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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Asylum: when shit can/did actually happen, THERE'S your horror.
  2. I knew MKW was in this, but it took Naz's Emmy win to get me motivated. I'm home w a head cold & moving on to Epi 4!!!
  3. Asa is a phony mercedes is disgusting inside & out GG is the goddamn voice of reason
  4. The World Spins! my head is spinnng like Linda Blair's!!!
  5. Now now everyone, there's plenty of vulgar to go around!!! ;)
  6. Do we know who/what sliced them up yet?
  7. Are Slimey & wretchen still together? I didn't even recognize her, where did her original face go??
  8. Tiffany Haddish is THE ONE!!! And the movie is great. Watch other interviews w her, she's fantastic. I liked how SC was blushing a little :)
  9. I am right there w you (& other posters). Never again will I dismiss a mention of CO$ with a 'oh, they're so crazy'. Poor Rindah, he couldn't look any sadder. What I really want to know is how these women (& the ones from last season) made the leap from no education, no money, no/little support *TO* having a normal, nice life. Has someone set up a fund to help them out (bc I for one would damn sure donate to it)?
  10. This is what I thought too, they couldn't fly or something or other < a certain temp. I was also thinking vis-à-vis Sam & being tied to the wall: I feel like once the white walkers cross over, or the battle takes place, the wall will become a moo (TM: Joey) point, and may not even exist any more.
  11. You will be horrified and mesmerized!!! She KILLS it!
  12. Phew, if it weren't for these forums, I wouldn't know Jamie from Tyrion! J/k. I love Nickoli, so it's hard to hate on Jamie (for me). I've been rewatching the series (seasons 1-3 so far) & I had completely forgotten about Jamie, Brienne, and the bear!!! Jamie returned for Brienne & jumped in the bear ring to save her. Damn. And as AWESOME as it was to see Dany flying in on a dragon, her speech in Seas 3 when she freed the slaves was a HELL YEAH moment for me. I'd also like to see Tyrion riding a dragon & Jamie to kill Cersei. I did think for a split second Jamie was gonna be eaten by Drogon & I thought that would be a pretty cool death (for him, not me!). If I see Hodor as a wight, I'm going to cry like 7 babies.
  13. my god, what did I see? This man is not getting his money's worth n these icky ho's.
  14. But the Florida accents (dean Norris!!!) are so horrible. Why is it so hard? Michael Rappaport ALMOST made a season of Justified unbearable due to his HORRIBLE attempt. Damn.
  15. Everyone around here (ATL) is raving about the movie & I am going this weekend!!!!!!
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