . .
  10. Right? Not one, but two disses! He’s always seemed... sleezy to me.
  11. Yes! I could see the . & ?? Between. Each. Word! Kandi’s eyeroll gave me an extra year of life! I wait 5 minutes for a meeting to start, 15 for drs, and varying amounts of time for friends. Kim is not Kandi’s friend. And Ace looks just like big head Todd.
  12. ROFL! I loved the asshole quotient analysis!!
  13. Yes, Stephen can be quite the asshole. HOWEVER. It's not a lifestyle, a. And b, what they're saying is "due to your choices [it's NOT A CHOICE] you're going to hell". That is hurtful.
  14. Well, I celebrated mines for 8 days & talked about it FOREVER. And, these women are eligible to dance at The Clermont Lounge now... I do LOVE the robe thing Nene wears at the hotel as well as the sparkley one that Cynthia is sporting. AND Nene's black sparkly jewelry she had one in the last ~20 minutes of the epi. IIRC, Eva was a horrible bitch her season of ANTM. However, she is pretty AND I believe people can change over time so maybe she has! If so, good on her!!
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