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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Damn! Ended w a bang and a whimper!!
  2. He constantly interrupts!! I think 50 Cent was getting ready to tell some good stories and he just kept cutting him off! he needs to shut his pie hole.
  3. Nasty delusional shit for brains!!! She couldn't build a gingerbread house!!!!!
  4. I love this show!! “Tastes funny when you eat your own.”!!!!!
  5. Dylan’s character is so awful & funny, those photo shoot w the credits was hysterical!
  6. Is that a new haircut in your profile pic? SUPER CUTE!!!!!!!
  7. I think he looks bad bc he’s tired bc this is the hardest he’s ever ‘worked’.
  8. Kenya. Kenya kenya kenya. Just because you are not THE biggest asshole in a group of assholes for once, is nothing to crow & brag about. Cynthia. You are so beautiful, it's giving me LIFE. Congrats to her daughter for winning the gene pool lottery!
  9. My god, this woman. So beautiful. I am in love with her! STUNNING.
  10. I don't think Posha could NAME FIVE VEGETABLES. Vegan my ass.
  11. Jesus christ, that’s a hell of a bite!
  12. LOVED it. Startled all 6 pets more than once with my howling w laughter!!! My only regret: Charles not running into Diane during her period time. I was praying for the encounter, and I'm agnostic. ETA: you have to PAY ATTENTION at those Lido & Stevens meetings bc you might miss some snark or vital info!!
  13. Just chiming in to say how much I also loved this episode and I ADORE Constance Wu!!!
  14. Andy is not my favorite. And after I drifted thru the most recent ATL Ho reunion, it cemented what she said & what I've thought for a LOOOONG time: he doesn't like women & he's happy when they/we look stupid.
  15. I also saw Tig on Colbert a few weeks back & binge watched this one night last week. Hell, 6 episodes @~20 minutes each is like a movie! Enjoyed it, LOVE her. Thx to those who said the sound engineer is her RL wife, bc that explains the chemistry!! I'd love to see her stand-up now.
  16. I liked it, but see my screen name. It does look fake tho.
  17. My dad was 20-year Navy. I was in 2 different schools for both 2nd & 3rd grades, and then a different school every year after until... 6th grade or 7th. Brielle will be ok. Arianna's face is FUBAR, in fact, it's the definition of FUBAR. God damn, leave your face alone.
  18. Darn it. I commented this weekend & it didn't post :( Her faced is JACKED up. Dear jesus, how can Troy look at her & see the same woman? And, I will drop the F bomb on the regular, but her mouth makes me cringe. She's just so tacky.
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